CNN's Kaitlan Collins reports on President Donald Trump's Twitter response to the Supreme Court's decisions on his financial records, including one that said Trump is not immune to a New York prosecutor's subpoena.
The Supreme Court blocked House Democrats from accessing President Donald Trump's financial records, but ruled that the President is not immune from a subpoena for his financial documents from a New York prosecutor.
The cases were sent back to lower courts for further review, all but ensuring that Trump's financial documents, which he has long sought to protect, will not be handed over before the November presidential election.
Chief Justice John Roberts penned the 7-2 opinion in the New York prosecutor case, and was joined by Trump's two nominees, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito filed dissenting opinions.
#Trump #CNN #News
Trump goes on tweet storm following Supreme Court ruling

Just imagine the raging lunatic he’d be if they took tweeting away from him.
He would do more press conferences with no questions and OANN interviews.
They’d HAVE to lock him up…in Bellview….Fuckyeah! Let’s DO IT!
@Bernard Sherry I mean that’s 1 of the only good things Trump has done in his entire presidency, TikTok is definitely a sketchy app to say the least. And believe, I sure af ain’t no trump supporter.
@Steezus Christ The little brat is only going after them because kids pranked him in his filthy KKK Tulsa rally.
America does not need to see the tax returns of a billionaire who became a public servant,
they need to see the tax returns of public servants who became millionaires being public servants.
He seriously acts like a 5 year old.
“They’re picking on me!”
That’s what a demented person does
A 5 year old? That’s being a bit generous, isn’t it? More like a 2 year old….WAAAAAH!
But he’s picking and bullying people all this years
@Matthew Hill Would he be happy if he got COVID?
@Robert Heintze My 6 month old nephew was more mature than Trump.
The State of New York been after him since the 80’s.
That’s because he has been a crook all his life and should be in the jail house instead of the white house
@Heather11268 yes he is full of it
@Heather11268 hahahahaha
Biden should make his theme, “Lock Him Up!” lol not really but….
@Doc Holliday … I gather, your fearless leader told you that.. figures, you can not read just like he does not…
Trump should be out he is a dangerous man USA who vote for him are crazy it is like he hipnatise the people who follow him bless them
America does not need to see the tax returns of a billionaire who became a public servant,
they need to see the tax returns of public servants who became millionaires being public servants.
@swag plx Yes, and tRumputin likes
girls especially if they look like Ivanka,
Whom he would be dating. Howard Stern again! Now what?
It’s so odd that he stated that he’d be glad to show his tax returns if he’s elected and has done nothing but fight having to release them. But then again he also said that he’d be too busy to play golf as well. The liar and thief has got to go.
Yes got to go NOW!!
I know a few people id rather be pres. And they live on the streets!!!!
Dump Trump already!!
He had to have known that everything about his life was going to come out. it always happens he just thought that he’s too slick and would get away with everything. Don the Con
Don-Da-Con is going down!!!!!!!
Humpty-Trumpty fell off his wall, or it fell on him. Either would do, as long as he breaks.
His money and privilege let him get away with grabbing some coochie and he started believing his on b.s of doing what ever he wants. Ballroom bully confronted by an MMA fighter. Night night lil donny
Wrong. Narcissist don’t have any concept that it will ever go against them. They can’t comprehend the idea
Can anyone else see his comments are really towards William Barr?
And Miss Lindsey. He is angry Graham hasn’t defended him enough. That was the tweet directed to the judiciary committee.
There was a crooked man who led a crooked life.
He was a crooked husband with a some-what crooked wife.
He had some crooked children and son-in-law–a louse.
And they divided this great nation from their White and crooked House….
I think this is going to be a caption in my kids’ history books.
BRILLIANT !!! But please consider removing “And” on the last line, and adding a different final line with a GREAT ENDING OF JUSTICE !!!
Brilliant they should teach this one in schools

America does not need to see the tax returns of a billionaire who became a public servant,
they need to see the tax returns of public servants who became millionaires being public servants.
I thought Trump said he would release his tax returns before. So what is his problem?
Rats don’t like bright lights.
As Admiral Norah Satie said, “Spies and saboteurs are like roaches: scurrying for the dark corners. They can’t stand the bright lights of an open inquiry.”
Now we know she was talking about Trump’s Tax Returns.
Cry baby
northerniltree best comment ever
Congress too much talking why NO ACTION.
You know what he’s hiding, transactions into Epstein’s account.
He is criminal mob boss, running a Mafia from the WH
He is a plastic gangster, a wannabe dictator that has tryed to pretend he is powerful all his life & only the racists like his doctrines. Anyone with a logical brain see’s through him the second they are made aware of him.
so is any president…..
@M lol shut up—you think any politician of this caliber is any different?
@paul w How dare you not use this moment to “orange man bad”
Trump’s whiny tantrums are nauseating. He takes zero ownership of his own actions and behavior. A tiny, tiny man.
yeah, he’s not like the democrats. They never whine about anything.
look at the size of his fingers!
@Marco Baraco who’s a communist? The u.s. president decided with an ex-kgb agent over his own US citizens? You know this was done on the world stage the whole world got to see the president kiss Putin’s hindpot
@felix u sure democrats whine too. But this video isn’t about the Democrats. What is your opinion about a u.s. president that goes on a Twitter rant?
America does not need to see the tax returns of a billionaire who became a public servant,
they need to see the tax returns of public servants who became millionaires being public servants.
He has done more in 3 years than any president in history I’ll give him that. Unbelievable damage to our supposed democracy!
You people are so foolish. Keep listening to your left wing propaganda machines…….smh
Stop voting.
Proctor’s Gamble if you would like an updated list of Trump’s achievements, I would be happy to send them.
The Emperor has no clothes, nobody believes anything he says anymore. Finally…
Well I wouldn’t say nobody. I’m from sw Minnesota. There is a lot of brainwashed dutch extremists around here. They would follow trump off a cliff if he told them to.
Gross mental image that
and the funny thing is…. he can’t fire “his” Supreme Court Judges.
Best believe he will try!!
There’s a cartoon character who resembles Donald to a t. His name is Eric Cartman.
I protest! Cartman may be a horrible, selfish person but he is much smarter than Donald Trump.
Awww don’t insult Eric Cartman! Cartman is definitely smarter than Donald.
Cartman and the rest of South Park has never been so insulted…well, except for the Turd could be compared to Trump. Maybe, maybe not.
Lol I thought the same he is Eric cartman
trump uses the term “unfair” like he didn’t grow up with a silver spoon
Every time he says something like that, all I can think is “You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”
@RAMuradin Trump’s definition of “unfair” means he didn’t get what he wanted!
He wanted a Golden Spoon and whined when he didn’t get it.
Remember when some said donnie will act presidential when he gets into office. Can you believe some actually thought that?
I don’t hate the media but I hate that they all said that presidential turn was coming. Still waiting…..
The only thing he still controls , his phone.
No phone in prison, Donnie
No one can hear you scream…
His jail cell will b a condo size unit with a mcdonaldes built into it ! He & roger stone may share it.put the whole clan on epstein island ,no plane or boat,live off of the sea or die… SHUNNED for ever.