After receiving criticism for referring to COVID-19 as the “Wuhan virus” or “Chinese virus,” President Trump committed to protecting the Asian American community in the U.S. from racist attacks, driven by misinformation about the virus.
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Trump Disavows ‘Nasty Language’ Toward Asian Americans Amid Pandemic | MSNBC
This is definitely the timeline where Biff used the sports almanac.
That’s the funniest thing I have read in the last two weeks.
@Patty J. Ayers hate to break your heart, but people made that connection 3.5 years ago when King Doofus was elected. I didnt claim ownership or copyright, I simply pointed out life imitating art.
@Aric Clementi Since when do boomers make fun of Trump?
@plixplop Since when did I have to explain a joke?
Took me a second, it seems like your right!!!
Note how this committee hasn’t figured out Social Distancing.
@Ron Caron In such a grave situation as this, such things jump out at me. And then it makes her kindergarten-teacher voice as she’s telling us all how to behave responsibly all the more absurd. Honestly, this “15 day plan” was a few pages from Robert Fulghum’s _All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten_ typed into MSWord and printed on little 8 1/2 x 11sheets of paper. SNL is free to do a cold open using that scenario.
@Sidney Boo Stay safe!
At least they are not advocating “hug a Chinese “ to prove you are not a racist.
@PungiFungi hahaha love your comment!
“people are blaming china”
this coming from the guy who called it, was it the “china virus”/”china flu”..just put it out there….then calmly step back…as if you played no part whats so ever in the chaos of hate that ensues…lol..
dont forget KUNG FLU lol
@RadiantPunk: Thanks for the links buddy.
The Communist Chinese government is to blame for the massive coverup of this virus when it first started. The Chinese Americans are victims just like us and anyone who’s not indoctrinated or pushing propaganda knows when Trump bashes the Chinese Government he is not bashing the Asian people. But when you can’t put up a solvent answer on why one party put up a candidate that didn’t perform well, name calling is the next step.
Anybody here ever heard of German measles or Spanish Flu or Asian Flu? Just wondering. I never want to get too politically correct that I ignore the obvious.
@Mr. Goodbar your definitely right there ..but mate i have to be honest..and look at this also from an ethnicity point of view…in terms of back horrible as i sound…realism has taught me that the Chinese will be discriminated far worse based on ethnicity etc..then the spanish or germans were..(hope i’m wrong)..this is the realism i’ve learnt from our world and which now has become a natural thought process..since its a natural part of our reality and experience….i don’t feel proud in seeing the difference or noticing the difference in the sense of peoples reaction thoughts etc..especially the negative peoples..still your right and thanks for pointing that out also..
Isn’t this the same man who called COVID 19 the “Chinese flu” ?!?!?

jessica Cloud9 it originated from bats, in China. Sorry you can’t blame Trump for this one ):
Gavin C.
doesn’t matter! Bats are bats no matter where they come from. Plus, anything that comes outta trumps mouth is irrevlevant BS. He was bad before, but now, he’s worst, he’s a waste of skin. I dot usually say this about people, but I hope that he gets the Coronavirus and is hooked up to a ventilator so he knows exactly what lots of ppl around the world are going through.
His partners also call it the “Kung-flu”
Triggered it has a scientific name, use ot
So he starts the fire then puts it out & now he considers himself the savior, WTF man.
Gavin C so here’s what is racist, when someone says something that gets ppl hurt based on their race.
OldUncleDaniel we can’t help what other countries do, that’s why we need a President that protects us from them. We have a Military for protection & he got rid of our pandemic team which protects us from I.e. viruses
Oki Love the virus came from China. No racism there.
Hypocrites… Governments… alot of them I tell you.
Oki Love Better late than never…
@Lisa Phillips I may be a mess but I’m no trumpster and I know sheep and I don’t drink the Kool-Aid that’s your problem!you’re a mess following a mess under messy hair with the messy brain!!! You have a good evening!
@Joyce Madej Please dont pray. That’s such a waste of time.
@Joyce Madej You’re ignorant. Whether you’re a trumpster or not.
@Oli B. You must be on drugs I never use the word praying toward you or any trumpsters or the trumpster stop drinking that Kool-Aid

I don’t pray for Satan and state nets and Satanist!
