Trump expected to attack Biden’s family during debate

Joy Malbon breaks down the presidential debate and says U.S. President Trump will probably launch personal attacks against Joe Biden.


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Trump expected to attack Biden's family during debate


    1. It hurts that they’ve pushed it this far. I mean so much needless suffering and division. They all have tds

    1. You mean the story about Hunter getting a ridiculous high paying job with no experience. Or the prosecutor being fired over his son during the quid pro quo JOE incident?

  1. doesn’t the MSM constantly attack Trumps Family? I see Don JR on TV all the time, Defending himself and his family. Anyone heard from Hunter Biden lately? LOL.

    1. Twitter is closing the accounts of anyone who mentions Hunter’s crack smoking and selling nuclear and stealth secrets to Chi-nah.

    1. @Driver D Trump paid $38.4 million dollars in a SINGLE YEAR, for federal income tax alone.
      How sure are you that your household paid that much or more?

    2. @Driver D the whole tax thing has been debunked. And the account in china has something like 200k and it was reported on in trumps taxes.

    3. @Driver D ya a secret Chinese bank account lol that was declared on his tax returns, very secret lol and how much was in there o a 188 grand, how do you idiots think this is even news!

    4. @Driver D The accounts he shut down in 2015? After deciding NOT to do business in China. You mean those ones. Grow up

    1. The debate is live right now, moron..He’s literally insulting Biden and his family as we speak.
      Wtf are you talking about? Oh right nothing, you trolls just like to FLOOD the Canadian networks lately.

    1. Clearly this woman did not watch the unedited 60 minutes interview … otherwise she would realize how foolish she looks.

    1. @shr00mhead Are you daft? Bidens up to his eyeballs in China, Russia, Iraq, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Maybe you should take the blinders off. Its already public info. SMH

  2. lol duh! buddy is smoking crack with a potential minor and making deals on behalf of the big guy…. what is wrong with these news channels? you were crying russia collusion for 3 years and you breeze over this. Disgusting

  3. By “attack Biden’s family” do you mean attack his business associates who happen to be his family?

    1. @juveman123 they are not reporters. they are political activists. a reporter, a judge, a teacher, a police, social worker……are supposed to be non biased and just do their job

  4. Attack isn’t the word but Trump EXPOSING BIDEN CORRUPTION 😃NOW your going
    in the right direction. LET there be LIGHT☀️

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