President Donald Trump fired Chris Krebs, a Department of Homeland Security official who had rejected Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud.
#CNN #News
President Donald Trump fired Chris Krebs, a Department of Homeland Security official who had rejected Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud.
#CNN #News
Trump is trying to start a war on Iran and now this. Can we get him a sedative and psychiatrist STAT?!
Stop believing cnn
Breaking news.
@Mark Green God bless our military!!
President Trump won the election so Biden must concede and stop destroying our democracy.
Trump is the only president with a 186% staff turnover rate.
Lol, the more desperate the MSM becomes the more outrageous their stories are..
They’ve made there claim now they must stick by it at all cost,
The will have no credibility when this is done,
Bye bye cnn CNBC fox ect ect….
@Colin Kunkel *_Federal Election Commission Chairman Trey Trainor: “Voter Fraud Is Taking Place”_* (It isn’t over yet – the Associated Press does not call elections!)
Because he is surrounded by traitors Deep State acolytes
The only people who can keep their job are parroting his rhetoric. POTUS doesn’t want leaders around him, he wants cronies and accomplices. #collusion
Let’s see a sleepy joke and even turn over except for the dead to vote for him
Enjoying real life drama, the American version of The Madness of King George
what what? lol! Perfect anology!

Guess the Emperor doesn’t like when you point out he is wearing no clothes. Just wait until he finds out he has no more Presidency.
You mean the Karen-in-Chief.
Republicans are copycats of babycry-big time looser trump!!!!
Sure Jan. Can you lay out the team and policies that Biden has that will move life forward as an American? I know the number one policy” im not Trump” great work
@Joshua Yingling Good start! I’m not Trump and decency has been restored.
PROOF! Republicans are stealing the election
That is how he works. Disagree with him and you get fired. That is how a dictator conducts himself. He disgusts me more than I could possibly put into words
What my work if you disagree you’ll get fired too,. DEMOCRAT TRAITOR
I know. Trump turns my stomach.
Prove Baseless. All ACCUSERS must PROVE ALL allegations just as any Prosecution Attorney.
You do that with investigations.
Speculation and assumption is not a base. Our justice system works off of “innocent until proven guilty”.
At this point, the best thing anyone can have on their Curriculum Vitae is: Fired by Donald Trump. Guaranteed to get you a job in D.C.
It’ll look a lot better than just, “Worked for Donald Trump.”
a badge of honour
He was making a strategic career move for sure haha
@Primordial Software Trump defines corruption.
Let’s not forget two FBI Directors and possibly a third one coming. Half the US is blind to this which is scary.
I agree yes it is his cult listens to whatever he says and not do their own research
Let’s hope so.
Google SCYTL
Wonder why MSM isn’t trying to debunk this,
trump’s not even pretending to be president anymore , he’s just drowning in narcissistic rage , it’s certainly a wrap for him .
@small ed Same reason all of you Trump supporters seem to be Delusional
@small ed whats fake about it? Oh thats right Trumpers hate facts and truth.
@levon miller Help who? How many Americans have died from COVID? He’s the worst President ever
@levon miller Trump only bought into that QAnon crap very late in the day when his mishandling of the pandemic made it clear he would have to
fight for re-election. If his “mission” was so goddamn important to him, why did he waste so much time tweeting, golfing, watching Fox News all
day and holding the same damn rally in a million different places?
Someone really need to have Trump committed. He is out of his mind, if he ever had any.
@Christine Matthews na bro the universe revolves around the earth…
@Christine Matthews like Hitler
@Christine Matthews You meant to say he is an impeached, one term president who lost the popular vote twice.
@Christine Matthews yes . So intelligent that he knew there where airports in 1775 , windmills give cancer , and disinfectant will help cure the corona.

@Beverly Humphrey – Then Pence could pardon him. That ain’t a good plan. Shut down Twitter and Facebook to him until Jan.20th. Tell him they decided his comments are detrimental to our country. Have the media quit reporting on him. Ignore him, maybe he’ll go away.
The US president is gone rogue, other than being mad.
What do u smoke? Meth?
@Коля Танасійчук must have come from you
Haha your comment made me laugh
@The Intelligent Carpenter u r a joke, lol, Oregon decriminalized possession of hard drugs lol, Dems are a joke
His niece Mary tried to warn us. The chump is going out hard.
She sure did
You can not tell a narcissist that he is wrong they will get completely delusional and evil
Sounds like BLM and antifa
@Daniel Stuckert *leftist*
I’m embarrassed to be an United States citizen right now. How immature, self-centered and unqualified can one person be? I do hope the rest of the world understands that most of us are not like the sorry excuse of a human we have in office right now.
Yeah, only half of America is like this. It’s just sad at this point.
@Craig Spivey half of America embarrassed to be a US citizen? That’s sad you’re right. Try living in Liberia what can I say
70 million plus Americans voted for that idiot, bigger issues are in play when it comes to The United States
This president is by far the worse nightmare in every sense of the word
What’s funny is he still refuses to fire Rudy because Rudy has been losing all the court cases

He can’t fire him, Rudy knows way too much
Rudy knows where the bodies are buried…
Trump is out of control. Just firing people that disagree with him. The only policy I see here is Scorched Earth.
Your fired
You sound like a very kind liberal.
He’s out of control because he’s a loser….lol
Yes have been on the receiving end of scorched earth policy. God help the Truth-teller under the rein of a malignant narcissist.
It feels like Trump is a cult leader passing out koolaid…
Isn’t This The Part Of The Movie Where They Bring Out The Straight Jacket And Take The Psyco Person To The Rubber Room?
The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for GOOD MEN TO DO NOTHING.