Trump Follows Science Over Economic Advisors | Morning Joe | MSNBC

President Trump said last week that he wanted to see much of the country return to normal by Easter, yet on Sunday announced he's extending his administration's guidelines on social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak until April 30. Aired on 3/30/2020.
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Trump Follows Science Over Economic Advisors | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Trump was just tweeting about how great his COVID-19 press conferences are doing in the ratings. This man is unhinged and totally unfit for the job.

    1. @DrRestezi Are u being sarcastic when u said “[The virus] is a Democratic hoax!… It will be over in April… I want to see packed churches on Easter!.. My ratings are great! ” or did u really mean it?

    2. @bigfella1298 I think you misdirected your comment to me.. I certainly did not say the virus is not spreading, it is spreading fast and America has the highest number of sick people in the world because Donald the hoax said the virus was a hoax and did not care to do anything to stop it from spreading.

    3. @Go For It glad to hear you get your information from a bloated drug addict. Now it is all making sense

    4. @karin backstrom You said we were the last country to stop it from spreading, then said it was a fact. Don’t get mad at Trump for all your problems. It is obvious the real problem is your lack of basic intelligence.

  2. “I know the color and the sizes of the windows”….. Ok…someone get this giant kindergarten kid off the podium…. Guy makes bush jr. Sound like a scholar……so yesterday was the first day the guy in the whitehouse listened to science rather than his wallet…?..lets stop patting him on the back for something he should have done months ago…mr hoax

    1. why does he have 4 inch shoulder pads ,, just asking ,,, looks like a jacket from an 80 s music video ( talking heads

  3. He sounds like a school kid showing off what he just learned in a lesson. Yup, the rest of us already know this, congratulations on catching up.

    1. @A Z “I doubt if Trump is responsible. People must have been under some misconception that they won’t be affected by this virus.”

      So you don’t think that Trump’s comments like this had anything to do with that misconception?:
      – “Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away,”
      – “I think the numbers are going to get progressively better as we go along.”
      – “We’re going down, not up. We’re going very substantially down, not up.”
      – “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”
      – “It’s very mild,”
      – “I’m not concerned at all.”

      Yes, Trump is very much responsible.

      “And frankly, even they are not wrong too in many cases because no one had seen a virus like this in decades”

      Experts warned that a virus like this and even worse will come with practically 100% certainty. The readiness plans were there, the resources were there, a federal organisation was there to handle the crisis, but Trump didn’t follow the plans, didn’t allow others to follow them, didn’t use the resources that were available in time, and crucially he dismantled the organisation formed by Obama administration to counter epidemics like this.

      When you don’t know the facts it’s not time to form an opinion, but to ask questions. Even when you know the facts (and there’s a huge amount of them that matter here) it’s not time to form an opinion, but to think properly. If you are not ready to see the trouble of proper thinking, you shouldn’t form an opinion yourself, but to trust honest and responsible people who have done the fact-checking and thinking for you. Based on countless facts that are there for everybody to see, Donald Trump isn’t an honest and responsible person.

    2. Andrew Curtis , Donald tDUMP wants Americans to pack churches this coming Easter.PACK YOU DONALD, the only church you know is Churches Fried Chicken 🐔🍗🦠💩

    3. Andrew Curtis I am so sick of you leftists mocking our President while China has been a disgrace. The media would rather criticise our President than the Chinese communists- China even blames the USA but you lot are too busy calling Trump a racist. Liberalism is causing insanity

    1. @Morris Campbell If that is the case then my apologies. I am at my witts end here trying to keep it together on my own common sense since I can’t count on my President. People around me becoming sick, jobless, hospitalized and dying is just too much.

    1. Sharon Campbell did you actually read what I wrote???? Fox??? I just called Trump a narcissistic, lying putz. Go back and read my comment again or are you one of those stupid trolls?

    2. @Bigbradwolf Oh, of course, it’s all a leftist plot to discredit a great man. That smell you are ignoring is coffee, pal.

    3. really why is the airport still open why do they have more power then our government they brought the coronavirus here why don’t we stop the flying that’s a start 6 feet apart stay at home not to the airlines they do what they want why if you fly why don’t the airports have a corintined area for people for 14 days at the airport

    4. Trump is an Elmhurst homie, grew up with the simple folk of Jackson Heights, his roots (hair roots) are humble roots.
      “Don’t let these big rocks fool ya
      “I’m Trumpy from the block
      I used to have a trustfund,
      now I have the big bucks.
      I may have grown up rotten
      I know where I came from,
      I’m still Trumpy the hustler
      Making it in the block
      Jackson Heights, Elmhurst block!