@Joyce Madej why are you coming at me negatively?. That term is commonly used to each other when we like someone’s comment on social media. As in you’re funny or that comment made me laugh or made my day. Why the fight ?and you toke it personal. Wow. It wasn’t meant to degrade or be negative to you just wanted to let you know you made me laugh P:S I’m not a trumpster.
Hahahahaha You could not make this stuff up OMG
WR ikr!

WR no but the media sure could.
Considering you’ve probably been brainwashed by corporate media outlets since your were born I’ll tread lightly.
First off Trump calling it the “ChinaVirus” is not an attack on Asian Americans.
Let’s try considering that not every Asian person is Chinese to begin with.
Then let’s also remember that he’s not even attacking Chinese people to begin with he’s going after the authoritarian communist government in China and their party members who were arresting health professionals in December and
January to try and stage a cover up of Covid-19
Trump never attacked Asian Americans. He’s merely responding to a reporters questioning. Saying that anyone discriminated against Asians is in the wrong.
Again… something Trump never did himself.
Stop letting corporate news lie to you. Wake up. Don’t let corporate news lie to your children
Peaches Williams
Don’t worry!!!
I’ll help you keep your sanity by hopefully waking you up from the hypnosis corporate media has over you!!
Considering you’ve probably been brainwashed by corporate media outlets since your were born I’ll tread lightly.
First off Trump calling it the “ChinaVirus” is not an attack on Asian Americans.
Let’s try considering that not every Asian person is Chinese to begin with.
Then let’s also remember that he’s not even attacking Chinese people to begin with he’s going after the authoritarian communist government in China and their party members who were arresting health professionals in December and
January to try and stage a cover up of Covid-19
Trump never attacked Asian Americans. He’s merely responding to a reporters questioning. Saying that anyone discriminated against Asians is in the wrong.
Again… something Trump never did himself.
Stop letting corporate news lie to you. Wake up. Don’t let corporate news lie to your children
@Walter Adam Right
LOL! “Hey everyone, i know i literally crossed out the name of the virus and wrote “chinese” in sharpie over top of it in my notes, but that doesnt mean *you’re* allowed to hate them the same way *i* do!” Lmao what a joke. Y’know, Bush and his administration may have lied about a lot but next to this blubbering buffoon he’s starting to look more and more like a saint. Donald, you are a joke. Have always been, will always be.
Giver3 Being nasty towards Asian Americans and calling the Chinese Virus ‘The Chinese Virus’ are not at all the same thing. You leftists would be screaming at him if he didn’t condemn the nastiness, and now you’re upset at him for condemning the nastiness. You’ll never be happy with what he does because in your hearts you have to maintain your hatred of him/America.
You people are pathetic and low-IQ
Trumpan’zee is pregnant for Putin.. Moscow Mitch is next… A pregnant neck
The coronavirus came from china. Nothing wrong with calling it the chinese virus. That’s different than committing hate crimes and other racist actions against innocent americans that happen to be asian
@Cherries ikr, everybody knows BLK on Asian hate crime is through the roof but they won’t talk about it cause they’re fake and really don’t give af
@JJoe also, I’m more patriotic than you boot-lickers have ever/will ever be. Gtfoh with your brown tongues, losers!
So, just a few days ago the Orange Clown was calling it the Chinese Virus and now all of the sudden he wants to “protect Asians”. This fkr is just plain goofy.
The good Dr. has been silenced. Everyone back to work in 7 days.
(As the U.K. shuts down & America is without proper medical supplies)
@NewMex Hunter & FisherMan dude most people on welfare are white
@Стив Скотт this is just delusional
…what is that, Sir?
Tj White, Australia is also in shut down until further notice as of last night, the only think open is supermarket for supplies you may need
@Kristy Hodgson hang in there down under. We will get though this.
He’ll say it again tomorrow.
@Rick Ton China virus! now cry a river puzzy smh
@xpaige You got the right! His rambling gets so off base, he doesn’t remember what he said.
@Daniel Melendez 哈哈哈,特朗普。
吴影影 translate please
@Daniel Melendez chinese name 特朗普
Hahaha…. “I am not gonna let that happen.” ? ? ! ! WTF ! ! He is the reason it happened ! !
@Blue •• 99.99 percent asian dont eat bats. so? what your point?
