1. I’m stuck on his promise of making America safe..
    Who could have imagined America could unleash 25k troops to protect America from itself.

    1. Yeah..pretty hard to do when Kamala starts a fund to keep bailing out BLM domestic terrorists and going on national television telling NOT TO STOP…while they destroy, loot and burndown businesses. I guess it’s ok to take over parts of cities, smash police cars, set them on fire and beat and kill people… sure..that’s all Trump’s fault, of course it is…Trump wanted to shut down the violence with tge national guard but the states wouldn’t let him…why do you think that was…?

    2. @tony gandy ALM is awesome. Let’s start it today. I agree 1000%. And let’s get rid of BLM & the KKK in the process. Perfect!

    3. @psycobleach46 tullis SIGH! Dude, I know Irony is dead, but c’mon. I was not being serious. I even put “Antifa” in quotes.

  2. 4 years later we have a recession and job loss numbers that rival the Great Depression, we have civil unrest and hate crimes at an all time high and we are the laughing stock of the world just to name a few. Are we great again yet?

    1. @D-BO 842 dude it doesn’t matter where the virus came from what matters is how trump handled it for our country that’s why we have the worst covid numbers in the entire world no he couldn’t control where the virus came from but he could of stepped up and put in the measures to help control the spreed instead of acting like a petulant child not going with the scientist and doctors and slamming them at every corner. I mean the man got mad cause more people like fauci then him. Yeah cause fauci is up front and not a liar his trying to help and all trump did was hurt this country. We are an embarrassment all over the world because of trump. A president with the worst approval rate EVER there’s a reason for that.

    2. @lIIlIllIllIlIIlI 4 yrs vs 8 yrs and a pandemic with lockdown on top of it. Not to mention the civil unrest started under the last cabinet. Great logic there. America is great when you don’t expect to get everything you want. Suck it up ffs

    3. @Shawn T Yep, 4 years vs 8 years. But the statistics don’t lie, trump’s economy didn’t head in a different direction from Obama’s. Nothing turned around, it’s all just a long, steady improvement from the end of the 2009 recession to the beginning of the 2020 covid crisis. But trump supporters don’t see it that way and do things like include 2009 recession job losses when making averages and say ‘Obama lost manufacturing jobs’ as if trump was getting radically different manufacturing jobs numbers.

      The proper way to do statistics is to compare apples to apples…compare Obama’s steady growth period (anything post-recession) to trump’s steady growth period (pre-covid). But even if you _now_ want to start to be reasonable in your comparisons, I remember 3 years of trump supporters insisting that all 2009 recession numbers must must _must_ be included if you wanted to talk about the economy under Obama. Chickens coming home to roost, take your lumps for being so obstinate about Obama’s economy.

  3. Everyone knows that the “My Pillow Guy” is a self-admitted CRACKHEAD, right?
    You can’t make this stuff up…lmfao!!!

    1. Now, JOE BIDEN emnermy democrat parties!!!!
      Nobody likes a DILLUTED dementia patient crazy JOE BIDEN IS BECAME A PRESIDENT !!!!
      We all decent normal Americans and Trump supporters do not do nothing, and watch the democrat parties fight each other!!!!😩😩😩😩😩😩

    2. With photos of Hunter Biden with a crack pipe in his mouth, not sure if you have the grounds to throw crackheads in their face.

    3. @Fatman Archive It’s already mass famine and poverty right now, under 45. Haven’t look at long, long lines of cars and people wanting to get food, lately? I don’t have much sympathy for big corporations, but it looks like they are not interested to do business under a dictatorship.

    4. @CAP GO Your english is so bad that we could think that you are Russian. Btw in french and my english is better than yours.

    1. You will have 11m people out there needing jobs and social benefits soon, and there will be more. Laugh if you like.

    2. @JAY DEE how do you know that? he still won’t show his taxes. you’re the crazy one if you think trump was actually good at being POTUS.

    3. @victor armand nah u crazy u let the media show that he wasn’t doing anything for the American people and that is why these big tech are censoring President Trump and conservatives. Wake up but anyway God bless and be safe.

    4. @JAY DEE you believe what comes out of the mouth of DONALD TRUMP. but I’M the one who needs to wake up. sure, kid. and btw, twitter is a private company. taking away his twitter feed is not tantamount to taking away his first amendment rights.

    5. @victor armand when did the big tech’s company take away the freedom of speech when BLM was literally rioting and burning down communities?

    1. Probably because CNN knows those of us lucky enough to have survived through the last four years hardly need a reminder of how fucked it was.

    2. @B Happy You must be an American poet. Your English is clearly incredible, with perfect syntax and grammar.

    3. @theKillingJokes
      Thank you for the compliment. I enjoy the English language.
      I was editor of my school newspaper. I began working on the school paper from the age of 12 . I worked on the school news paper until I graduated high school at the age of 17 . Most important , when you do a public chat , you are chatting with an audience . It is important that you have clarity when you send a message. You always want to be well received by the audience . Again , thank you for the compliment.

    1. @Lynette Moore Biden doesn’t even make sense speaking from his teleprompter lol and kneepads Kamala… well just ask willie brown about it 😉

    2. @Aaron Boatman ooh another person with brains in the comments. Love it! It will be interesting to see how a dementia puppet will run this country with his crazy wife coaching him along. I’m gonna be laughing because that’s all you can do at this point

  4. I think he came through with a lot , he taught us so much ..
    Don’t draw on weather maps with a sharpie
    Don’t cage children
    Don’t pay off prostitutes
    Don’t wilfully ignore a pandemic by claiming we are rounding the corner
    He taught us so much

    1. @Sam J heres one of them q-anon wackos! how did you end up so stupid?? were you raised and educated by tv’s and videogames??

  5. I’m still waiting for Mexico to pay for the “wall” (ahem, fence) instead of my hard earned tax dollars. What a phony.

    1. @Lynda Reid stupid idea, if anything it needs to be finished. Not sure why people support allowing people to cross illegally

    2. I waited eight years for Obama to end the Afghanistan war as promised with his “Change “ speech.
      Your worried about who built a a wall ?

  6. He made good on his promise to run the Country like one of his companies. Unfortunately for us, by like one of his companies, he meant run it into the ground.

    1. @M Igorpan20 He is horribly in debt. He pays his bills with credit. A lot of the rich do that tho. Sadly for him, those banks are cutting off his credit. He’s only got two buildings to sell, that are not loaded up with mortgages.

  7. “Bulid the wall.” “Everyone will be covered.” “Middle-class tax cuts are coming.” “It will magically disappear.” “American carnage ends now.” Oops

    1. @CAP GO talk about diluted! Dude! Lay off the Clorox. Your rotting from the inside out! 🤣🤣😂😂

    1. Yeah another one bits the dust. Turn the page. Sleep with one eye open. And we all will be against the wind.

  8. Remember how in the beginning he was quick to say that he had inherited a mess from Obama? He will be remembered as a fool, nothing more but probably a lot less even

    1. Hey cap go…
      Biden is president. What a mess Trumptydu left. Talk about someone being diluted. Diluted don, that is.

    1. Now, JOE BIDEN emnermy democrat parties!!!!
      Nobody likes a DILLUTED dementia patient crazy JOE BIDEN IS BECAME A PRESIDENT !!!!
      We all decent normal Americans and Trump supporters do not do nothing, and watch the democrat parties fight each other!!!!😩😩😩😩😩😩

    2. @CAP GO do nothing? Like trump didn’t do anything, except cheat at golf every single day he was there?

  9. Poor Trump, He wii die alone.
    He was saying the “P” word for the past 4 years, Now we can see who is the “CAPITAL “P” “.

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