  4. It is amazing how he still makes it sound like it is all about himself. He just spouts numbers, pats his own shoulder and nowhere do you hear anything sincere.

    1. hzr – Trump is a malignant narcissist, it’s always about him. No sympathy for anyone or thought about how this situation is impacting them.

  5. He’s FINALLY realizing his precious Mar-A-Lago is going to tank if he doesn’t get rid of the virus. NOW he understands. OH….. this is an emergency.

    1. You said: Lives should always be over money.
      I say: In what world NEVER has been in this one.

    2. @Customcalendars4u2 In far too many cases unfortunately, people in power will prioritize power and money over the lives of others.

    3. @alanrtment porter America is unfortunately too divided on their political party. Life is not all black and white, their separation of political view creates a big divide which distort reality for them.

    4. @Angel Lee This isn’t about a difference in politics. This is about normal, caring human beings vs. voracious, greedy psychopaths!

  6. “I know the color of the outside, the size of the windows”……it’s like someone JUST showed him a picture of the hospital.

  7. He is intrigued by “the bodies”, like a grandpa trying to wrap his eyes around his first big HD TV set and remote control. Like they’re big, shiny objects. Some sort of “event”. Unsettling. Narcissistic psychopath.

    1. @J W He is not watching anything but fox news and cartoons. You are under the delusion that he is paying attention. He doesn’t pay attention or taxes.

    2. @Bigbradwolf Trump IS a baby!
      Have you seen the giant orange balloon depiction of him?
      It’s the perfect illustration of Donnie Dotard the Man-baby!

    3. @Tosin Ojo yeah, whatever.
      At least you don’t see me whining that people aren’t being nice to me, like Donnie does!

    1. Kevin Cho I follow people who have their feet on the ground there that go live and I see different. How is this possible then? I believe the trucks are there just don’t believe they are needed. Your proof is a freezer truck and emergency sirens?

    1. @Edwin Ruiz You said “STFU stupid Jan 27 really” How long did it take for you to think that line up.

    2. @Leo S well said, brother, and I hope you’re right that Trump is toast. Deadly Viruses don’t respond to Nat’l-Enquirer-type Tabloid B.S., false spin, and bogus phony Reality TV, and slander, gossip and LIES. Viruses respond to SCIENCE, Research, TRUTH and FACTS that lead to effective policies to SLOW their spread, and eventually an ANTIDOTE to save us ALL from them. That, science and facts, research and evidence, are things that Donald Trump and his enablers aren’t into at all, and NEVER have been, sad to say. 👎😖🤔

    3. @Sasquatch Yes, I know you have difficulty understanding and following rational discourse. But keep at it, it will get easier once you get to middle school.

    1. Well,when the question is why did you,or do you:Should he blame Pence . He’ll just blame the media for attacking him.

    2. 70 percent approval of the Corona Virus… Fake news doesn’t want to cover Trumps success yet again.

    3. @NDFOOTBALL “70 percent approval of the Coronavirus”…?
      How many concussions have you had while playing that stupid game?

  8. He just flat doesn’t know what he’s talking about. This is random guessing, embellishing, and lying!!!! God help us!!!

    1. Valerie Walker , Donald tDUMP wants Americans to pack the churches this coming Easter.PACK YOU DONALD, the only church you know is Churches Fried Chicken 🍗🦠🐔💩

    1. That is not completely correct. He is interested in HAVING money. Not money itself. And nothing else.

  9. I would love to see a body bag with him in it, only because he doesn’t care about anyone but himself.Removal is important for America

    1. He should apologize to the people and then shoot himself on live TV.
      His approval rating would SPIKE!!!

    1. Yeah, it’s odd that he doesn’t just use a tanning bed, he wouldn’t look so rediculous!
      I guess that would cut into his time spent Tweeting, golfing, and watching Fox “news”.

  10. ’15 cases: we’re doing a good job.’
    ‘150,000 deaths: we’re doing a good job.’
    It really doesn’t matter to Trump how many die; Trump will still say Trump is doing a “good job”! Sad.

    1. He will go to the grave howling “BEST PRESIDENCY EVER!”
      The “man” lacks even a shred of humility!
      When he’s dead(hopefully soon) scientists need to study his big a-brain to see WTF is going on in there!

    2. drew pedersen Hope they use a microscope to try and detect the said imaginary brain or will it just prove what we all know,he is BRAINLESS.

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