Actually the Chinese Communist Government is the reason why this virus happened and came here in the first place, at least he did the responsible part by banning flights early on, I suppose he could have also banned flights from Europe but Hind Sight is 20/20, he of course would have been called a racist as he was for banning flights from China.
@john 1994 Clearly you haven’t been in the streets of Wuhan where there are food markets and street vendor’s full of live animals in cages. Also eating bats is a delicacy in China.
@Callentay ……….. Y’all are brainwashed LMAO
This can’t be real. “People are blaming China.” WTF! He blamed China
He didn’t blame China, he said it came from China, and called it the Chinese Virus.
It’s China’s fault, and they need to pay up
@Jason Terry WTF are you talking about?! It’s Donald Trump coronavirus cause people in America are dying left and right!
@Pigmullaharkbar MullahArabAllah No. This is the fault of the Chinese Communist Party, and it’s not debatable.
@Jason Terry Then WTF are you gonna do about it fool,.start a hot war with China?!
“The enemy is anybody who’s going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.” Joseph Heller Catch-22
Carl A foreign and domestic.
Thank U Carl A!
A classic tome I haven’t read in decades.
But now I gotta find out which one of my kids I gave the book to so I can read it again.
BTW I also dug “Something Happened” by Heller.
@mountainwood You completely miss the point and obviously never read the book.
@mountainwood it is pointless, something people just created
Talks about the tone of language he started (Chinavirus), it’s like he forgets that the US has had a long history of racism. Calling the virus Chinavirus is going to cause more conflicts against Asian Americans than you’d think. It’s not the Chinese citizens that caused this, it’s their shaddy government…. smh
How is saying chinavirus racist? I can’t see it. I often buy things that are “made in China” I never thought it was racist to affirm that they were indeed made in China. Is there some kind of alternative to saying “made in china”? I feel we need to quit using the phrase if it’s racist.
@Mr Bojangles If something is Made in China that is not racist….China does not own the coronaviruses or the strain that was released. Therefore, it is not a China virus just because the outbreak first happened there.
The citizens are responsible with their wet markets and inhumane treatment of animals. Nature is striking back.
@angel paige That’s why the politics must comes first! Because of too many poor and less educated people around the country if not the world.
He should call some Viruses like Spanish Flu, HIV and H1N1 “AMERICAN VIRUS” too
“Some people” like to take their frustrations out on WH reporters. “People” oughta stop doing that.
Fake news. Nothing but fake news filters up north. And everytime I see the context, I learn how many lies are filtered into Canada. Absolute disgrace. I blame Canada’s media for taking up the torch for such rascals.
You can’t give credit to this man for saying the right thing because the next day he’s back on the bullsh*t.
Probably in an all caps tweet before morning even arrives.
If people really cared about Asians they’d call out BLK crime and affirmative action that targets asians specifically* at high rates…..fake fake fake
Oh you can’t give credit? He’s not looking for a loan. He doesn’t like bigotry against Asians. And frankly, it’s so far from a homogeneous group, with all the archipelagos, it’s just ridiculous to blame Chinese people. The CPP, we’ll deal with that later. Or more properly, extremely racist and beloved Chinese will have to sort out for themselves. We just make sure to have the white squares squared away.
It’s funny how people change when election around the corner.

the real disaster is that you are a bunch of cowards who think you can play hide and go seek from death. Death is going to get you. when God says it’s time to go it’s time to go. There’s nothing you can do about it. Which is why Jesus Christ was sent into the world to save your soul. If you had God in your life you would not be talking with such willful ignorance. those who live in fear of death are not truly alive and never have been. As soon as a death threat comes from the devil you cower in fear. The perfect love of God cast out all fear. You cannot squeeze the Charmin in 1000 rolls of toilet paper to find comfort. You need know .. you need to know Jesus Christ! Who said Lazarus come out. he came out From the tomb Then Jesus said you unwrap him. Many of you need to be unwrapped from your rolls of toilet paper. You need to be unwrapped from Fear you need to be unwrapped from bondage to the things of this world. Your drinking, your drugs, your swindleing, your selfishness, your greed, your perversions, your sport’s worship and worshipping of un Holy world.
