Trump Defends Racist Attacks As World Leaders Condemn | The Last Word | MSNBC

The president is now defending the chants of "send her back" at his North Carolina rally. Meanwhile, Michelle Obama and world leaders are speaking out forcefully on Trump's attacks on the 4 Congresswomen. Joy Reid discusses with Daniella Gibbs Leger and Tara Dowdwell.
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Trump Defends Racist Attacks As World Leaders Condemn | The Last Word | MSNBC

Trump Defends Racist Attacks As World Leaders Condemn | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. Our grandparents teached us how this could happen. Its not the one person, its the silent crowd. All the luck, from Berlin, Germany.

    1. Thank you. History repeats itself and it appears the nationalism is spewing around the world with Drumpf at the helm.

    2. Deniz D.

      Thank you for your truthful and honest comment.  tRUMP is to America as hitler was to Germany.

  2. How much longer before republicans know that trump has gone 100% banana. He’s America’s fool that the world is LAUGHING at.

  3. Trump hates our country, but loves Putin, Kim Jong Un and the Saudi Royal family. Trump is a disgusting pathological liar and a narcissistic sociopath!

    1. One worships Al-Qaeda and marry her brother the other stands in empty car parks crying and give me time with the other x2 all these women have is your racist 🤦‍♀️

    1. @Don Present That sounds like bs. The FBI lists white supremacy groups as the #1 source of domestic terrorism. Are the KKK and White Aryan Nations recruiting in Omar’s Minnesota district?
      Was Nidal Hassan recruited in Minnesota? Was Omar Mateen recruited in Minnesota? Were the 911 hijackers recruited in Minnesota? ISIS recruits? WTF does that even mean? Were they picked up at the local Minnesota ISIS recruitment center in Minneapolis? Were they making bombs, stockpiling ammo?

    1. A grand wizard who supports the Jewish people of Israel. Don’t make me laugh. Indians are the largest immigrant group to the U.S yet they don’t get deported because they come here legally. Explain that.

  4. There is no bottom for this guy, everytime people think he cant go lower he takes it as a challenge.

  5. Trump only likes trophy women..ones who nod sycophantly like Melania..
    The Squad are too sharp, young, articulate, educated and visionary for the groping Imposter In Chief.
    The power of the Squad are obviously a gnawing thorn in Drumfty’s side..

  6. Well done Merkel. Politically different to the four Congresswomen, but doesn’t hesitate for a micro-second to condemn this racism.

    1. @Hugh B. MacLeod One worships Al-Qaeda and marry her brother the other stands in empty car parks crying and give me time with the other x2 all these women have is your racist 🤦‍♀️ abd I am English Irish African try harder what makes them not racist cos all I can see from the us racist and hate

    1. What does ‘beauty’have to do with anything? Would you use that language for a congressMAN? No, you wouldnt. Their physical appearance is utterly irrelevant. Call them strong, SMART, and right. An actual compliment.

    2. @Mark Doldon or strong, smart and wrong. Where was this concern when Maxine Waters was telling the resistance to confront people in public spaces?? I don’t recall this level of regard for Hope Hicks, K A Conway and Sarah Sanders when they were getting run out of restaurants. Eric Trump just got spat on in a Chicago restaurant. Nothing to see here, I guess.

    3. One worships Al-Qaeda and marry her brother the other stands in empty car parks crying and give me time with the other x2 all these women have is your racist 🤦‍♀️

  7. Israel is an Apartheid state and human rights abuser. Who SHOULDN’T be critical of it?

    1. @Don Present No don’t look the other way just dig a little deeper, do some research. You just might find that ISIS is CIA. Al Qaeda was formed by the CIA to fight Russia but its not mentioned any more. Remember, We wrestle not with flesh and blood but with evil spirits in high places. You can’t believe everything you’re told.

    2. @Don Present Oh sweetie, she did not and has not created any terrorist in her district nor is she responsible for what people do or don’t do in her district. What proof do you even have that terrorists have come from her district? Could you just claim that she has a high percentage of people who are of the muslim fath and that a few of them might have been radicalized through social media which she doesn’t have any control over? I live in the deep south where there is a high concentration of ignorant hillbillies who drive around with confederate flags and bully and harrass minorities, sometimes even harming them. Is my U.S. Representative responsible for their actions? LMAO you have lost all reason.

    3. @J Street America’s occupation of other countries has caused the problem of terrorism on our soil, period.
      I know about the US working with Osama Bin Laden to fight the Soviet Union, etc. I’m familiar with Project for a new American century. With that said, I don’t believe what I’m told.
      I’m talking about Isis recruitments within the US. You can’t believe everything MSNBC says.

    1. Although Hitler actually had a plan, I don’t think Trump has a plan except to accumulate power and divide the public.

    2. @TheAnimatorDave Trump’s plan is get wealthier and pay back Putin Oligarchs… His minions are the real threat to the soul of America. Mitch and his Band of Cowards will likely seal the fate of the once great idea called America.

  8. What Trump is doing is he is inciting violence against a sitting member Congress.

    If he wasn’t the President he would be guilty of sedition.

    It would be an open and shut case.

  9. It’s a shame that other leaders around the world are more courageous than the Republican Senate!!!! Shame, shame shame on OUR American Senate!!!!!!! We the people will Vote them OUT in
    November 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. I am looking forward to when Trump is forced to answer to his role in the abuse of girls at the mansion of his (allegedly former) friend Epstein.

  11. This should be a final wake up call for minorities to leave the Republican Party. It is obvious that minorities are not welcome or wanted by the party.

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