The Morning Joe panel discusses how the president responded on Tuesday when asked if he had spoken with families impacted by the coronavirus. Aired on 04/29/2020.
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Trump Gives Mixed Answer When Asked If He's Talked To Families Hit By Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Dumbest “leader” in the whole wide world!
OnWingsOfHope Maybe not the worst but by far the dumbest.
Maybe in all of history
Can we really think of him as a leader if the majority of Americans refuse to follow?
@K Ray Good air. Bad air. Sorry, but things are not so nicely ordered. Shallow thinking easy. Critical thinking hard.
@waqaa , u make no sense. These parties need a media to spread propagandas. If u can’t understand that you’re too stupid. I repeat:
CNN is the propaganda media for Democrats.
Fox News is the propaganda media for Republicans.
Both CNN & Fox News are two ends of one Zionists propaganda.
@Santa Cruz I guess you support building the wall to keep bad ombres out, or wait that might include all the Cruz’s. With that last name, I bet that racist sheriff in Arizona would bull you over and ask for your green card.
Junkman2000 Sir, you are too kind to me and maybe even too kind to the Trumpflakes! Nevertheless, thank you for the kind words.
Sbongiseni Zuma Conservatives found him guilty of being a Black Man living in the White House.
Having no empathy is one of the hallmarks of a psycopath.They can, though, learn to mimic empathy to further personal goals. Seems Trump has not even bothered to do this.
That’s because in his own mind, Trump has never made any mistakes. Like his phone calls, Trump sees himself as “perfect.”
Bob Bennett. Trump?…Learn??? Something does not compute

@Bob M Yes, Bob, but even a hamster can learn
His “friends”….that he didn’t know very well. Then he digressed into talking about opening schools. OMFG! He has zero empathy for anyone.
i have a lot of friends although i do not know them yet…about friendship he does not know anything and then he changes to schools…-perhaps to proof that he knows that they are existing
What a disgusting human being
I feel bad for Americans, they have to go through the Corona virus and Trump at the same time.
At least when you get the virus, you can expect recovery in a few weeks. Trump unfortunately just lingers on and on and on……
Coronavirus and Moronavirus.
69,420 Subscribers without videos ….Those idiots elected him…No sympathy for stupidity..
Thank you
69,420 Subscribers without videos Hahaha I know, right?! A good third of this country just love him! Stupidity reigns in the cult of trump.
Remember when he could have been removed from office after impeachment. Remember that. Seems like decades ago.
@Elaine Burnett Back when ‘impeachment’ was the same thing as taking out the guy in charge because there’s no sophisticated surveillance around him? Yeah, those were the days. To the original poster, I told everyone around me that he’ll get impeached for sure but he’ll stay in office. They all looked at me like I was crazy and didn’t know what I was talking about. Maybe some underinformed folk don’t deserve to vote?
Scott Wilson now he’s stuck with crazy glue? Hope not.
How can anyone ever forget? Impeached is a descriptor he will carry to his grave. And the Republican Senators carry another descriptor, now and when voted out of office! Dereliction of duty!
@Jim O’Hagan That is the great thing about our system. It would be great if we had been given the ability to be informed voters. I would have loved to have not gone through this horrible, historic presidency!
Yeah the RepubliCon party has let Real Americans down.
“He talked to three familes, and three people you all know them” THE NARCISSIST
If he would have seen any of the families he claimed to have seen, that would have been politicised to the maximum.
we’re seeing how a serial, habitual liar gets off a subject that he has just lied about and doesn’t want to be pressed for more details.
exactly. lying politicians have that down to an art form..just ramble on and on until the original question/answer is far away by the time they stop blathering
@R BZ Only thing is Trump is not a Politician but an Heir to a Hotel line. A businessman. So in Trump’s case it comes naturally from birth.
@Liber8me I meant them in general but yeah you right.
“I have friends who died but l didn’t know them..” Did l hear right?
Joe Rogan interviewed Penn Gillette (sp?) Junior said that Penn was Trump’s best friend. Penn is just fascinated by abnormal people and even Jr couldn’t see that. Dumbasses both of them. Soulless.
@joe22589 I know a person like this and I know him very well, but he is not a friend of mine.
Yes you did…and if you really listened to him its your fault like it is mine now that I listened to this…my mind hurts
You caught that too huh…he’s so pathetic
“I’ve spoken to three maybe four families that aren’t related to me.” Young people do very well so we’ll be open the schools…What an absolute moron.
@jewel santos It happens when 1/3 of the voters are morons.
The flood is coming well all be under water soon enough

