Trump Finds Himself Boxed In By His Own Disregard For Public Health And Safety | Deadline | MSNBC

The president says he won’t participate in a virtual debate with Joe Biden, despite his trailing poll numbers and the days between now and the election dwindling. Aired on 10/08/2020
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Trump Finds Himself Boxed In By His Own Disregard For Public Health And Safety | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. @Rasta Lives Matter You’re not even replying to the right person. But, yeah .. you’ve wasted minutes of your life on a stupid reply to the wrong person.


      the same organization that Determined the Democrats Crashed the Economy in 2008

    1. PLEASE share this message with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
      If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
      Plus….It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).

      If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!

    1. dungeness99 ChinaBiden is on video inappropriately fondling dozens of young children,that your hero! You sick flag burning cop killing rioting dumbocrat!💩👎

    2. Chandla Bing your right Mexico is paying and have troops protecting the wall right now. And the china fiu cure is near. And yes he built up our military,help our veterans and supports our police. ChinaBiden has tried to take your social security 4 times in his wasted 47yrs. Please quit drinking the msnbc, cnn cool aid. For your grand kids sake! 🇺🇸Trump2020🇺🇸

    3. @Patrick Tolman Is that the doctored video you’re referring to? Or is it just in your imagination. post the URL please.

    1. @Roderick Vann you’re getting professional therapy now? You people have mental illness,. Can’t wait for November it’s going to be another triggered meltdown 😂😆

    2. Sorry but the Covid-19 is just the flu. The people I know personally who had it called it a mild cold. Johns Hopkins and the CDC report the mortality rate is .6% and when you factor in that hospitals receive a financial incentive to report any death as Covid-19, the mortality rate is actually much lower. Let’s not crush the economy over the flu, it’s time to move on.

    1. @dos equis what? Lol it’s a simple statement, you should worry about your own country. You don’t see American people commenting on social media about your politics

  1. He doesn’t want to be told to stop interrupting again?
    Nah. He’s been crazy and delusional for a very long time. He didn’t need drugs to make him nuts. There is no safe distance for Joe.

    1. What did he lie about? Is Bedpan Biden 100% truthful? In ’88 he was kicked off the ticket for plagiarism, which is a form of untruth.

    1. @Benson Alvin
      The only thing humiliates me about being American is the two idiots running for president and vice president they’re merely puppets for the radical left. The one running for president is old and senile.
      The one running for vice president is inexperienced and a floozy who’s had sugar daddies and put black potheads in jail in California.
      And those two people are Joe Biden & Kamala Harris.
      2 puppets and the radical left communist will be the puppeteers.

    2. @Chris Tucker
      It’s not Trump’s fault,
      it’s George Soros funding the Democrats BLM and Antifa.
      If you go to antifa .com website you’ll end up at Biden/Harris for president website 2020.

    1. I think you mean Dementia Joe. Or shoe leather Joe or Hiden Biden. He still thinks people listen to phonographs. He thinks he’s running for Senator. Wake up sheeple vote Trump 2020.

  2. Trump should gather everyone in the WH for a little game of spin the bottle. I’d bet they’d all grow a pair and quit their jobs.

  3. Calling all voters lets give this nation a blue wave to wash away the criminal lying element in the White House and the Senate

    1. And a hazmat team to disinfect the white house…it has been a swamp since the day trump entered… it is now the COVID house.


    1. PLEASE share this message with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
      If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
      Plus….It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).

      If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!

  5. The doctors at Walter Reed found a malignant mass. To address this they simple needed to say “Hello Mr. President.”

    1. Those doctors that released him from walter reed were promised that trump would pay their student loans, how stu**d they are.

  6. Trump could literally be told not to stick a fork in an electrical outlet and he’d do it just to spite the media

    1. @Wayne LeRoy I watch and listen to fox too! I also listen to your president also. It’s not hard to figure these things out. Sometimes a spade is just a spade.

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