Trump Echoes Segregationist George Wallace On Race In America | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Ahead of the 2020 election as the nation reckons with racial injustice, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham says Donald Trump 'is very much in the tradition of George Wallace.' Aired on 7/10/2020.
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Trump Echoes Segregationist George Wallace On Race In America | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Trump Echoes Segregationist George Wallace On Race In America | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. Trump is a dark cloud on American democracy and civility. There is no silver lining, only poison in this cloud.

    1. @ms 3533 Judging by your comment,
      I can tell you don’t have a relation with a woman.
      I can tell you how to make any woman say ‘yes’.
      Just ask her if you’re bothering her.

    2. @ms 3533
      Trump only speaks in childish, witless clichés.
      He’s never had an original thought,
      like you.

    3. @PAjeannie66 my point is the hate and division is and has been on the left for quite some time! Trump and people like myself want all Americans to unite as Americans, the greatest and most free people in the history of all of humanity! It truly amazes me how hate blinds the left the way it does today! Trump 2020

  2. I like how he says he is not racist but on one of his adds he has the confederate flag and we all should know what that is or you haven’t learned a thing

    1. He did not say : He’s not a racist
      He said am a small racist.
      A little racist.
      Not mega racist.

  3. Trump’s Nazi father pressured a doctor, whose offices were in Trump’s building, to write a false report that the Donald had Bone Spurs to keep him out of the war.
    Sound familiar?

    1. Yep sounlds like every president we have had in the last 40 years, mccain would have been the first one to serve in along time

    1. @Timurphy was here ‘Manson’ portrayed in this video has a more advanced vocabulary than Trump, lol. Thanks for the link!

    2. His body language speaks volumes. Especially when he hug’s himself in insecurities like his mother never did & his father didn’t want to.

  4. He is a useless human bing do not pay attention just VOTE!!!!!!, for your life and for beloved America!!!!!!!.

    1. Genet. There Is nothing Human attached to his Suit. He Is An Ancient Monster that wasn’t Properly Destroyed In the Laboratory Pietre Dish After A Biological Experiment Went Horribly Wrong. A Blob of Vile, Satanic, Demonic Mass took form and emerged Into A Foreign Land that he should Not be In. .

    2. @Genet Genet — In Scotland a ‘bing’ is a slag heap built from the waste from a coal mine.
      I know you made a slight spelling error , but descriptively it fits perfectly, thanks for the chuckle.

    3. @Linda PS A great actor, Gregory Peck starred in a prophetic1978 movie. Many sequels have since been made, (see the current events,similarities?)
      those warnings went out,
      but sadly, were ignored.

    1. The best cell , the most magnificent cell, you’ll never see better cell… all for Donnie, the most treacherous bunker boy you’ll ever know.

    1. @Dienie Fay America has always rejected him, he is the only POTUS who has never risen above 49% approval. How he achieved that I’ll never understand, but whatayagonnado? The shame is what evangelicals have become. They are a political party, not a religion. This isn’t Iran. Here in American we have separation of church and state because we believe in freedom.

    1. *Trashy Trump’s Turds won’t get it but think is a complement, because there’s math involved!*

    1. People like Trump don’t see other prisoners in prison. At worst, what he’ll have will be similar to house arrest at a Motel 6.

  5. “They some good people” plus” I don’t take responsibility at all”

    It 2020 and yet we are live in the past plus we have airhead as president

    1. @Aeleks Johnson
      The problem is, it doesn’t address who “they” are nor what responsibility he does not accept.

      He doesn’t have to take responsibility for everything on the planet and there are some fine people in this country. If you disagree with those things you are just plain dishonest.

      The original poster misquoted the president.

    2. @Aeleks Johnson
      To be honest, that’s a more thoughtful response than expected from people like you. Thank you. Have a good day.

    3. @Albert Green Nothing else needs to be said. Stay safe in this crazy nation we survive in today.

    1. @Jason Oquinn no there’s no covid then? you sound about as smart as trump… and in case you were wondering, that’s not a good thing.

    2. @vman armand well, i guess no president has ever made a mistake before Trump, huh? Wow, such outrage just because he is conservative…..and i thought liberals were the tolerant ones……lmaoal………

  6. Oh my god, there is a Monster in the White House regurgitating Hatred & creating Strife in everyday life. If ppl of every color don’t react to #DerangedDonald & vote him out of office, then they must be Deranged as well. Man, we’ve got to get this Madman out of office before it’s too late. It may already be too late. #GetOutTheVote #NoMoreYears

    1. He’s not mad… he’s very cute at playing the White Supremist,Evangelist card
      The people who vote for him are missing a gene….they are just a step up from apes. They are the mad
      fuc* red.

