President Trump argued that children should return to US schools because they’re “almost” or “virtually immune” from the coronavirus. Even though children are less susceptible to the virus, they can still transmit it to others in their household or within their communities.
Trump said he would get media criticism for using the term “totally immune,” adding, “but the fact is that they are virtually immune from this problem.” Later, Facebook said it had removed a post from President Donald Trump's page for containing false claims about Covid-19.
The post was the video of the interview the President gave to Fox News.
"This video includes false claims that a group of people is immune from Covid-19 which is a violation of our policies around harmful Covid misinformation," Facebook spokesperson Andy Stone said in a statement.
Stone added the specific comments that had run afoul of Facebook's rules were Trump's false claims about children being almost immune to the virus.
The same clip appears to have also been posted to Twitter by the Trump campaign, which was then shared from the President's main account.
#Trump #CNN #News
Barron Trumps school has decided not to open in the fall.
@anna n so the sates are ‘ the dictators!’

Ron Caron Because the president of the school is a sissy Democrat. Trump 2020!!!
@anna n
The school board decides, which is a lot closer to the principle than to the state government.
@Ryan Statt do u have any idea how bad is your statement? Think about bro.
He is just kid and I know deep down u don’t wish any kid to die. No matter how bad is other side certain things you just don’t go and kids are always off limits.
We both know u r better then this
We’re #1 at being last so that means we’re first, it is what it is
This is getting so crazy. Feels like a 1984 prequel.
He said it would be gone in April!
Mike Byrd he also said that children should be back in school by June. What a dumbass.
That’s probably because he believed the disfectant injection plan would work.
So now a Presidents word is absolute Natural Law!.. Morons Trust a believe government leaders!.. (Strongest Servive!)
Did he specify which year?
Can’t even imagine a group of kids any dumber than they’ve already been
Trump Acquitted 4life Kari np…I used to believe all the bs they said on here till I caught them lying n race baiting
@Trump Acquitted 4life Kari The world needs you to be a little smarter
Lenny Taylor we need you to practice what you preach to
@Tyler Briel You’re soft as Charmin deleting replies cuz you can’t stand to see them. Grow some thick skin…Tyler.
A new episode of the Comedy Show the world is subscribed to “Kids back to school”

I wonder if he is sending his kids or grand kids to school….
I hope so…..they r immune to the virus believe it or not
Stop lying. Children are not immune.
I’m sure he would if he had the option. Classic narcissist. Boarding school for Barron. More attention on him.
“I’m like a person who has a good you know what.”
– Donald J Trump
@Eddie G Robinson it was rigged FOR him, and you call hillary a baby killer? how about trump who is responsible for almost 160,000 dead?
@Eddie G Robinson Mind sending a link where it says all that, I’ll wait.
It is what it is it will go away its.going away Donald J Trump
Eddie G Robinson
You’re insane.
For king sake children can still carry the disease.
SHAMELESS! He will say ANYTHING to get his way, no matter who dies or what is destroyed.
ah yes, ignore my 7 year old brother who got it with his mom (different mom). clearly kids are immune to it
Did he die??? That’s what matters
U can get a disease and transmit it but b immune to the Ill effects
Barron isn’t going back to school this fall!
His private school isn’t reopening.
Ron Caron Because the president of the school is a sissy democrat. Trump 2020!!!
Fake news
@Al Diaz are you serious? America hating teachers? What a nutty thing to say.
@bobwillneverdie one of my brothers has 3 school age kids and he’s keeping them home. He said, someone asked him “aren’t you worried about them falling behind!?! his response is “Falling behind who?” and followed it by saying “if it delays them going to university for a year, i’m ok with that , it’s another year i can have them at home before they leave the nest!
First of all I’m a kid and I got the virus(I recovered) and many other children tested positive. Explain
Kids get it and recover, End of story. Kids die from the flu every year. Look it up
I dont k how maybe you weren’t wearing a mask and maybe your immune system is a bit weak?
U can get the disease and u can transmit the disease but u at an incredibly low risk of mortality, so low ur almost immune to the Ill effects even to children have 10-100x the average viral load of an adult. Do u understand??
Key words “almost immune” but you recovered right? Because it has a 99.6% survival rate
even higher for kids!
“It is what it is” – Trump
Are you kidding let’s send a kid to a covid 19 positive person.
@Boston 508617 Right? Teach them lil shits a lesson lmao
@Boston 508617 that’s terrible but funny is funny

Sang Nguyen Kids are nearly immune. Plus they do not transmit. Plenty of studys have shown this. But it violates the evil leftist agenda so they will lie.
@J S I’m dead

Mike White Is that coming out of the trump medical journal? Please seriously state a scientific study that has proven that all kids are immune. I want to read it. Has to come from a doctor also.
lol! listen, there was a strange explosion in Lebonon, tell your boss we would like to find out more about that, please! and thank you.
WHY is it so stinking hard to get through to some people that school-age children come into contact with innumerable adults through the course of their day??!! It’s mind-boggling!!
No parent in their right mind will ever send their child to school with this virus on the loose I should know because I’m a father
Schools in Georgia are threatening expulsion or suspension if parents keep kids home. It’s wild and possibly illegal, but yeah
I would love to be back in the classroom, Corona or not
I am in my right mind and both of my daughters are returning to face-to-face, in the classroom teaching in three weeks. I am a teacher and have no concerns. My wife is a physician and has no concerns. If you take the time to read the meta-study from Stanford as well as the research from 22 other countries that have already opened their schools you would have a better understanding. Children have typically only mild symptoms when they contract COVID, and there are zero confirmed cases of students passing it to their teachers because they are poor vectors for this particular Corona strain.
Kids are actually being shot all over the country but CNN has to fact check trump again
Don’t listen to to his lies. Listen to Biden and the world will be at peace.
Yes, listen to the man who said we can only re-elect Trump. Lol
Are you on my side or trumps
But Biden doesn’t remember what he said
how to know trump is lying: every time he open his mouth
@Bob Smith you know nothing