1. Those who stand with Flag were able to protect the Constitution and those corrupt colluded with Russia and stood with the party. For once Americans know the laws exist those corrupt, Mafia bosses can be held accountable.

    1. Liberals 2019: “OmG hE wAs ImPeAcHeD i’M sO hApPy!!!!”

      Liberals 2020: “oMg WhY iS hE sTiLl PrEsIdEnT????”

      Liberals 2024: “oMg WhY iS hE sTiLl PrEsIdEnT hE wAs ImPeAcHeD!!!!!!”

    2. Ya it kinda sucks though because the news makes it seem so biase if you don’t pay attention that’s all you gather. And since most our country is well dip shits you get the rest.

    3. @Suzanne Leigh its up to us to demand change the change we need will never come unless we enforce our voice not in youtube comments they do nothing and i honestly wounder how many people think there opinion is being heard thru these channels

    4. @Cheeto Fingerz its not gonna go any further not because the republicans hold the senate but because hes not guilty of anything but being a dam good president

  2. How did we get here. The Democrats were sore losers in the 2016 election. Never accept the results and never accepted the will of 63 million Americans.

  3. Congrats Dems on exposing your corrupt, partisan agenda against the republic. Congrats on having to change your charge five times with zero hard facts and all assumptions. Congrats on not taking the president out of office. Congrats on getting trump re-elected in 2020. AND CONGRATS ON ANOTHER 5 YEARS OF PROSPERITY! 🇺🇸

  4. Bipartisan vote against impeachment…

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