Dr. Peter Hotez and Laurie Garrett join Andrea Mitchell to discuss President Trump inaccurately comparing the coronavirus to the flu and telling Americans not be "afraid" of a virus that has killed more than 210,000 people in the country as he returns to the White House after staying in the hospital for three nights due to contracting the COVID-19 himself. Aired on 10/06/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's ""Andrea Mitchell Reports,"" an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
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Trump Downplays The Coronavirus As He Returns To The White House Following Hospitalization | MSNBC
“The Art of the SuperSpreader”. – DJ Trump, author. 210,487 dead Americans, ghost writers. 2:39CDT 10/01/2020
My wife who is Thai just told me and showed me that the “World Health Organization” just asked Thailand how to achieve
what they have with the coronavirus issues. I would like to applaud them. America has lost 650 people per million.
Thailand has lost .8 per million. or America has lost 215,506 as of now and Thailand has lost 59. Who is taking care
of who? America has 4 percent of the world’s population and 22 percent of the world’s confirmed Covid-19 deaths.
IF YOU ARE WONDERING, See how we are doing compared to the rest of the world, it’s sickening if you are from the U.S.
The rest of the world is serious! https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
@Michael, another reason we are packing it up and moving to Thailand, it’s not a 3rd world country like here, although I’m at the beach in a tiny town in Ca.
RadiantPunk. FYI, it’s the other way round. The analyses some experts have given – the Covid cases are probably 10X more or higher than what are being reported.
@Sea Phlox In which case that proves the fact that Covid is not deadlier than the common flu if that were the case. The have been people that have received positive results when they never got tested and there have been deaths that have not been because of Covid, that physicians were pressured to mark as Covid deaths. The cases might be higher like you say, but the confirm cases have numbers in them that are inflated and the Covid deaths are inflated as well
you are probably right since Rump has been downplaying it all along!
@RadiantPunk Im sorry, people who received positive results when they never got tested? which medical journal did this information come from?
If you really look at him standing on the balcony last night. It was evident that he was trying very hard to hide that he was experiencing difficulties breathing.
Joy-Ann Green also he seem to be unsteady on his feet, especially while saluting.
Teresa S He’s got gigantic balls so…..
ALL Obese People Breath Like That!
He really fancies himself Il Duce.
We all know how he ended up…
‘The White House is now a nursing home’! Bravo, what a profound statement. Direct and to the point.
Trump INFECTED The Carpet, The Furniture, The Ventilation System … PENCE IS THE NATIONAL LEAD ON CONTAINING THE VIRUS!!!
trump can keep telling lies and blame China not giving him enough time to prepare precaution measures!!! He is good leader to protect americans from covid19 though he could not even protect himself from contraction of covid virus!!
JSTR Wanna know how long we have known about coronavirus? (Longer than you think.)
Pl#nd#mic Banned on YTube: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IB3ijQuLkkUr/⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
Realities of Asymptomatic Spread. Read her lips and note her title
As long as there are no more whistleblowers, as long as all the adults in the room let Trump have his way, as long as they don’t stand up to him and restrict him; thus we must make all those adults personally responsible for the misconducts they permit, which are pernicious, dangerous, deadly, unwanted and indecent. Make them responsible! It just has to stop, NOW! Because he does NOT learn someting. PROVEN.
The biggest threat to America’s democracy and security is a corrupt and incompetent manchild taking up space in the WH.
If there are any remaining questions about the seriousness of COVID-19, excess deaths data may be the best answer. My brief video compares COVID-19 and flu excess deaths in the last several years (you may fast forward with the right arrow key) Excess deaths are calculated by comparing the current year’s data with average weekly deaths in the previous several years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxnnZDYmx8M
Pl#nd#mic Banned on YTube: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IB3ijQuLkkUr/⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘
Yeah but none of what you said is true or has any basis in science or economics.
If you don’t think MSNBC and CNN is not biased to Donald Trump either your’e blind and deaf or stupid.
1. Fauci: downplays the important wearing mask
Media: silence
Trump: downplayed the coronavirus
Media: Trump is a liar
2. Scientist recommends to shutdown the economy
Media: Trump is the reason why the economy is shutdown.
3. Trump saves millions of lives from the coronavirus.
Media: Trump is responsible for over 200,00 deaths when only 6% of them weren’t already sick.
Declassified docs show CIA briefed Obama on Hillary’s plan to link Trump to Russia
Trump should tell that to the 211,000 who have lost their lives,what a selfish ignorant person.SAD
tRump: I downplayed my corona infection cause I didn’t want to panic me.
@Meryk Sindrak https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/13-12-2017-up-to-650-000-people-die-of-respiratory-diseases-linked-to-seasonal-flu-each-year
Oops looks like you didnt do two seconds of googling. Try to educate yourself
@Horton Please educate yourself Horton. Go to the CDC or Center for disease control to get the facts. After doing that, you can come back here and apologize for spreading misleading information.
@Michael Magnus I’m sorry that you either can’t read very well or refuse to acknowledge things that go against your narrative.
@Horton Those are world wide numbers for several years.
What are you trying to say?
If you don’t think MSNBC and CNN is not biased to Donald Trump either your’e blind and deaf or stupid.
1. Fauci: downplays the important wearing mask
Media: silence
Trump: downplayed the coronavirus
Media: Trump is a liar
2. Scientist recommends to shutdown the economy
Media: Trump is the reason why the economy is shutdown.
