Trump Got ‘Lava Level Mad’ At Staff After Personal Valet Contracts COVID-19 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

As the U.S. coronavirus death toll surpasses 76,000 people, NBC News reports the president became furious after learning one of his personal White House attendants tested positive for the virus. Aired on 5/7/2020.
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Trump Got 'Lava Level Mad' At Staff After Personal Valet Contracts COVID-19 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Trina Mozeik How is that possible? Here in my not quite 1st world country I can get a test in the morning and receive results by 3PM.

    2. @Crystal Giddens take all youtube video spretending to be independant news coverage with a grain of salt,remember when trump said ltaly was hit worse with the virus, because of his travel ban,when in reality italy put their own travel ban in place two days before the us

    3. @Filipe Saramago Dont know where you’re from but the U.S. is and always was a democracy. Many governments patterned their governments after ours. I admit that under Trump our democracy has been trampled on. Hope to remedy that this November.

    4. @Janice Johnson sorry to pop your bubble, but no, the US is not an advanced democracy, or what nowadays is referred simply as democracy, just like the Greek democracy in which the US system itself was based would nowadays not be remotely considered a democracy. In a similar way the US is still stuck in the 18th century with a government that is pseudo democratic at best by current standards

  1. ‘He became lava level mad because his staff wasn’t doing enough to protect him’
    Uh, welcome to the club Mr ‘president’. That’s how America feels about you.

    1. @Steven Wolff : Steven, if your a believer it will not matter for you! The Rapture is going to take us all away before this type of instrument will be implemented. Trump will wake up one morning after the Rapture and tell the world it is “FAKE NEWS” … someone just spread laundry out all over the world! And 44% will believe him!

    2. @Gravity Wave Surfer we r smart enough to know if we need test!! Thin/cheap paper mask not going to protect u.

    3. Robert Fraser
      Wow, NBC reports something that is completely unsubstantiated and you take it as fact. Perhaps you can explain how they have been so wrong about Trump/Russia collusion. Where is all the evidence they promised existed? You have been lied to and it wasn’t by Trump

  2. I thought Trump and his supporters are saying the virus as a “hoax” why does he even care about being tested?

    1. Hello!!! Because we have the greatest tests we have the most tests they are beautiful tests and repeat 3 x

    2. @ray 86 what version of the Bible? Think it has the original version intact after being rewritten 13 times? And different languages?

  3. “His staff isn’t doing everything they can to protect him.” Gee… funny how crappy that feels.

    1. I wonder who’s fault that is. Who’s he taking advice from, Kushner, or Fauci?
      From what I hear the disease is so contagious, that is will be difficult to avoid infection.

    1. No a warrior wouldn’t do this: The President’s management of our nation’s lands promotes conservation while encouraging good stewardship and expanding recreational opportunities.
      Just this year, President Trump signed legislation designating 1.3 million new acres of wilderness – the largest public lands legislation in a decade.

      The Department of the Interior proposed to open more than 1 million acres of land for expanded hunting and fishing access. The President took important action to improve management of forests to help prevent devastating forest fires.

      President Trump issued changes to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to reduce regulation and allow for infrastructure and transportation projects to move forward.


      President Trump’s policies have begun to unleash our nation’s energy potential.

      • President Trump signed an Executive Order to expand offshore oil and gas drilling and open more leases to develop offshore drilling.

      • The Administration acted aggressively to increase exports of energy resources to the global market and allowed financing for coal and fossil energy projects.

      • President Trump has approved the infrastructure and provided the resources needed to unleash Oil and gas production in the U.S.

      o The Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines were approved, supporting an estimated total of 42,000 jobs and $2 billion in wages.

      o The New Burgos Pipeline, a cross-border project that will export U.S. gasoline to Mexico, was approved.

      o The Trump Administration reversed President Obama’s moratorium on new leases for oil and gas development on Federal lands.

      • The President rescinded President Obama’s costly Clean Power Plan.

    2. @Thomas Lee Howell You forgot to mention that he’s also racist. Mainly towards Mexicans (who he brands as drug dealers), and now seemingly Asians as well. Which is most apparent when he called COVID the “Chinese Virus.”

    3. Thomas Lee Howell Honey let’s put some clothes on, Take.You back to your Padded room and Have Nurse up your Meds Shall we?????

  4. Chump is worried that the image of him wearing a mask will end up in negative ads. The fact that he ISN’T wearing a mask is more likely to end up in negative ads.

  5. His whole gross family need permanent masks.
    He feared he would look ridiculous? Has he ever looked in a mirror?

    1. Serena Chenaille omg so true Ha Ha Ha ! So now that. he’s in a panic . !!! And Throwing. A Tantrum blaming his staff , they didn’t protect him . !!!!!!No concern for his Valet an Honorable Navy Man !!!Iwho has to pick up his soiled Drawers and watch him get chapped lips from Kissing all his Mirrors!!! Do you think He’s getting a dose of His Hydroxyl. And having Disinfectant injection and sun light squeezed under his skin ??? You know for The Hoax??? Good one Serena!!!!!

    1. Wah wah wah. Mean old Trump did this: Trump Administration Accomplishments January 2020
      January 14, 2020/

      The below is a brief summary of the top accomplishments achieved under President Trump’s administration.


      President Trump’s policies have put the American economy into high gear.

      Since President Trump was elected 7.3 million jobs have been created.

      In 2019, 2.1 new jobs were created.

      In 2019, 1.5 million jobs were added for women. This accounts for more than 50% of total job gains for the first time ever.

      Over 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created since the President was elected.

      The current unemployment rate is 3.5%, a 50-year low.

      Highlights of December’s jobs report:

      174,000 jobs were created in December.

      December marked the 22nd consecutive month that the unemployment rate has been at or below 4%.

