Trump Exits With Pardons Backfiring, As Cohen Details Danger Of New Witnesses

As Pres. Trump pardons many allies during his last days in office, his former attorney Michael Cohen explains how some pardons could backfire. Cohen also details his own new court filings — regarding both his own case and other inmates, whom Cohen says Trump has abandoned despite past pledges about criminal justice reform. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 12/28/2020.
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#Trump #Pardons #MSNBC

Trump Exits With Pardons Backfiring, As Cohen Details Danger Of New Witnesses

Trump Exits With Pardons Backfiring, As Cohen Details Danger Of New Witnesses


    1. Now everyone in jail and pending jail sentence, regardless what criminal activities did or didn’t do will be in uproar, wouldn’t be surprised if criminals start rioting demanded the same rights to be free. Trump has really legalized crimes in an already courup justice system.
      And please, trump supporters who think he’s god, you’re just as immoral aiding him, he’s is not amoral in what he’s doing and so are all who supported a wrong because he is fully aware of it. Makubg excusing his behavior makes one just as immoral as he is

    1. @adrian lee Alas—Dear Adrian-It is not I who is blind. When Trump is Re-elected on January 6th and inaugurated on or around 1/20/2021 I will feel so sorry when you and millions of others realize what Ari and the rest of the Chyna driven media has done to you. Your head will get caved in. You’ll need painkillers for what’s coming.

    2. @jan morgan OMG- I don’t listen to that fool. He is a bureaucrat and Deep State operative. The depths of lies you have bought are amazing.

    3. @Arturo Ortiz your fantasies are your perversion Arturo. what will you think of trump when he pardons himself and his family? How will that self-recognition of guilt sit with you? He knows what is coming in 23 days…

  1. Trump signed the Covid relief bill the other day. He probably thought he was signing a pardon for one of his cronies instead.

    1. Well Said he wouldn’t have Read it or Understood it unless it had Pictures and someone explained it to him

    1. @Blend42 I wish, but just listen to the tapes of his bullying of TRUMP’s victims of the past. It took a pretty nasty, unprincipled person to stomach such ugliness for 10 years or mote. He got caught and Trump betrayed him. What else could he do🤮?

    2. @SLEEPER 972 I wouldn’t bet on that. I don’t believe Michael Cohen wants a pardon from Biden, Trump or any President. He’s made his money already even though he’s been disbarred. He’s also getting more airtime than anyone that has been pardoned. Good for Cohen.

  2. If they accept the fake president’s pardon, all these people are admitting that they are guilty. Pardons don’t mean that these people are innocent.

    1. @Lindsey Lippincott a sitting president can be indicted by law but the corrupt US regime political system does not want to indict a sitting president and lose face around the world

    2. This may cover federal crimes, but not state crimes or crimes committed in other countries to which they would no longer be welcome. Case in point, money laundering in Canada.

  3. Michael Cohen — This is the first truly honorable thing I’ve heard you say. Good on you, and best wishes. May you prevail.

    1. @Proverbs 3:5-6 Same with all of us who’s read the book, but don’t forget – He “works” thru man, else you wouldn’t be listening to your pastor, your clergyman or religious leader etc. When He is here to do the things himself, then it’s all over for everyone, that’s why it’s called the second coming! You sure you didn’t miss a few chapters when reading?

    2. @Proverbs 3:5-6 Also only TRUST those that say and practice the words, not those that say but cannot quote the bible, commit all the sins against the 10 Commandments and can’t even hold a Bible the right side up!!

    3. @Proverbs 3:5-6

      what is worth noting is that, as Cohen said, there is an entire department dedicated to basically finding people who may be worth pardoning and then vetting whether they deserve it ect. Like, surely there are some pardons among them that may be questionable, but for Obama in particular many of his pardons were people convicted on drug charges and often charged at the height of the war on drugs movement, which ended them up with sentences that today would be completely unreasonable. I don’t think that you should be looking at the *number* of pardons so much as the *names* included in those pardons.

      In this particular case, many of Obama’s pardons were people on drug charges who were charged with unfairly long sentences, many of them *life* sentences. Strictly speaking, Obama actually only gave 212 *pardons*, while the rest were commutations of sentence. In this case, Trump is giving out full pardons to people whose names we *recognize* because we know they did some very bad things and they’re now getting away from them free of consequence.

      And in regards to the purely factual, what Cohen says about that executive order not being touched upon for two years? That’s kind of telling of the amount of work Donald Trump and his administration have actually put into prison reform. In that regard, it takes very little to be doing more than they are in regards to said reform, so Michael Cohen may very well be doing more than they have just by being on this video talking about this issue.