3. Trump saves millions of lives from the coronavirus.
Media: Trump is responsible for over 200,00 deaths when only 6% of them weren’t already sick.
The world is watching in horror!
& you probably have a front row seat
Not in horror. In disbelief and amusement. The sight of him ripping off his mask and saluting with a stern look on his face, was comical. The horror is that US citizens will fall for this B/S and not take Covid seriously. Good Luck!
madfoot Wanna know how long we have known about coronavirus? (Longer than you think.)
I seem to recall some powerful leaders throughout history that thought they were Godlike..
Don’t recall it working out to well for the majority of them…
Let us pray. I’m agnostic and I’m praying for karmic Justice or Yahweh, Jesus, Muhammad but I’m really hoping for Shiva to visit and fix his Bonespurs
If you’re taking any of this seriously then you are a fool. Donald Trump is and always will be just a showman. He couldn’t care less about this country. He’d sell his mother for a dollar. This man was elected President of the United States. It’s a big middle finger from the elites to humanity. They laugh at us. Calamity coming
The elites hare him. Here’s the plan they had for us. Look familiar?
2010 document pg. 18 Scenario=Lockstep https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf
So true. Proverbs 18:6-7 Fools’ words get them into constant quarrels; they are asking for a beating. The mouths of fools are their ruin; they trap themselves with their lips.
If you don’t think MSNBC and CNN is not biased to Donald Trump either your’e blind and deaf or stupid.
1. Fauci: downplays the important wearing mask
Media: silence
Trump: downplayed the coronavirus
Media: Trump is a liar
2. Scientist recommends to shutdown the economy
Media: Trump is the reason why the economy is shutdown.
3. Trump saves millions of lives from the coronavirus.
Media: Trump is responsible for over 200,00 deaths when only 6% of them weren’t already sick.
@Theia Declassified docs show CIA briefed Obama on Hillary’s plan to link Trump to Russia
Lets go boys
BidenHarris 2020
Feel free to check it out. Thank a lot for your support folks ^^
I’m afraid of anyone who tells us to not be afraid of Covid-19
I don’t want to hear this report anymore, I want to hear how we as Americans can stop this clown. Seriously.
Declassified docs show CIA briefed Obama on Hillary’s plan to link Trump to Russia
@OSKA Yep. Let’s all just agree to let BYE-DONS be BYE-DONS, for the good of the planet.
VOTE! Talk to your relatives, friends, co-workers, neighbors etc.
Lets go boys
BidenHarris 2020
Feel free to check it out. Thank a lot for your support folks ^^
Test him RIGHT NOW, show the world he does have, or doesn’t have, the virus.
yeah idk if you heard the news but trump got covid im suprised you didnt know that as your watching the video
“What do your results mean?If you test positiveA positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there is a chance a positive result means that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold.”
Covid? More like panic attack after seeing the last poll numbers after the debate. #VoteBlue
Taking drugs that only mask the symptoms will most likely lead to his being rolled out on a stretcher to return to the hospital. Studies show after appearing better there’s a likely extreme crash 10+ days in.
Not proud of having to say this but…. Think of the lives that could be saved if the virus runs rampant through his ignorant gop enablers & he is rendered incapacitated… which it now appears is a distinct possibility as a result of blatent ignorance & potus know it all
I have thought that for the last 6 months, then thought he would be a martyr, then he would have better care then anyone else can get. Totally agree about crash after several days on steroids. Time will tell
Herman Cain passed 28 days after getting the virus. My husband and I both had the virus in April and we felt great, for 5 days and we crashed!! We felt 5x’s worse than the flu!!
@ღSwnsasyღ _
I am still pulling for that Caine -Trump me and my shadow song and dance skit .
“What do your results mean?If you test positiveA positive test result shows you may have antibodies from an infection with the virus that causes COVID-19. However, there is a chance a positive result means that you have antibodies from an infection with a virus from the same family of viruses (called coronaviruses), such as the one that causes the common cold.”
Wake up 2010 document pg 18. This was the plan for us. Guess who’s thwarting it: https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf
The president even admitted that COVID-19 is Airborne He don’t care

Which is exactly why wearing a mask doesn’t work at all, unless its a respirator or N95, people who think their sick should wear the stylish fake ones or just don’t leave the house
I don’t believe he ever had the virus, it is just a hoax to downplay the entire thing for his campaign.
He has the virus for sure. But he is trying to downplay it again.
Trump cannot face reality. Facts are his enemies.
OMG Trump will go nuts knowing it’s being compared to a “nursing home!”
@Big Boomer Declassified docs show CIA briefed Obama on Hillary’s plan to link Trump to Russia
Why worry about that? When has Trump ever done anything he says he will??? Like that beautiful healthcare, like those beautiful new bridges and interstate, and railways(infrastructure), with millions of new jobs to build them back in 2016 BEFORE he was elected(gag). Or the wall??? LOL That wall got him loads of bucks-some of it stolen from other agencies, peoples property, destroyed sacred burial grounds, wildlife sanctuaries…but where is that wall??? LOL Its either falling down or being cut open with basic tools! He may be promising this AFTER the election,, but even if he is elected, do you really think he would send those checks out?? We DO pay attention, and do not believe a word he says!
@safe space post it here as proof. Or is it just yet another conspiracy theory you believe in again?
Lets go boys
BidenHarris 2020
Feel free to check it out. Thank a lot for your support folks ^^