U.S. President Trump was fiercely heckled during his visit to Ruth Bader Ginsburg's casket. Pennsylvania Captial Star's John Micek reacts.
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jason coates

Probably because he is the only republican that is there…..
Trump’s only been a republican for like 5 years. How can you not see the grift?
So deserving

Trump 2020 Reeeeeeeee
Lol… Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving moron!!
@Douglas oh, I see you must work at one of those Canadian Tire stores where the cashiers tell the store manager what to do, and the manager just jumps to action…
@Douglas oh, so you’re a mind reader too? Wow! Why aren’t you running the world yet?
@I Prefer Sarcasm Wow…that was random.
@I Prefer Sarcasm You’re really ugly aren’t you?
@Douglas better looking than you.
They can boo all they want, Trumpy is still going to fill that seat. The last laugh is on them.
No one cares
Stay off the comment page!
@Barthalomeow The Great are you canceling him. Or are you made hes correct?
DeadNorth 86 no one cares
@Barthalomeow The Great and nobody care’s if you continue to breathe.
I Prefer Sarcasm triggered?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Righteous One.
Rest In Peace, dear lady. Thank you for all you did in our beautiful World. Thank you.
Hes still gonna be for 2020, he has the last laugh
maybe a lethalecho injection
Last fart as the cell door slams shut.
Betcha, Ruth is laughing at him from heaven.
She will be replaced before joe takes office…. did you forget elections have to happen before you can say Joe will even take office? CTV’s bias again
did you forget the “you hope” by democrats? your bias is showing
Trump 2020
Ken Evans trumpanzee
No class Democrats
How’s the weather in Petersburg, comrade?
Lol……every president gets booed, part of the job
Do all presidents get laughed at by other world leaders?
4 more years!
You forgot the dash. * -4 more years.
• 0:00 – I like that look of him with his mouth sealed shut. Except it should be metal and permanent.

• 1:04 – He _had_ to show up, it’s expected. Not to give him credit (it was probably at his PR guy’s behest), but you’re _supposed_ to go to pay respects to even your staunchest enemies. If he hadn’t gone, those same booers would be complaining that it was disrespectful to not go, so it was one of those “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” situations.
Biden 2020
Biden for nursing home 2020
Biden for President!
Trump for Prison!
Trump landslide
The best moment of 2020
It means everyone loves the Orange Moron in his mind.