    4. @Anandan Kannoosamy you can’t state “same for all of us who’s read the book’ as that is a impossibility. Not everyone that reads the bible follows it’s teachings and commandments. Also it isn’t a book it is plural. The bible consists of 66 books. Again, my faith is in the Lord not man who has free will and is a sinner. 2 Corinthians 11:13
      I don’t know why you jumped to the 2nd coming but I do know this…..your snarky comments speaks volumes about yourself and your superior attitude. You don’t present yourself as a humble, loving child of God.

    1. Now some Republicans think Pence has the power to decide what list of electors to follow from each state…. The Constitution does not give the vice president of any country the choice who becomes president… What planet are they living on?

    2. @Mark Sweet They live on planet Trump. All Trump, all the time. Facts have no meaning. They won’t even bother to determine for themselves how the process actually works. Pence cannot unilaterally choose a president. It’s delusional that they even believe that is possible.

    3. @Cynna1065 they know how rediculas that is they don’t care the idea is to please Trump and his cult following are not bright enough to know how rediculas it is so they will donate more money to Trump’s offering plate.

    1. @joe thomas said that the virus was real. Didn’t play it down. Didn’t try to create herd immunity. Lol wanna keep it going?

  4. As of December 2020, President Donald Trump has pardoned 29 people from his inner circle of allies. All of this happening, while 9 federal executions have been carried out since July 2020. President Trump is a disgrace to mankind.

    1. @Chuck Farley Trumpturd atrosities are at the level of Hitler…ICE doing medical experiments just like Nazis in WWII… We should not be surprised, remember Operation Paperclip.

    2. @Chuck Farley yes. Yes they are. They also are profiting from the office which is illegal. Just can’t charge the president or his family while in his office

    3. Megan Lowery they’ll never prosecute the Clintons dynasty will they. We seen how that worked for Epstein. You watch the movie American made yet with Tom Cruise. Check it out

    4. Please remember , people are on DEATH row for a reason . Just so happens that their time has come on Trump’s watch. How many years is a person suppose to sit on death row .

    5. @Chuck Farley hmm…how many of those that Obama pardoned were Federal offenders, or pled guilty for misleadingly the FBI; or in prisoned for molesting a 15 year old girl while being a government offical; or proven to work for Russia against a foreign country; or fraud after fraud after fraud? The shocking part? Pardens were meant to be a sacred gift for someone whose life was changed for the better – not so truly corrupt people can go right back where they left off – making the world even more worse. Yeah, Trump has done what no other president has done – just not for the good.

    1. @Proverbs 3:5-6 He did not pardon co conspirators and people who obstructed justice by not testifying against that mad orange chimp.

    1. @Raymond warren
      You are not well read or knowledgeable about the next administration. Our democracy was almost lost with DTrumpf trying to become a dictator. Wake up.

    2. @Coletha Albert
      Where did you hear this? I thought tRump was protected from all legal processes until his term is over on 1/20/21.

  5. All Illegal Pardons. Quid Pro Quos for Obstruction of Justice, Interfering in a Federal Investigation, etc.

    1. Mondo Enterprises let’s look at Clinton pardons first then we can look at Barrys pardons then we might have time to look at trump pardons. Us news programs are finished!
      I can not wait till trump pardons Julian Assange!!!! That will be the best one!!

    1. @James Davis
      What do Flying Monkeys do for the Narcissists?
      The Flying Monkey does the Narcissist’s Bidding to inflict additional torment on the target. It may consist of spying, spreading gossip, threatening, painting the Narcissist as the victim (Victim playing) and the target as the Perpetrator (Victim blaming).
      ….excerpted from Wikipedia › wiki ›

      Do narcissists discard their Flying Monkeys?

      “Yes.” With NO LOYALTY TO ANYONE, the Narcissist easily Discards the Flying Monkeys when they have done the damage intended.
      There are two (2) general types of Flying Monkeys:
      – 1) ‘Complicit and
               Willing’ (Conspirator)-
                -and –
      —  2) ‘Well-meaning Dupes:
               (Deluded): —“One who is easily fooled; Dumbed down;
      (Lacking CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS to form their own FACT-CHECKED opinions.)”


    1. Went for a year and changed my life. Clean and making a decent living now. It will teach you some good life lessons.

    1. @Salesad Mieze the other guy involved worked with the prosecutors and got a reduced sentence. Because he flipped, t**** didn’t pardon him

    2. Of course not but there was so many mail in ballots for Biden from the ppl in the services for all his rhetoric about the deceased soilders he trying to spin it to his favor for what he think is going to be his run for 2024…lmao

    3. And tRump’s GOP sycophants are still talking about the 4 in Benghazi, Hillary’s emails and Hunter Biden’s laptop. 😂

  6. The Trumps have ruined their own legacy!
    They will all pay the ultimate price in the end…!!!
    Prison is on the Horizon

    1. What Legacy ? Trump & his parasite family left a trail of incompetence & are a Loser bunch of Grifters , Con-men/women & will all go to jail !!! If they don’t, it will be because the USA Legal System is corrupt & US is screwed !

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