CNN's Boris Sanchez reports some of those close to former President Donald Trump say he is concerned over facing criminal charges stemming from the January 6 US capitol insurrection on top of other criminal and civil investigations.
#Trump #CNN #News
Trump facing legal problems post-impeachment acquittal

Let us hope that criminal courts have more backbone than the Senate.
@A to Z For your enlightenment —- I dropped google and am NOT getting email notifications and have NO idea what THAT particular comment was 🤦♂️ THE SAME WAY TRUMP DID 🤦♂️
Joe FAILS To Delivery On Major Campaign Promise! Voters Are DROPPING HIM At Record Levels! GAME OVER
@Democratshate America Hmm, your strange capitalizations remind me of a certain spraytanned hotelier’s tweeting style…
@Democratshate America Try to stay on topic. I know, that is difficult for you….
@Anthony Sadorski But yet trump incited a insurrection on the Capitol for the first time in American history and republicans chose to do a damn thing about it. “Doctoring evidence,” lol.. The entire world witnessed what this sick nut incited in plain view, kid yourself..
@Democratshate America not their cities they don’t own it
I can’t believe Castor would say this???? Again, when it comes to hiring lawyers, you get what you pay for!!!
@KodachiC and any lawyer who agrees to follow a client’s advice instead of formulating a winnable case is, in fact , a lousy lawyer!
@123 It’s the reason we have lawyers to begin with. The majority of clients can’t defend themselves in a court of law because a) They don’t understand the law or b) They are not good at public speaking or c) They can often incriminate themselves by mistake.
@KodachiC you aren’t making any sense. First you claim that the problem with the defence was that they were making a case for voter fraud based on Trump’s insistence. Then you suggest that that’s why we need lawyers in the first place because clients can incriminate themselves. What are you saying? You just contradicted yourself. I am saying that even if Trump hired the best lawyers in town and insisted that they present his case, they are being lousy lawyers! It is incumbent on the chosen legal representation to present the most viable legal option when it comes to defence. If Castor and Shoen listened to Trump and presented an losing strategy, they are lousy lawyers!!
@123 I was responding to your comment why lawyers taking defense strategies from their clients is a bad idea, no need to go on a rant about it. The ones he has are still stooges and he deserves them.
@KodachiC no one is ranting – just clarifying. Calm your jets man!!
that was priceless.. she was trying to hold in her laughter when he is said he runs over his personal attorneys.
@Reverend Mr Black Really? One term then voted out, Impeached twice, Even twitter fired chump, Permanently ! You’re upset and pretending to find it funny, that’s why you’re afraid to use your usual YouTube account. 😆🤣
@Reverend Mr Black Did he tell you that? trumpton’s new strategy is to set the bar so low, you can trip and fall over it. Then, while picking up your teeth, claim victory. LMFAO every time I hear from you guys.
@Ed Kelly said the Communist with no content and fake account lmao..CCP TROLL.
@odessafile75 The evidence is overwhelming, no wonder even trumps side, throughout all of the trial was even treating trump like he’s guilty. The best they could do is arguing to get him off on a technicality. Still, now the WHOLE WORLD and all the leaders of them know hes guilty, and that hes disgraced himself forever 100%. I dont know how trump would dare show his face in public anymore. *cringe* can you imagine how humiliating it must be for him- to finally be held accountable and exposed like this so publicly. The guy was such an idiot.
@Reverend Mr Black Get off the meth and go to rehab. Trust me, you’ll thank me for it later.
I’ll bet Pennsylvania could dive in with an indictment of their own.
Pennsylvania itself is known as one of the most corrupt states in the union. Ben Franklin is rolling in his grave.
For sure, but why spend that money. Wait and see how it goes. Plan then attack!🤓
@Tom Torrell rearrange the letters in your last name & it spells
@Susanne Grabowski Texas.
