Trump: Hillary Copied Me! Black Hillary Voters Switch to Trump! Hannity 9/20/16
Donald Trump has been growing voter support from black and hispanics and some Hillary Clinton voters are switching to Donald Trump.
Fox News – Hannity – September 20, 2016
know how they are going to play the end games for the New World ORDER

Oh, Hannity! You are definitely a homo. Keep on licking his shoes. He may
allow you to be his shoe shiner.
All the far left democrud stations says Crooked Hillary is way back up in
the poles.
and they are lieing over and over
Re Sign “The American Bill of Rights”. Un-alienable rights no government
agency can speak or demand any deviance from that list of ten absolutes –
UNALEINABLE!!!!! No permit required for our use of any and all of them.
Every new Government office must swear to this on the Bible!
Our Military need to be aware of Obamas Globalist speach at UN. And be
prepared to Protect America and Americans, all who have taken the Oath need
to prepare NOW.
The Judge is hot!
I am black. I hope trump wins. trump 2016