      For 22 consecutive months, wage growth has been near or above 3%.

      Throughout the Trump Administration we have seen record low unemployment for women, African Americans, Latino Americans, and Asian Americans. In December:

      African American unemployment rate was at 5.9%.

      The Hispanic American unemployment rate remained at a near record low of 4.2%.

      The Asian American unemployment rate was 2.5%, near a historic low.

      The adult women’s unemployment rate hit 3.2%, the lowest since 1953.

      The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit record highs over 100 times under President Trump.

      Under President Trump, 7 million people have come off food stamps.

      Under President Trump’s leadership, Congress passed historic tax cuts and relief for hard-working Americans. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is the first major tax reform signed in 30 years.

  6. He doesn’t believe in it refused to wear a mask and wants to reopen. Stop testing the president and his staff

  7. “Trump Got ‘Lava Level Mad’ At Staff After Personal Valet Contracts COVID-19” means he is unable to figure out who around him is unwittingly contagious. We really can’t figure out anything while mad. Moreover, the White House staff really can’t do more to protect him because the Abbott test they are using reportedly has a high false negative rate of 15% which means that in all likelihood they still have folks at-large who are unwittingly contagious exposing everyone there.

    1. @Mark Heintz , I am simply wonderfully hungry and hope you, Mark, also have a healthy appetite too. So how are you ?

    2. @theshecamel , I am simply wonderfully hungry and hope you, TSC, and others reading this also have a healthy appetite too. So how are you ?

    3. HeartDoc Andrew Yes, they all probably have it. Your immune system will determine when you begin to have symptoms.

    4. @Blessed Times Infinity Account , I am simply wonderfully hungry and hope you, BTIA, also have a healthy appetite too. So how are you ?

    1. @T Electronix why don’t you go to Washington and show us how it’s supposed to be done?

    2. @John Harris We all know how it is supposed to be done, it is just the clown in the White House does not seem to grasp the idea.

  8. “I’ve never met this valet, I’ve never heard of him he was never close to me, I assume he was great valet, possible a little dumb, but a great valet. I have the best Valets, the greatest valets any presidency has ever seem”

    1. How did he ever make it into office? Granted I wasn’t a big fan of our choices, but this guy is a game show host and only knows how to say, “You’re Fired “.

    2. Good comment but you forgot “beautiful” , “perfect” valet. You know, like his phone call to the Ukraine?

  9. trump claims that testing is no longer needed but everyone around him is tested every day. Hypocrisy???

    1. For over 60 years….Republicans have been in big favor of drug tests of teachers, bus drivers, state and federal employees….workers at Walmart, Target and every firm sold in the stock market…to find those Pot Smokers and exclude them from working…..NOW…Moscow Mitch et al…oppose national testing for a Virus that is killing people each day…..they are also the party that instituted the Prohibiition of Beer, Wine, etc…over turned after Hoover was defeated by FDR….consistent BAD JUDGEMENT.

    2. Phillip Weissburg he needs to be drug tested. Past associates said he is a chronic user of uppers. He sure sniffs a lot.

  10. He was lava level mad because his staff isn’t doing all to protect him? Imagine how mad us Americans are because our President isn’t doing anything to protect us from the virus.

    1. He needs to protect himself by wearing a MASK!
      He’s still desperately trying to play this down for the ppl dumb enough to still be listening to him.
      I’ve never found myself wishing someone ill, but……

    2. @LilithFilth: I don’t wish them ill either, I hope they barely recover so that they’ll stop pretending this isn’t something to worry about. It’s not my fault that they’re unable to learn from other people’s experiences, but the do have to learn. It’s really critical that they do and soon.

    3. Roger007
      Why are you so eager to believe an unsubstantiated claim from this network. The federal government has done a LOT to keep Americans safe. It was New York and New Jersey that decided it was a better idea to send covid patients to nursing homes rather than to the Javits center where the federal government has staffed thousands of beds that NY left mostly unused.
      NBC ran the story but I’m guessing you never saw it.

    4. @Mike Albert: Donald Trump specifically told the American people not to protect themselves from the virus. That was three months after we knew that there was a deadly pandemic underway.

    1. Don’t forget injecting bleach and alcohol. Not to mention shoving a UV light under his skin

    2. Nothing probably– like the thousands who have taken it with good results. Got a clue yahoo?

    3. Thomas Lee Howell OMG you’re an embarrassment on the guitar, you sound like an epileptic nun on a banjo.

  11. Did he even mention how the guy doing? Is he well, half dead? This is a close personal aide and STIL, it’s all about him.

    1. Lol… You’re talking about a man that only cares about 1 person….. You really think they will worry about some valet when they got Trump’s lunacy running rampant?

  12. Well…based on Trump’s one-of-a-kind medical genius…I’d say: “ImBLEACH him. NOW!” (Just sayin…)

    1. Vivian Wang he’s got a lot of valets who hang out and have lunch together while they wait for Trump

    2. It’s his usual reflexive lie reaction to ANY name put out… he did not “know” Epstein or Flynn or whoever else was investigated for wrongdoings, even the Ukraine Whistleblower he then had thrown out of the WH or Ambassador Sondland.
      By now if Trump says “nah i did not really know them” you should just assume they did something illegal together.

    3. EXACTLY! Everything the valet touched, he touched. Highly doubt Trump washed his hands or disinfected his diet Coke.

    4. @Vivian Wang Even if he has more than one valet, it’s still a limited number due to training, high-level security clearances, etc. I know the staff at the local restaurants I frequent. You seriously think he doesn’t know the person who lays out his clothes, packs his suitcases, and hands him his diet Cokes daily? PUHleeze! 🙄

    5. @Vivian Wang You’re right he has many valets the best valets. Many people tell him so. He can grab those valets. He doesn’t even have to ask.

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