Trump Flubs Softball Interview, Compares Police Shooting Unarmed Black Man To Golf | All In | MSNBC

Even if you want to just offer the President a series of easy questions so he can put himself in the best light, Trump cannot help but say outrageous and offensive things. Aired on 9/01/2020.
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Trump Flubs Softball Interview, Compares Police Shooting Unarmed Black Man To Golf | All In | MSNBC


  1. He’s going to be saying lots of the quiet parts out loud and flubbing softballs up until Nov. Buckle up. Joe needs to stay out of the way and let him push himself off the cliff.

    1. @Tabitha Bryan If you can even piece together the jibber jabber trump will spew. He’s like a malfunctioning siri reading text & skipping all over the place.🤣

    2. I wish Joe Biden would get out on the campaign trail. Those compilation videos of him flubbing one line after another are hilarious. Am I lying?

    3. Problem is trump can throw himself off the cliff as many times as he wants, and his supporters will be more than willing to be his safety net. Do not underestimate him in november

    1. ATTENTION!!!
      Trump supporters are American’s village idiots. Period. However, some here are just trolls/bot to start or flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as. a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential discussion,either for the troll’s amusement or a specific gain. PLEASE IGNORE THEM ALL!!

  2. It’s like watching a senile old man not recognising when someone is trying to help them when she tries and fails to guide his answers

    1. @Sam Lowry because unlike us, simple mortals, he’s scrutinized 24/7 thus shifting the brain complexity to adapt to survive

    2. @Ricardo Ferreira Miranda Even George W was able to speak in complete sentences so Trump has no excuse for his lack of ability or as has been said his inability to adapt to the demands of the job. Rather than trying to drag everyone else down to his level.

    3. @Ricardo Ferreira Miranda Reality check for you — Obama was scrutinized just as heavily (even moreso, when you consider the bizarre attacks from that weird birther conspiracy dude – what was his name, again?), and his vocabulary and clarity stayed right up there at collegiate level. Toddler in Chief started at 5th grade level, and has gotten more unintelligible with every passing month.

    4. @Walter White Thank you for such a compelling post — you’ll be completely successful in your goal of driving anyone who might still be on the fence into firmly supporting Biden, with that bizarre attempt at fear- and hate-mongering. You can’t possibly be foolish enough to think this drivel could help support the Toddler in Chief.

    1. The mini-stroke(s) happened. It’s something else he’s lying about. There is footage of him dragging his right leg/foot.

  3. a weak person blames others…a weak person takes no responsibility…a weak person is a bunker boy…a orange bunker boy

    1. Usually when women debase themselves before creeps, they feel the urgent need to take several showers afterwards. I wonder if Ingraham felt the same? 🤔

    2. Presudent Trump had the Best economy going ever in our history.. till this CHINESE VIRUS invaded our country. President Trump is awesome! He was the only one that was able to restore kenosha wisconsin. I do not see MSNBC or CNN speaking about this?? Do not be deceived by the lying media’s CNN and MSNBC! Also did you know that the USA has the lowest COVID-19 deaths in the world.. MSNBC and CNN will never mention this as well..only mock the best president ever!! Please watch the RNC in full on YouTube the best and most positive RNC I have ever seen!! GO TRUMP/ PENCE 2020!!

    1. @youknow thething  Please explain to me so I don’t die stupid, but what does being a TRANSGENDER have to do with facts? 🤔

    2. The only answer he had actually queued in his mind was “person, woman, man, camera, tv”. Only she didn’t mention it. What an open goal!! 😂

    3. Some people say that others took his SATS test long ago. We all know his poor education is why he can’t handle the pandemic. Remember a three foot put miss is tragic, I think we all understand our dear President better now.

    1. @Jock Young Great! Now I’m off to find a video about this crazy thing he said when I should be asleep!! I’ll be so happy when Trump is gone so that I can rest easy knowing an ADULT is in charge again!!

    2. Wait until you hear Trump ranting about protesters throwing “bags of soup”
      at police.
      I kid you not!

  4. Trump’s a monster. Disaster Donny. Even when he isn’t golfing. He is thinking about it. Face it. Trump is a terrible leader. The choice is clear. Biden wins by an avalanche!

    1. biden can’t even talk. He takes his job seriously and he’s done better in the past four years than obama did in eight. He’s making more change for the good. Don’t be conned by fake news and out of context statements made by trump. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

    1. @TrixiLovesYou The other side are weak apart from the ones who are evil. Joe Biden is too scared of the far left to come out and say what is right. Ted Wheeler has been trying to appease them and the result is that they have attempted set fire to his apartment building. Kamala Harris called for the rioting to continue until the election.
      Trump says what he believes whether people will like it or not. He denounced Black Lives Matter and said, “If I’m wrong I guess I’m going to lose an election.” He is not wrong and he is going to win.

    2. He is a gemini…The kind that cant slow down his thinking and assumes he know it all. He is the worst of my sign…Lord help this fool!

  5. Even Laura was having trouble keeping Trump from screwing up a softball interview! And you’re worried about Biden!

    1. @Marilyn Reallon
      Then we’ll be watching together, from a distance, of course.
      Until then, be well, dear Marilyn.

  6. Ingraham not interviewing.. she’s trying to keep him on a track while doing clean up & damage control. a.k.a. Baby Sitting

    1. @R C
      For anyone who does not know, Joe Biden has been struggling with a stutter his whole life.
      Maybe it’s because his brain works faster than his mouth, I don’t know..
      One thing I do know, however, the exact opposite is true for Trump.
      His mouth works faster than his brain.

    2. I don’t think people truly understand the level of babysitting going on here. Trump is continually going off the rails in these bizarre aimless tangents and Ingram has to keep trying to save him by rephrasing what he says in a better or more sane way. I don’t like her but I’ll give credit where it’s due…she does a great job at saving Trump. Not that that’s a good thing but it’s a skill. Look at Hannity or Maria Bartiromo they just let Trump rant and he comes completely unglued and looks like a lunatic as a result. And again compare that to real journalist like Jonathan Swan or Chris Wallace, they make Trump look like he is, forgive me if this is rude, but he looks mentally challenged in those interviews.

    1. lil sausy i’m pretty sure the only reason biden picked her is because she’s a woman of color and that’s going to get him more votes.

    2. Ryan SKI IMO she is a very smart woman and knows what she’s doing. I think she’s a solid pick but on the wrong side

    3. 4th reason of thousands: I WILL NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP BECAUSE he does not respect our soldiers and does not understand military bearing

    4. Andrew Rogers lmao Biden only pretends cause he wants someone to protect him when he takes all the rights away from Americans. And I if you think trump doesn’t care about troops you should talk to one. I have family and family friends who have been and they are happier with trump than when they were under

    5. Andrew Rogers He is a major supporter of our troops. Don’t listen to fake news like msnbc abc and cnn. Do some of your own research.

    1. quest 77051 Unfortunately, I still think he might win, even when he shoots himself in the foot like this. How people can support this buffoon is beyond me.

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