  7. What Profits a man, should he gain the whole world, and loses his Soul?
    A SOULESS ONE.!!!!!!

    1. @Peter Costa I don’t believe George would approve of what is happening in this country, along with the majority of the sane American people. No Peace

    2. Apparently the presidency…and most likely a Trump tower in Moscow for great service to the communists

    3. +Walter Parris- Well said! Trump is the biblical example of a person who loves the world, lusts after riches, seeks only the things of the world, in direct contrast to God’s Word that says “whosoever loves this world is an enemy of God (James 4:4; 1 John 2:15), and like you quoted” “what does it profit a man should he gain the whole world and lose his soul”…”what will a man give in exchange for his soul.” Well, this is the course of Donald Trump’s entire life. He has a STRONG AFFECTION for the world and the lusts of riches thereof, the pride of life, and in particular the love of money, and in ALL of this he totally and completely ignores God! Well as you and I know, God’s Word in the New Testament bible says that God holds all people responsible to know him (Romans 1:19-20), and whosoever is a friend of the world is an enemy of God (James 4:4). And lastly, “Satan is the god of this age” (2 Cor 4:4).

    4. The problem is, however, that there are many in the US who think they ARE protecting their souls by supporting Trump, who they think will return US culture back to what they think is a Christian one.

    1. So happy that someone mentioned this little tidbit….. if his dad was involved with the kkk…you better know that Donald is aware……

    2. We need some better Independent Presidential Candidates.

      We can write in any name we wish on our ballots.

      U.S. voters need more third-party options for president

      Both Democrats and Republicans have become too corrupt and only for the rich, large companies and banks.

      Both parties at different times have supported protests,
      Which included Armed protesters.

      Obama was President for 8 years,
      he didn’t call Americans racist when he was elected.
      If America is so racist,
      why didn’t Obama speak up and do something about it?
      Biden was Obama’s Vice President for 8 YEARS.

      Martin Luther King – His protests carried no guns, took no lives, killed no children, didn’t burn and loot any businesses, didn’t damage and destroy property and terrorize neighborhoods.

      Democrats have been Unwilling to stand up and separate Peaceful, Unarmed, Non-Violent Protests,
      From Violent Riots.
      Instead they have Supported and Encouraged the Riots.

      This has been the Nastiest,
      most Divisive,
      and Deadliest,
      Presidential campaign year. COVID-19 and Riots.

      Republicans and Democrats have taken sides for 2 deadly enemies,
      COVID-19 or Riots

      I chose NEITHER

      I am so Angry at Both sides of our Politicians and Media.
      They have chosen to play their game of extremes at the cost of the American People and at the cost of American Unity.
      Can we put humpty dumpty back together again after everything that’s happened this year, and the year is only 1/2 over!😡😰

      8 year old shot and Killed by Protesters

      Police chief breaks down after fire crews blocked from burning Richmond home with child inside – YouTube

      George Floyd’s brother calls for peace instead of violence – YouTube Raw:

      St. Louis police chief gets emotional talking about 4 officers shot during riots YouTube

      ‘We will march with everybody’: Houston police chief tells George Floyd protesters – YouTube

      Michigan sheriff puts down weapons and joins protesters in march
      | 7NEWS – YouTube

      Black firefighter who spent life savings on new bar loses it to Minneapolis looters
      | The Post Millennial – News, Politics, Culture, and Lifestyle

      Black Firefighter Spent His Life Savings To Open A Bar. Then Minneapolis Looters Burned It Down
      | The Daily Caller

    3. @David Galindez I’m white n I was thought By Moma “I’m no better than anybody else!!! ” Lived my life that way .Tought my Boys that too.Worked with people from all over the world n ya know what MOMA WAS RIGHT!!!…AGAIN!!!

    1. @Paul Vanier Please don’t play with anything sharp.  
      Now let’s go over the difference one more time between Santa and Satan, shall we?
      The hallucinations will never subside if you continue eating out of the kitty litter box. Besides, you’re scaring the cat and you’ll spoil your dinner.

    2. I tend to believe that Donald has never gotten a traffic moving violation.
      Racist = driving fast

      Audit = Investigation

      Best words = Trump University Dictionary

  8. Lindsey Graham clearly summed up his buddy Trump in 2016: Trump is a “race bating, xenophobic, bigot”!!! Bravo Lindsey👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    1. Thomas Sowell. The Vision of The Anointed

      Facts and Fallacies with Thomas Sowell
      Thomas Sowell outlines common misconceptions about economics, race, and racism.

      Discrimination and Disparities with Thomas Sowell

    1. Haleem Muhammad
      You just made that comparison yourself. You’re propping up a strawman because you can’t make any actual points, or contribute to the conversation constructively.

    2. Treacherous I said what I said. I meant what I said you don’t have to like it. Have a Good day

    3. Haleem Muhammad
      You don’t make any clear position. There’s nothing to like or dislike about your opinion because it’s empty.

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