Rachel Maddow looks at the four columns of the U.S. response to Russia's annexation of Crimea, sanctions, removal from the G8, military aid to Ukraine, and support to NATO, and notes that the Trump administration has worked to remove all four, most recently by seeking to take money from the European Deterrence Initiative to pay for Trump's border wall.
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Trump Dismantling US Response To Russian Annexation Of Crimea | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Why are the Republicans not doing anything on anything? America is suffering.
@Unintended Consequences , does the DNC pay u per tweet or by the word
@Dan Chavez –
So exactly how did Democrats contribute to all this governmental chaos?
Sorry but the GOP has this isht lying squarely upon their shoulders!
@coolmodelguy –
Mitch and the entire GOP will never be forgotten for all their BS…
I promise!
@Thomas K – I concur wholeheartedly.
Trump’s account of Crimea is that “Putin outsmarted Obama”, while it is him who is trying to legitimize the russian invasion.
@John Schaeffer Mike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxNkMkAe7F0
Right you seem to Be….
How You Legitimize,,,,,,
@Crystal Giddens
What would You like to tell me
De quoi voulez vous me parler…
Thank You
Our country will be in trouble as long as this traitor is in the White House,and republicans are shameful traitors to our country for not speaking up. Grow a pair,please.smdh
@Henry Wayne
Your president is a weak puppet of the enemy.
@Henry Wayne is a proto fascist troll
Look at all these faceless losers ganging up on the only actual American. (besides me)
Moscow Mitch is part of it too
So is your NRA
@Denyze And looks like a dork.
@Denyze Yep Moscow Mitch and his ho.
@Cody Polar What is a yang cody?
@Edward Martinez Why are you commenting publicly on politics if you don’t know who’s running for President?
Sounds like tRump is wanting to collude with Russian, yet again.
@Margaret Nicol now you are just making stuff up ,
@Carlos Carlos It’s the same reason that he can’t delete his tweets. They are official government records (heaven help us!).
@Carlos Carlos So you welcome the Russians? Wow! Russian Republican Traitor. Where are the true loyal proud Americans? Where are they? Do they still exist?
Dodgy Trump : Collusion is not a legal term.
@Peggy Trawick Treason is.
How much longer can such blatant treason against American values go on? Ask the GOP=Government Of Putin.
Thomas : You simply cannot, “vote for self interest,” AND vote for Trump, son. That’s an oxymoron. And, I don’t mean a very stupid cow-like creature, either. And, from your list of grievances, you just made it clear to the world that you’re putting your personal sense of, “Butt Hurtary,” over America’s, “interests,” kiddo. So, why you, “think,” anyone would take you seriously, HERE of all places, is beyond me?
John Keith : That’s SO right, my friend. They felt, “Trolled,” by every moment Obama was in office, and they’d rather SPITE Americans than protect the country. If THAT isn’t the most childish, self-entitled, effeminate, passive aggressive, and utter self-obsessed type of people I’ve EVER seen in America’s entire history, I really DON’T know what is . . . SMH

WITH 20/20 VISION BEAU GESTE THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION, How much longer? It is written , Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s. clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Answer NOT LONG.
david olong : Amen to that
How Trump isn’t being charged with treason is beyond unacceptable. Way, way beyond….
@VivaToddVegas Why is the 25 amendment not on the table? Trump is clearly unfit to serve the people.
@toney ingram Not all white people are bad like not all Black’s are good rethink your comment. If it were not for good white people Black’s would still be slaves.
@Becca Boo
I love you, Becca!
@Edward Martinez it’s “you’re” & not “your”. I can always tell when a foreigner responds to my post for some odd reason.
When it comes to Trump choosing between America and Putin, America doesn’t stand a chance. Trump will choose Putin and Russia everytime. He proved that to the world as he stood by Putin in Helsinki.
Here’s the scoop on the Russia/US connection. Bear with me because it’s a long and twisted tale but I will tell the Reader’s Digest version. Putin’s Russia is basically going broke because Putin, the Russian Mob and the billionaire class have looted the Russian Treasury. Putin’s regime no longer has the financial means to keep the Russians from revolting nor does it have the money to sustain the regimes extravagant lifestyle. Putin and his cronies need to expand their sphere of influence and hence the seizure of Crimea and disrupting the Ukraine government. Putin has bigger plans but this was a start. After the Crimean annexation and the downing of a passenger jet, Pres. Obama and the rest of the G7 enacted sanctions as punishment for said crimes. Enter Trump on the world stage. Putin knew Trump wanted a Tower in Moscow as he had been lobbying for that for years. As we now know, Russia interfered with the election to ensure Trump’s ascendency. Skip ahead to Helsinki and the private meeting that we still don’t know the contents of. However I think it’s pretty safe to say that Putin gave Trump his marching orders to remove the sanctions and to disarm European countries from ensuring that Putin no longer has muscle in Europe in exchange for the Tower Trump so desperately wants. So here we are, the sanctions removed thanks to McConnell and the rest of the enablers in the senate, have sold out the rest of Europe and the US for a few dollars in their pockets. Your government at work. Weren’t people shot at dawn for Treason in the old days. It’s time to bring that punishment back.
