New 2020 battleground polls with Joe Biden in the lead are showing the impact Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic is having on his re-election effort. The president was also reportedly angry with campaign officials over his numbers. Aired on 4/30/2020.
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Trump Erupts At Campaign Manager Over Poll Numbers: Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC
He’s scared. Real scared. The courts are waiting ..
The Russian Oligarchs will want their money back too.
John Swo bahaha yeah !
Don’t fool yourself. Even after he’s out of office, nothing will happen to him. He’ll drag it out in the courts until he checks out for good.
nothing will happen to him in court, America is too corrupt for that
@saddleupbike Your right we’ve seen that for 3 years
He listens to a campaign briefing but not his intelligence briefings?!
Expecting something different?
American national security bores him, but if you talk about whether he’s popular or not, he’s all ears.
THIS IS WHY president ScrewUp DID NOT want any testing to be DONE because it makes “him” look bad, which is ALL that matters, RIGHT??? That is why he didn’t WANT to unload those cruise ships either. He did not want to FACE the “Numbers” and EVEN told us SO! Better hurry up and die if you want to be “counted” as having “lived”. President won’t ALLOW it??????
That says it all!
Campaigning is on Trumps bucket list. Not reading !!
Praising himself when he wins, blaming everybody else when he loses, insulting his collaborators when they bring him bad news, losing his temper on moment of crisis… Strangely reminiscent of a certain Adolf H…
@Sniper Dolphin No, it’s because you insult me without any argumentation. And I never said he was like Hitler but that there were many similarities.
But thanks anyway for this link. I read that paper that I found very interesting even if some things went over my head (English is not my mother’s tongue).
Alain Michel bruh, you literally said “strangely reminiscent of a certain Adolf H…” You’re overtly implying that he is about the same as Hitler, when that’s demonstrably false
@Sniper Dolphin Well that’s not wat I ment, but again english is not my mother’s tongue. We can continue this discussion tomorrow if you don’t mind, it’s 11 PM here in Belgium.
Gibson Weasel YES! He is an Adderal addict! Listen to the way he “sniffs” CONSTANTLY as he speaks. There are PLENTY of instances where he can barely speak in a coherent manner. It’s something that folks in his administration knows but doesn’t talk about out loud.
@Sniper Dolphin When.. he wins a second term..
The rest of the country should listem to NY, where he trails by more than 30 points: NY knows who Trump is.
@Chris Blaser Trump’s people run the website. What stops them from putting whatever they want up there?
@Chris Blaser nobody really knew who Obama was before he ran for president outside of his home state.
So all that tells me is that Trump saw him on TV and was literally so enraged by a black man in a position of power (not exactly inconsistent with Trump’s history with racism) that he launched a social media campaign to slow him down. Which he failed at, Obama got through all 8 years.
Does that make Trump look better to you? That he’d willing abandon his past political allies just to spite a black man?
sneakerjoe23: I’ve lived in NY all my life. I love what Cuomo has done and is doing. Today my aunt trashed me, called me stupid, dumb, unaware and to get over the bleach thing – all because I’m not in trump’s camp. Silly me, I thought this was America where I could vote – or not vote for – whoever I wanted to. Sound familiar? That seems to be the trump mentality.
@Se Ou exactly my point.
New York is a loser liberal state what’s your point?
Vote people, it’s not in the bag.
Bob Donald just because it was unlikely and he lost the popular vote doesn’t mean he’s a perfect king, if anything he’s the least productive president you’ve ever had, having caused 64,000 deaths in 2 months through inaction that would have been far worse if the governors of individual states hadn’t stepped in to pick up his slack. He always has an empty desk compared to every previous president, and his approval rating is below 50% which would mean in any other country he will lose the next election without the electoral college that gives a minority of smaller states the decision of who represents the entirety of the country, a better system would be to split the number of electoral votes based on the percent of each state, like you win 60% of the votes in a state and you earn 60% of the electoral votes from that state instead of getting 100%, this way smaller states have a voice but you still need close to the majority of the support of your country
Vote blue, vote blue, vote blue no matter who! Even a candidate from Mars will be better than trump, may even speak better English! Lol
biden is far less worae than trump so biden 2020
MadMike Couldn’t have said it better myself
TheNinthGeneration Trump is better than any democratic candidate. Thank God for the electoral college.
I can’t believe those polls aren’t even wider than that!
@Natalie Mullings you are lost in this world aren’t
PUMPKINMAN63 Why, are you looking for me?
PUMPKINMAN63 Only people who have common sense, can call me a friend. My friends are like diamonds, not wash over fake cosmetic jewelry who are easily lead, because they don’t have a mind of their own.