He believes he can do anything he wants. He needs to be held accountable for his crimes. 😠
@Kathy Franklund they have no proof. Their cult leader couldn’t provide proof. Why would they? They can only repeat repeat repeat what he says. That’s it. But it’s funny when election fraud is brought up, they all magically never bring the PROOF of trump trying to steal and rig Georgia, post election. Straight from his mouth. Funny how that fact is always lost in their argument. 🤣🤣
@Dave Moore Yeah, no I dont think so. Even a lot of trumpers dont believe there was fraud- there were just a lot more people who voted bc they were sick and tired of his leadership- and really, he was turning the country into an authoritarian/mob-rule state. Why is it so hard for you to believe that a guy who never polled above 50% lost again this time around. Of course he knew he would lose again bc he wasnt changing minds in his favor and then started blasting everyday starting a whole year in advance, in tweets and in speeches NONSTOP to plant it firmly, that if he loses it will only be bc of a stolen election. MADNESS! There was NO proof! Sure there may have been some votes but not enough to make him lose. Look, It was a very uncomfortable place for all of us, for years. Trump created chaos, planted crazy stories non stop to rile up his largely undereducated, openly hateful, unskilled, white power nationalist base in order to scam them of their money- and wow, did he ever, he made hundreds of millions EASY that went straight into his pockets, in endless election donations- no wonder he didnt wasnt to leave. I dont know how hes going to pay off his loans now that he’s disgraced his name by that crazy sht he pulled on Jan 6. Bc you know trumps not actually rich right? Its just on paper- his banks own everything and not him. Hes not a true millionaire and never wasa family of d, and his whole family are from a line of defrauders and scammers. I used to like trump- thought he was funny but looking back and being honest, he was not suitable for job of being president- hes no leader, and seriously did NOT “…make america great again” whatever the hell that was supposed to mean. It’s like karma is finally coming to get him before his end. He lost bc most of us were not fooled like you trumpers still are. Time to wake up and face cold reality. You fooled yourself. Is it better to be right or to DO right?
It because he’s white and rich
@J K Thanks for taking the time to write that, its been hard to sum up the last 4 years in words , but u pretty much just did that so thanks!
Only way to deal with treason is to kill them
I appreciated the candid answer to the final question, “If asked, would you represent him?”
😅😂🤭 I LOVE how she put him on the spot about representing Trump and he was stammering.
Add the invertebrate, Lindsey Graham on the list of state charges for trying to alter the outcome of a national election.
@Wisdom101 With 95 million deaths in two World Wars and continuing wars worldwide, how can people still believe there is a God?
@laron adams I see believe in conspiracy theories.
@Reverend Mr Black You lost the Senate you lost the house of representatives and you lost the White House buddy hundreds of your friends are in jail you’re the one who’s crying you have no power and soon you’ll have no guns
Criminal as listed there is very hard to prove.. Not as easy as impeachment, and if not careful, he can sue them as a citizen.. He has more power now as a citizen. He can sue em all and restrict their hands, and cause one conflict of interest after another.. A fun, and even profitable game for him if they want to play ball…CNN is already being sued for defaming a lawyer….Defamation comes into effect as well. Being a former presdent he can bakrupt an entity as there is no cap for pay out!! The law cannot be changed!! They can’t even bother him unless they got somthing solid.. Civil is a whole other matter.
@Cynthia Brent You misspelled stooge
Dang, he stammered big time when she asked him if he would go back.
What bout 15sec?
Tripping over all the furniture.
@Taricus I loved that tone change. He was so hesitant to outright say “no” and tried to give a lawyer-ly answer. Then he was just like “ah fk it. I want nothing to do with him.”
@Nice Try honey. You lost . Get over it. Time to move on. And lower your blood pressure.
@Carmen G sister, oh my, what further evidence do you need to change your mind. I know it hurts when your side loses.
Translation when asked if I would be his personal attorney: “He doesn’t pay his bills and I don’t work for free.” “He wants me to lie in court…he’s an idiot and I’m not losing my license…I’m not Guiliani.” 😏
@Joseph Nieboer maybe check out accredited sources, instead of random, anonymous weirdos on the internet. People might start taking you seriously🐑🙂
Have fun living in ignorance.
@Joseph Nieboer Qanon is not considered research or truth LOL
Good thing I don’t ever follow them. Keep your hate you don’t know me I don’t know you. Have a good life the end. The truth will out.
Real translation, Trump wouldn’t want him and if he did want him he would go for it, that’s why he stammered!
Lindsay Graham also made a call to Georgia trying to get votes changed, he needs to be charged as well.
@Joan Bowden Oh if only!
There was no trying to change votes! There was the question of only counting the legal votes! Didn’t you see the video of the frau d counting the next day?
@Robert B Please note not thrown out at all. They are now in contempt if they don’t comply !