D Ross
wow.. I don’t agree.. but you have put forward the best and most civilised argument I have read in a long time… would you be happy with Trump-Tulsi 2020? I would.., hows that for unification? Until 2024..!?
@D Ross Wow…..
The reader’s digest version reads like nutjob conspiracy theorist fiction…..
You turds can make up a story with the best of them….
When the Trumpter leaves office he will be looking for a place to HIDE, any guess
@Henry Wayne
You could hide Dump in momma Babushka’s cellar Henry
Actually, he’ll be in a minimum security prison. Un-indicted Co-conspirator. MAGA (My Attorney Got Arrested) Yang2020
How about RIKERS !??
well, I can think of one place and it starts with the letter R
Trump is a Russian stooge nothing more but alot less of Leadership
Should he do what Obama did about it? Trump is at least arming the Ukrainians and holding Joint exercises.
Do the Russians need more man boy lovers such as yourself ?
imagine how much putin will get after 4 more years. – putin rubs his hands together greedily.
Ya while trump grabs his crotch happily……
The semiretarded Russian asset is sitting in the White Nuthouse running roughshod over the American people and the constitution. Still, the American people are reluctant to take to the streets. Shame..
Bo Libor Kroupa:

Mass protests should have been filling the streets for the entirety of Trump’s one and only term!!
@Roy Batty
Americans are proving to be made of the wrong stuff in this regard. In most European countries, he’d have been run out of office, tarred & feathered, the morning after he started doing things to undermine his own country. And that “well-regulated militia”? They’re mostly the same ones aiding and abetting Trump’s domestic war on immigrants and minorities
Excellent point. My Canadian heart is heavy. Wake up America!
Gotta pay off the interest on those loans in the first term because there probably won’t be a second one. (Edited before grammar Nazis could arrive)
They weren’t loans, Donnie was just the front-man for Russians getting their illegal money into the USA.
@jsean g So true!! Vote Him Out 2020
sigisecht mind you even with the edit grammar still isn’t ideal. I have got to…
My grandma wasn’t a Nazi!
Won’t be able to bring him to books, will be in Russia hiding, lol.
if anyone had actually READ the Steele Dossier, you would have know about this! Steele clearly states that Trump will roll back sanctions and destabilise NATO in return for Putins support
Well we finally see what numb nuts and Putin talk about behind closed doors that Spanky refuses to tell us TRAITOR !
@Chris Cull learn how to spell schmuck you Russian tool
He truly is a treasonous Cheeto
@Unintended Consequences Are you the giggle britches boy of the great MSNBC man boy lover?
Trump paying the bill upfront for Russian interference/support in the 2020 elections…
no…… were going to smash you in the elections and in the coming war as well
And that is the perfect result for the investment Russia made to get Trump elected. USA civil war.
Trump is doing as much as he can to honour his contract with Putin now because he knows he is out in 2020
@Edward Martinez , “Tell Vladimir I will have more flexibility after the election”
@Randy Potter Assbole
@Randy Potter Your some kind of stupid
@Randy Potter Your both idiots
@Edward Martinez Ditto plus we hope that Brexit is cancelled
There’s something I can’t understand. No one can have this MANY coincidences, Russian connections etc.. I can’t believe he’s still here???
No, we get it, man. We being anyone with object permeance.
Sadly, we’re not living in a democracy; we’re in a big stupid cruise liner that the captain is driving straight into the rocks.
Just shows we need to clean out the entire congress. Yang2020
Now you know what Moscow Mitch is doing !!
@OceanFragments “object permanence” you made me choke on my tea lol
~sighs~ i don’t know whether to laugh at the absurdity of the idea… or cry, knowing that that’s a fact…
@PaganSmurf I know and seems no one gives a d&$# either. The evil family has been getting rich from Russia and Saudis for years and getting richer from Exxon/Tillerson, Putin, Saudi and US and intentionally setting us up for total destruction.
The sooner Trump leaves office, the sooner he goes to prison.
He said VOTE !
impeach & imprison!
Impeach, don’t wait to vote.
Of *course* Manafort was involved. He should be imprisoned for war crimes, for life.
As well as Flynn. The judge in his hearing asked prosecutor’s ” are you sure these aren’t acts of treason”.
Carolyn Talbot ..high crimes against America is ok with Republicants