exactly i dont understand they people that love trump even friends i have to look at them differently now ughhh what a loser.
@jewel santos Because of the electoral college. I can’t even wrote that half of American were morons on election day, since the Mango Mouselini lost the popular vote
Claiming he knows many , means all the imaginary people inside his empty head.
I think his head is even more empty than that Juliet. He has no room at all even for the imaginary. His head is like ‘absolute space’ – an absolute vacuum.
@Zoo Man John Hancock
You know how you can tell Trump is lying?
He’s talking in front of a camera
Trump is a RACIST #TrumpLiesAmericansDie #FoxIsRacist #LockTrumpUp R stands for Racist NOT REPUBLICAN
Racist Pig ! Draft dodger !
@Zoo Man YUP 100%
If Trump was Pinocchio his nose would stretch from NY to LA
@Guitar Ninja91 I definitely agree

@k u to the moon
Wish he was Pinocchio we could use him a kindle wood
kaindog100 Love it! From UK
It would wrap and the

Biden has lost two children and a wife I think. He knows the pain and heartache the family’s are going through.
Kayla J. Condolences to Biden from UK
“I spoke to 3… I guess… 4 families. No wait, 10. Make it 10. Does 10 sound better? Yes! 10 families!”
@Mr. Rene Moreno You’ll have another chance in Nomember this year. Make America great again, but this time for serious. Worst thing is not to vote, because you assume others do the right things. Give the world a good US President and not a narcissistic brawler.
Open slow
Distant from people yes
Lock down in England see what happens
Chemists are open
America, is that what “winning” looks like? You’ve elected a multi time loser and he is in way over his head.
@C All If he had handled the pandemic just a bit better, he wouldnt have to give credit to anyone.
@C All I understand your stance. I must admit, his abilities have been lackluster, in my opinion. There was plenty of time to prepare. His focus has been on him and his upcoming election. He’s begging for attention and praise for doing next to nothing and placing the responsibility on State Governors. Yet he’s taking all the credit, and for what? Please, indulge me, what should we credit him for, at this point in time?
Calvin Matheson- Trump won the elected by using what he knew best about mainstream, America …..bigotry and fear. The people who attend his rallies. He never once apologized for his hatred toward people who didn’t look like mainstream Americans and they loved him for it. He continually used divisive rhetoric then, as he does now, because he knew that would win over mainstream Americans.. Did you see those mobs ( so called protesters), with their Confederate flags and guns.? They are the “Americans” who elected him., and yes, many of them believe, that they are winning.
@KelZ X
I had one of those turds the other day. Call it Donald Turd. He’s still floating around the bowl, craving my attention, tries to talk to me, but he’s incoherent like tRump, so I just pee on him hoping he’ll drown, but every morning, I open the lid, there’s Donald, doing the backstroke. Like tRump’s loan officer from Deutsche Bank the Tidy Bowl man has committed suicide because of him, tragic loss, tragic. The moral to this story is, when you’re full of poo, like Donald’s press conference replies, just go away!
He dodged the question, because he’s spoken with his imaginary friends.
Wonder who else were his friends that died in the month when Trump said that the disease would magically disappear.
Allison Vang lol!!!!
Wish he was an imaginary president. Every time he speaks, the White House goes on damage control. Conservative talk show hosts become apologists. Except Hannity, they talk every night. Sean tells him how to get himself out of the dodo that spews from his mouth. Then Hannity sends out talking points to other CONservative hosts, so his base won’t watch programs like this and see the real tRump.
Only this President could come up with the statement , “It’s a bad death”. Really? Is there really such a thing as a good death?, or an Ok death?
Reporters should stop going to his press conference’s.
I did that too. Let him look stupid
I said that too. Parents of West point graduates should stand up to him and say No way!!!!
No he hasn’t talked to any of the families, he was born a selfish, arrogant man. That’s the way he was taught by his parents
I take issue with your use of the word “man.” I recommend “baby” instead.
His folks did try to change him, He was sent to military school at the age of thirteen. That is where he stayed until after high school graduation. It does not appear to have changed the way he acted. This is part of his Narcissism. He is not suited for public office.
The only friends Trump has are the ones he pays to be friends.
Ahhhh no he cant remember if they was in the same room..