Trump Headed For Loss To Biden With The Right VP Pick, Dems Say | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Many Democrats believe Joe Biden can increase his odds of defeating Pres. Trump with a mobilizing pick for running mate, as Biden himself is touting four women of color on his VP short list. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on one of the candidates, Sen. Kamala Harris, in this edition of The Beat’s Backstory Series, which focuses on substantive reporting on the key figures in the campaign. “Harris stands astride so many fault lines in the democratic party – and America – right now,” Melber notes, citing “demands for diversity and power in the Trump era, a reckoning for a deeply cruel justice system, and the atavistic debate over who can deliver fundamental change.” The report provides an objective account of potential pros and cons in Harris’s long record as a barrier-breaking prosecutor. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 7/27/2020.
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Trump Headed For Loss To Biden With The Right VP Pick, Dems Say | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Trump Headed For Loss To Biden With The Right VP Pick, Dems Say | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC


  1. Harris or Rice is my pic. Warren can be Secretary of Something and help course correct the country.

    1. I don’t agree on Rice, I don’t want anyone from the national security state in the line of the presidency.

  2. Keisha lance Bottoms. Big city mayor, youthful, from a key state and would excite progressives.

    1. @Crom the Wise
      Unskilled at what? What qualifications does Pence have that AOC doesn’t. AOC has a bigger set of balls then Pence, when it comes to standing up to Trump. And AOC is much easier on the eyes then Pence. And at the end of the day AOC can make a mean Martini then knock a few down.

    2. @o-ptimus prime I agree not for president. I would not vote for white evangelicals fir nothing. They ste to corrupt.

    3. @Crypto /HydraJamaica blood is Africa blood u do know that right. Indian. Blood (natives), ah that’s definitely America. I guess u want to see her birth certificate huh

  3. He needs to choose Val Demings and he should appoint Harris as Attorney General so she can go after Barr, Trump and the rest of trump’s gang.

    1. i feel that val is a bit too inexperienced … and she’s a former cop. i’d like to see warren for VP, kamala for AG, and perhaps rep demings can serve as an advisor for police reform.

    2. @Nicolas Aviles when exactly was it that you were dropped on your head did it happen when you were young or recently?

    1. @Andrew Creech As oppose to an apprentice entertainer failed business man who steals…

    2. @Andrew Creech In tRUMP’S Administration Where Are ALL The People Right For The Job, Oh, That’s Right, THEY’RE Either In Jail Or Been Pardoned!!

    3. MSNBC = why Must the VP be a Woman and why Must she be Black ?? Answer = because “IDENTITY POLITICS” is the DemonRats favorite game 💡 … recognize the Bamboozlement and #WALKAWAY from the Democrats Socialist Plantation, see thru their Manipulation and join Us , the Enlightened Minorities and #WALKAWAY ❤👍

    1. @Lisa Garrison Now my house is brick with the nice architectural shingles – so I guess, cause the house is brick…and that’s a type of stone, I guess, I do…kind of live in a cave?

    2. @Assassin Dancer But hold on…she said I live in a cave. I’m trying to give her details about how I don’t live in a cave. Is that wrong?

    1. @Master Temple Not ruining his chances of winning the presidency like the other guy. I swear the one that says less will win.

    2. MSNBC = why Must the VP be a Woman and why Must she be Black ?? Answer = because “IDENTITY POLITICS” is the DemonRats favorite game 💡 … recognize the Bamboozlement and #WALKAWAY from the Democrats Socialist Plantation, see thru their Manipulation and join Us , the Enlightened Minorities and #WALKAWAY ❤👍

  4. Looked like the late PBS Editor Gwen Iffil speaking in the early clip. She was too great a journalist to be forgotten.

    1. I so agree – I miss Gwen Iffil! People of her caliber don’t happen nearly often enough. What a beacon she was.

    1. @Jose Robles she’s an American citizen… So what? What does that even mean. You can’t possibly be asserting that black people aren’t American citizens

  5. We need Harris as AG, it needs a firm woman to put this department back on track, she is that person 👍

    1. 🌞 We are being Bamboozled by the Leftist led Media >>> splash water on your faces & realize that Minorities have been Swindled for our Votes and then decimated by Liberal politics in Democrat run cities  👀  Detroit,  Minneapolis,  Chicago,  NY , Atlanta, Baltimore,  etc >> police brutality,  poor schools,  high violence and crime …..ALL Municipalities with Democrat MAYORS 💡  think about it and #WALKAWAY from the Democrats Socialist Plantation , #WALKAWAY    >>> reelect President Trump  👍🇺🇸

    2. MSNBC = why Must the VP be a Woman and why Must she be Black ?? Answer = because “IDENTITY POLITICS” is the DemonRats favorite game 💡 … recognize the Bamboozlement and #WALKAWAY from the Democrats Socialist Plantation, see thru their Manipulation and join Us , the Enlightened Minorities and #WALKAWAY ❤👍

  6. I love Harris, Warren and Rice, hence my quagmire.
    But I wished had not committed to a female running mate then spring a hefty surprise on RACE.

  7. Harris had a lot of baggage from CA. Being overly harsh in drug cases etc. If he picks her they better pledge to legalize weed

  8. I’d still rather have her stay in the Senate. I’m pretty sure there are some prosecutions coming that way.

  9. How about THE PERSON MOST QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB!! Or doesn’t that matter anymore?? I thought that was one of the arguments about Trump!!

    1. I am not American, but I understand why America needs a person of colour in that position at this period of time we are in..

    2. @Raquel Thomas Trump is the definition of unqualified. He is building a kakistocracy. Yet his followers think they’re FIGHTING the elite. It’s a joke.

    1. MSNBC = why Must the VP be a Woman and why Must she be Black ?? Answer = because “IDENTITY POLITICS” is the DemonRats favorite game 💡 … recognize the Bamboozlement and #WALKAWAY from the Democrats Socialist Plantation, see thru their Manipulation and join Us , the Enlightened Minorities and #WALKAWAY ❤👍

    2. @Warm Violet honestly VP does not NEED to be black. In fact if Warren was picked, Biden would be a sure bet

  10. Did she seriously just say to lock parents up for children missing school and then claim to want less ppl in prison? So help me, I’m done… ready to move over the border where ppl are free.

    1. Totally agree. That’s one monumental mess she’ll have to clean up. The whole thing has been gutted and needs to get back to working for the American People and not just for Individual No. 1.

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