@Natalie Mullings what you talking about
PUMPKINMAN63 You said that I’m lost so, I thought you were looking for me. In what sense I’m lost?
Somebody needs to wash his lying mouth out with bleach.
@james Please take your meds!
@james if your going to go biblical at least know where we are at… this sis tbe beginning of sorrows, give the mark some time, the pestilence might get you before you see that day. And the scriptures are very precise: in their right hand and in their forehead for the mark, as well can you name who this person is that is currently in power to do this to the entire world? Their is no man in position to do tbat, as well have men to worship the beast before him, as well himself. This is like Jesus said tbe beginning of sorrows… your military is not about to come in tour house and yake tour guns as of now, so chill on that, and follow Acts 2:38.
No not bleach, tide pods its got a brighter in it

Or, alternatively, Fluoroantimonic acid.
Just saying…
He’s a flip flopper and has been the entire time he’s a fraud he’s delusional and he does not belong running the U.S.! trump needs to step aside!
He should be in the mental clinic or mental hospital.
Flipping is a measured thing he does on purpose when he is not sure where public opinion is on the topic. If he gets quoted backing both sides of an issue, he just waits until the issue is sorted out and adds the opinion he had that was correct to his highlight real. Discards the incorrect opinion and denies he ever said it.
The only difference between Trump and any other politician is that they although they think all the same things, they don’t say what they think. Trump does.
rollerblading geek “The only thing”????? What are you smokin? Share!!!
NOBODY has ever been as poorly directed and inept at leadership in general, as this President. His obsession with “his” economy, the impeachment, and RE-election left him wide open for being blind-sided by this. His flipping on issues, lashing out at imaginary opponents who would love to support him and his efforts, lies, deflecting, sociopathy, Narcissism, and relatively little experience as a leader also made him out-matched and overwhelmed from the get go… BESIDES most of those concerns, he’s sort of like other politicians, though not really. Pretty lame generalization in reality.
@rollerblading geek Sure bubba, but don’t forget that your orange leader just said on live TV that people could inject themselves with disinfectant against the virus! Get it!!! Stay stupid, cause you’re too good at it!
He’s such a simpleton he can’t distinguish between the ratings for his briefings and public approval.
*It’s a national disgrace that Trump is even polling as high as he is!*
@Johnathan Brown Bruhhhhhhhhh you gotta chill lmao lay off of the caps lock. And I had a great laugh that you just assumed I’m a trump supporter. Sorry bud but I back Bernie Sanders. Let’s not forget Biden (On video too) clearly shows that he forgets where he is. He rambles on and on about nonsense and is a creep who can’t keep his hands off of young girls. But keep nominating centrists like him dems. Because y’all clearly play for a team and never vote for policy or substance. Instead y’all would rather have centrist status quo republican democrats like Biden.
America is a racist country, live with it. And now people are dropping like flies and barely blaming trumps apathy…”you can pick a white man’s pockets clean if you can convince him he is better than a black man” Lyndon Baines Johnson
The Evangelical/Prosperity Gospel preachers are backing him and they have a LOT of influence over their congregants/followers.Look at the ones he has surrounding him in the White House, the most favoured , surprise surprise-not ,the fake,rich blonde Paula White to name but one. That madman, Kenneth Copeland, leader of a mega church and the richest preacher in America supports him and tells his followers to support him , other mega church leaders support him , Roberts Liardon supports him and tells his church followers to support him, he even had the audacity to tell the British to vote for Boris Johnson. In fact I would say that Roberts Liardon is one of the most dangerous prosperity gospel preachers at the moment , unlike others, he is believable unless you can see through him and realise exactly what he preaches, including about politics. These people have tremendous influence over their ” sheep “.
@Sian Pearson The Buy Bull even CALLS them sheep!!!
Oh what a giveaway!
@APlatinumOrange Biden is not much better but your comment about him not being able to keep his hands off young girls, well Trump has been as bad in that area. The way I see it, Americans are stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea, lose/lose situation when either Biden or Trump voted in , but Biden is the lesser of the 2 evils.
Trumo sounds like Hitler in his Berlin bunker who was convinced he was going to win the war.
RonG. Wondering why
Tara Reade didn’t say a word during the 8 years Biden was VP?? I haven’t heard of one report that indicates she had a problem back then. Let them both testify.
@Eli Gordon It doesn’t matter if he’s got the guts, he would miss and shoot his wig.
@Ron G No replies saying how wise you are, moron.
Until he sent his exhausted NAZI regime out, on crystal meth ! WW2 on Netflix (3rd & final series)
@Ron G ” And then zero reporting on allegations against Joe Biden, who Tara Reade has many people backing up her claims.” – Except that this is of course not true. This very news channel had Joe Biden on for an almost 20-minute long interview on the topic just yesterday:
No filtering out here.