You need to be unwrapped from sin and death. Call out to Jesus Christ to experience wat only he can do. SAVE YOU!
Look at what’s happening around the world in America. How easily and quickly people are willing to hide in fear. Those who live in fear of death shall never live
what’s going on in the world today is evidence of how many people fear death. They are willing to not so love their willing to hide their grandchildren from the grandparents. So many are in fear of death that they’re holding onto things that don’t matter. You can’t play hide and go seek with death forever. You can’t place hopscotch with the devil. The perfect love of God cast out all fear. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil. The word Shadow mean spiritually ignorant place the word valley means lonely and depressed place. Apart from Jesus Christ we are all dead in sin through faith in Jesus Christ or death of death where is your sting. Through faith in Jesus Christ you can have the spirit of power love and a sound mind. Through faith in Jesus Christ you know you have eternal Insurance. Please Lord forgive us for our sins office by the Holy ghost to truly live a life worthy of repentance. Helpless by the Holy ghost to know which really going on. Moved by the Holy Spirit against the mist and fog of darkness and confusion which is of the devil.
Jesus Christ be polite right now is shining in the darkness. Lord please move and prepare people by the Holy Spirit to be ready because your wife is coming on the wicked and there will be no more time.
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound STFU
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound Jesus is not God. God is too great and divine to have an image of himself in the form of one of his creations, including humans. Plus Jesus never claimed divinity anywhere in bible
I just know one thing. I won’t vote for Biden, for several reasons.
@Yousavedbro Heaven Bound please shut up
“We’re at war with this… Kung Flu… the virus from CHAAeena.”
“People are saying some nasty things about Asian Americans. I’m going to stop them.”
@Mr Bojangles Maatje Benassi, search this name on Youtube
@Cthulues why don’t we call aids U.S.Aids?
*+1 2* What exactly was the point of your reply anyway? it does nothing at all to dispute anything I’ve said, it’s more of a deflection from the point than an actual counterargument.It doesn’t matter what scientific name a scientist wants to give it and it matters even less how many names those scientists want to give this virus.At the end of the day “chinese virus” is just as accurate as anything they can name it considering China’s literally where it originated and it certainly doesn’t matter how many strains of the virus there are as this specific strain which is currently on a global rampage thanks in large part to China is the one we’re all talking about.Not even those scientists whose coattails you’re riding will say that the term is incorrect only politically incorrect which is all it boils down to and no one cares about political correctness at the moment.
And it’s Trump’s agenda now? it hasn’t even been a week since he first uttered the term “chinese virus” and prior to that it was the democrats committing hate crimes against asian-americans because of their ignorance on the subject at which time and even before shitloads of people with a platform and the msm (including those from outlets such as msnbc) were calling it the “wuhan chinese virus” themselves.
*+sam m* Yeah that’s my point exactly, political correctness is all it boils down to at the end of the day and yes people are stupid enough to try and debate that it did indeed come from China though it’s a losing argument on their part.The only ones that should be offended are the ones that played a part in the problem and non chinese getting offended on the behalf of China is what’s really insulting.The issue you’re talking about is a total non-issue, Trump has some responsibility in the current state of things for sure but you and anyone else who is trying to make it seem like the responsibility solely falls on him are simply kidding yourselves as democrats and msm are complicit and no one has been worse then China throughout this entire situation BUT it’s all Trump’s fault /s.
@Mr Bojangles Who knows, maybe from Maatje Benassi
Did anybody blame Hispanic people when Spanish flu killed thousands in the U.S NO! anybody blame black people when Ebola killed thousands NO! SO don’t be prejudice to Asians! we all have to get through this together!
The spanish flu started in Oklahoma I believe? Noone knows why it was called the Spanish Flu! It should have been called the Kansas Flu
Its called the Spanish Flu because doctors from Spain was first to whistle blow the pandemic that was already happening already in Europe.
Ebola was not a world pandemic and the stigma affected Africans in Europe. Black Americans did not face any racism.
In this case, if Trump had called in it “Wuhan Virus” than calling it Chinese Virus you probably wont see that much racism at all specially for other Asian groups.
Dondada he should have called it the “Wuhan Virus” smfh

Brandon Bunas THATS more reasonable
Where you around a century ago when the spanish flu happened to say hispanics didn’t face any discrimination ?