Criminal as listed there is very hard to prove.. Not as easy as impeachment, and if not careful, he can sue them as a citizen.. He has more power now as a citizen. He can sue em all and restrict their hands, and cause one conflict of interest after another.. A fun, and even profitable game for him if they want to play ball…CNN is already being sued for defaming a lawyer….Defamation comes into effect as well. Being a former presdent he can bakrupt an entity as there is no cap for pay out!! The law cannot be changed!! They can’t even bother him unless they got somthing solid.. Civil is a whole other matter.
@Cinematic Man Hiw is he going to bankrupt CNN. He owes hundreds of millions of dollars in unpaid loans not to mention the money hes going to be spending on lawyers fighting all the lawsuits coming his way. I hope he is stupid enough to sue CNN, maybe even the southern district of new York. Then he would have to actually show up in court to prove his case. My guess us he won’t show.
Since he so obviously has great respect for Hitler and his cult, couldn’t we convince him to take the same way out? If we tell him it’s what real great leaders do…?
He doesn’t believe in carbon offset. However, you could take his place, and save the planet.
One way ticket to the Berlin bunker, a pill and a gun? Fair idea, but he wouldn´t dare the gun part, his bonespurs would ache.
He’s afraid of his own shadow, no way he has the balls
Nazis were socialist
Its obvious that the answer is “hell fk no!!”
😆😅😂🤣 “I’m not that stupid!” 😆😅😂🤣
And he will get off all this smh.. I hope the courts have more spine than the Senate.
I bet most of this won’t stick to Teflon Don, but one day they’ll get him on tax evasion, like Capone.
it’ll be too little too late.
Well, the book, Mafia Don, is about Trump’s ties to the mob…
This is the only likely consequence he will face
Criminal as listed there is very hard to prove.. Not as easy as impeachment, and if not careful, he can sue them as a citizen.. He has more power now as a citizen. He can sue em all and restrict their hands, and cause one conflict of interest after another.. A fun, and even profitable game for him if they want to play ball…CNN is already being sued for defaming a lawyer….Defamation comes into effect as well. Being a former presdent he can bakrupt an entity as there is no cap for pay out!! The law cannot be changed!! They can’t even bother him unless they got somthing solid.. Civil is a whole other matter.
they’re going to after his kids.
DOJ Federal and AG for DC need to answer for incitement and deaths along with Rudy, Trump Jr. Cruz, Hawley, Barr, etc.
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
~ Aldous Huxley
@Tom Torrell Pre-planned by supporters who thought Trump was literally telling them to riot, and staffers confirmed he loved every second of it as he watched on tv. Plus he kept saying the election was stolen, how do you think people would react when they buy his bullshit?
And no, Biden’s not letting illegals in, although he agreed to take in more asylum seekers (not the same as illegals, mind you). Again, you have no basis for this accusation, so show proof or stfu
Such as the rampant VOTER FRAUD that the Whole World is aware of.
@Mike Mason sick of these trump supporters spouting their huxley quotes. Go back to the fox news comment section
Criminal as listed there is very hard to prove.. Not as easy as impeachment, and if not careful, he can sue them as a citizen.. He has more power now as a citizen. He can sue em all and restrict their hands, and cause one conflict of interest after another.. A fun, and even profitable game for him if they want to play ball…CNN is already being sued for defaming a lawyer….Defamation comes into effect as well. Being a former presdent he can bakrupt an entity as there is no cap for pay out!! The law cannot be changed!! They can’t even bother him unless they got somthing solid.. Civil is a whole other matter.
@LG the WHOLE WORLD! Except…you know… everyone with common sense.
The chant, “lock him up” has never been more surreal until Trump’s presidential immunity has expired.
@Just Me please name the actual laws they’ve allegedly broken; I’ll wait.
@opinions in ASMR what about hunters laptop? Hasn’t been mentioned in the fake news like CNN
@opinions in ASMR plus harris inciting riots and bailing out those who damaged property…
@Just Me So someone saying they’re Hunter Biden drops off a laptop full of incriminating evidence, it disappears without anyone other than the store owner seeing the contents, an unverified copy of which ends up in the hands of a newspaper… that’s enough for you, huh? Well I just got a phonecall from Trump, because he assured me that’s who he was, and he confessed to tons of crimes that he should go to jail for. Case closed.
Or that some real evidence has been presented, we’ve been waiting for 4 years…
He is going to prison it’s just a matter of time, he has slew of criminal misconduct, time is running out.
No self – respecting lawyer would tarnish his reputation by representing that gangster ex president..
Lock him up!