The fact that he still has supporters is a nightmarish reflection of the American population
Hey BITTERSWEET, your initials stand for exactly x comes out of your mouth
@Bittersweetbrawl HEY BS(bittersweet)… Your verbatim, of President Trump’s highly edited comments.. Are your convoluted perception of the facts… Two weeks ago when he started daily QNA with a”propagandized”slideshow,… MSM went nuts, especially one female ( CBS) LIBERAL hack in particular… BAIT TAKEN… TRUMP RETORTED that’s what you guys do to him EVERYDAY… SHE REPLIED… I’m not joking… You ready… She said, THAT’S OUR JOB…. FAKE NEWS ADMISSION right there… BAIT TAKEN
@steven evans You should move sir.
@steven evans here in St . Louis we HATE TRUMP I wish the guy van hurry up and die from corona and same goes for his supporters
@Mike F. God bless America and President Trump… And I love in the sanctuary wasteland of NYC
“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
— Napoleon Bonaparte
Waterloo, did you watch it the other night too?
@james Yes, Yes I can see you now! In your front yard on your couch with a rebel flag hanging off your trailer watching Fox News exalt you’re extremely stable genius!
The best way for us to get rid of a clown is to let him believe he’s doing a great job.
All people surrounding the clown should use Napoleon’s tatics.
Not the smartest remark her Roman. The world needs a Wellington on land, and Nelson at sea. Thats where Napoleon interrupted !
@james James, get it through your inadequate head, NO ONE cares enough about you to even notice you or your shotgun so have fun on the couch moron!
I’ll be glad when Donnie magically goes away to prison for the rest of his life.
Once a person is the Pres, it’s a get -out-of-hot-water-free-for-life card. But yeah I get the sentiment. We can always wish that he commits an act of treason or attempts to start a new government or something else insane….He is capable..
@Tony Simmons Already did the treason thing with Ukraine. Republicans said no big deal.
DO consider, NY alone has several lawsuits lined up as soon as he’s out of office. He may not go to jail, but he’s gonna be OJ broke when this is done.
You would have thought that denying our intelligence during his idiotic speech in Helsinki would have been treasonous enough, right?
wont happen you watch to much news..?
60000 dead Americans and he focuses on election! What a piece of ….
Ken Grassa enjoy the irony
@Lovelyskydancer you must be a trump supporter just opening your mouth and letting whatever come out WITHOUT CHECKING FIRST
@Anne Marie Your intelligent and informed answer to that peabrain is much too complicated for him to understand. His brain would start smoking if he tried to figure it out.
None of them are telling us the truth about covid. There is no virus threat. This has been scripted and planned years ago.
@Lovelyskydancer Please read what did you just wrote — US has 330 million people, ]JUST by car accidents you say 6 million die — so from 2000 to 2020 — 120 million US citizens died from car accidents – thats like 37% of US population and as I said JUST by car accidents — now count all other factos — all kind of catastrophes , other kind of accidents and so on…. basicly US should been wiped out long time ago by your logic

Trump will always blame others for the consequences of his own actions.
Now trying desperately to distract everyone by pointing the blame on China. Even his overweight bulldog Pompeo is in on it.
Trump is playing checkers when we are playing chess wrong game wrong President.
Biden is just sitting back at the moment with popcorn and letting him hang himself.
I wonder what happened to Giuliano and his masses of evidence that would destroy Biden’s campaign.
Hopefully just Biden his time. The danger is not doing enough.
Obviously there us not much he can do to direct Federal policy or actions, that’s all down to Trump/GOP
@The Scoop! …Trump thinks it’s Putin, doesn’t he?
Braindead Joe.

@Tumbleweedin Trump the thin-skinned, childish, unempathetic, immoral, unfaithful, sociopathic, un-American, lying a**hole. Totally unqualified to be president of anything but I’m sure his dimwitted base will vote for him again anyway.
Let’s hope Trump will “magically” go away.
@The Antagonizer Why is our American political system so broken? It seems as though it has been engineered to fail, no matter that Americans want solid responsible leadership.
Bfoots1952 No it’s not hope that will get rid of Donald Trump it’s our votes on November 3 every single vote matters it’s time to kick the orange turd to the curb
His own people are now turning against him in droves through a movement called The Lincoln Project. They are basically Republicans against Trump. Here’s their ad: And here’s their website:
Bfoots1952 Trump can’t read.
@Jameson Wood in the meantime, let’s see how disinfectant injections, ultraviolet , and the heat handle the virus.
It’s going to be a happy day when he loses.
He’s not going to


truMcP, true male chauvinistic pig….
So right