At the beginning of the coronavirus, President Trump considered transferring infected American citizens in Asia to Guantánamo Bay, according to a new book by Washington Post reporters.
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Trump Discussed Sending Americans With Virus To Guantanamo | MSNBC
That’s exactly the kind of idea you’d expect from someone with the brain of a second grader.
Second graders are basically way more intelligent and caring until the adults around them corrupt them..
@gary the great then take it one step further and look at the red states and where the violence is happening. It’s always in the blue part of the red states
@k333rl i’m from texas happen all over this state red area as well as blue.
That is an insult to second graders!
@Ted Marley the south is really stuck in thier ways.
Genius listening to his abrain. Smh
What a great idea, Trump should have been send to GTMO and save Americas from his medical expenses.
He AND his KKK daddy should’ve been locked up decades ago.
Better yet: Send the insurrectionists to Guantanamo Bay.
According to Merrism-Webster, a coup (more accurately a coup d’etat) is “the violent overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group.” Doesn’t say anything about weapons. And if you think you have to weapons to be violent, there are a lot of people in prison right now for assault where they used only their fists. Additionally, some of those idiots were hitting the police with flagpoles and crutches, and spraying them with bear spray, so I guess those don’t count as weapons either, right?
So – according to you, a violent crime isn’t actually violent unless a knife (you’d have to specify; I mean would a butter knife count as a knife, or must be only a hunting knife?) or gun is used. And all guns? Maybe a BB gun doesn’t count as a weapon in a violent crime either.
You are, unfortunately, quite a dim bulb.
@k333rl …there you go with another false equivalency… my federal taxes don’t go to Portland, genius… and since you’re soooooo concerned about Portland, you must live there, right?…
@k333rl OMG…you do not even make any sense. You lack any and all logic. How do you know that riots in Portland, are going on right now if they are not being reported??? You’re delusion. Obviously, you read that 1700 people were shot in Chicago, because it was reported, Einstein. You need to just stop…you’re embarrassing yourself.
Any attempt to overthrow the government, or to halt the process of a free and fare election, is in fact an insurrection.
Along with Dump.
SNL could not make this up .
They don’t have to. Their political sketches are basically reenactments.
Because it would be too crazy for a SNL skit.
That’s because it’s a lie
SNL is funny. TRUMPs empire is collapsing. Watching him and his cronies collapse is REALLY funny.
What an insane person.
You believe everything your government tells you? Feeble little sheep.
@undeserving of a name That’s funny because MSNBC is a private company and Fox News is part of the Republican Party. Who’s the real dummy; you are!
if anyone deserves gitmo, the whole GOP does.
@Tidbit yet you still want to believe anything the main stream tells you? Go right ahead. Who lines the pockets of these people? If you don’t think our government and agencies don’t work together somewhere down the line you are a complete fool.
@Brandy Courvoisier safe to say both sides need a cleansing. Our government is pure trash on both sides of the aisle.
The hits just keep on coming.
Another one of trump’s “Bright” ideas
What is surprising? I’m not even remotely surprised. For the first time, ever, I’m laughing alongside Joe. Trump was Trump. That’s how narcissists are!
“Uh, do you mean Jared?”
Nothing Donny A L’Orange tried to do, or did, surprises me anymore.
He really is the worst of the worst.
What’s really nuts: the MAGA heads would have praised Donald as a genius and a “decisive leader” for sending Americans to Gitmo.
Then demand every registered Democrat be sent there as well.
why did he not go there when he was positive?
@Insignificant360 … including the 6% of Democrats who support trump?… sounds stupid…
@Patton Moore They’ll switch party when the purge is announced, or they’ll prove natural selection.
@Insignificant360 …the “purge”?…. that’s hilarious… I actually love it when idiots get what they wish for…
This isn’t ignorance Joe S. It’s djts favorite pastimes….….C R U E L T Y…………AND……..I N H U M A N I T Y
Truer words have not been said. I would place more emphasis on lack of empathy, narcissism, and lack of any conscientious or introspective thought as well as education.
That man has some serious serious problems. I mean this is just plain old nuts.
This is beyond disgusting. How do these Republicans sleep at night knowing that their boy wanted to send innocent Corona virus victims to Guantanamo???? (Among other things).
And he landed up killing over 600,000 people due to his gross incompetence.
@Pauline Stephens yep
Um, so The Big Liar discussed sending himself to Guantanamo? Wow. He actually did have at least one good idea.
Wishful thinking?
“don’t forget the president of south Africa.”
-jao baiden
If they wanted to quarantine people, well, the man is in the hotel business.
Is anyone with a brain surprised by Trump’s brutality and lack of morals? No one is surprised, he did incite a riot against his own government and party.
He is such a man child, his mentality never grew past the spoiled, entitled, little boy born with a silver spoon in his mouth. You can tell by his suggestions. It’s things you would expect your 4 year old would suggest to you.
Trump should have sent himself to Guantanamo and saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans.