At last night's debate, President Trump defended his response to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Director of Columbia University's National Center for Disaster Preparedness, Dr. Irwin Redlener, joins Katy Tur to discuss. Aired on 09/30/2020.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.
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Trump Defends Pandemic Response In First Debate | Katy Tur | MSNBC
The only time Trump was silent during the debate was when he was asked to denounce White supremacists.
I’ve worked with white supremacists before and by the time I left those jobs they were hugging me! They are not all rotten! That being said any group which threatens American lives needs to realize what a symbiotic relationship with God’s family is because the numbers are greater for peace not war!
His exact response was actually “sure”. Guess you weren’t listening. Why do people want him to be a white supremisist so badly? He’s denounced that craziness numerous times. Focus on BLM and Antifa if you want to see where the actual problem lies.
@SPC vonHamm People are using their gut to react not fully assessing the situation before jumping in. Trump was not effective in stopping any of it aside from using survival as motivation which becomes fight or flight and is terrible for the body organs!
@SPC vonHamm Let me tell you something else *being in survival mode* is great for gun sales!
Nobody could defend how trump has dealt with coronavirus. He should have got whole country wearing masks at least. And lying to everyone , no excuse.
@Walter White what a load crap
@Barbara Worrall …..yes I agree. That is we vote for Trump2020!
@Rod You are stuck on ONE talking point, that’s all you’ve got. Every country made early mistakes, it’s what happened AFTER which defines the success – and we all know Trump didn’t do anything on a national level. ZIP ZERO. Get another record. HE KNEW in January and lied to you.
@lexa harpell hes still lying ,saying it’s rounding the corner, it must be the biggest corner going
Rod Do you remember when Trump said the virus was a hoax? And do you know the virus that came to USA were from Europe? I am sure you can.
Trump’s covid19 response is indefensible. His followers dont even believe there is a pandemic. He should resign.
@Louise Australia Do you think people should have to take a test to vote?
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 The Dems were NOT running the country – Trump was – his responsibility, he had all the facts in January and lied to you.
@Fred Abrams Yes, an IQ test or competency test. Why should the dumbest people vote in the dumbest president the USA has ever had?
@Louise Australia You realize that used to exist right? LMAO Look it up.
Donald Trump is killing this country
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 The Federalist is an right wing POLITICAL group who is biased. What you posted was an opinion, not fact. Each state has the right to enact their own laws. If the government wanted to assure transparency and accuracy, they would assist the states in assuring the free and fair process, NOT infringe on state’s rights. According to your own post, Utah proves it can be done. They’re only claiming that Blue states have a problem.
*5 Reasons Barack Obama Will Be Viewed As One Of The Worst Presidents of All Time*
Dec 2016
*Compiling a list of reasons why Barack Obama is a terrible president seems like a project for a book rather than a column. However, when we start looking at the catastrophic mistakes he’s made that may reverberate for years to come, it’s clear that he’s been a disaster for America on a scale that few other Presidents can match. Just look at his record,*
1) Nearly Doubling The National Debt: Let’s see, what was it that Barack Obama said about our debt back in 2008 when he was trying to convince Americans to vote him into office?
The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from 5 trillion dollars for the first 42 presidents — number 43 added 4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have over 9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.
Meanwhile, once he got into office, Obama added more debt than all previous presidents combined (which even the liberals at Politifact admit is true). Before Obama, it would have taken some real work to stave off a debt-driven economic collapse down the road, but because of the amount of debt he added on, it’s now probably unavoidable. This country survived the Brits burning the White House in the War of 1812, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11, but all of those horrors combined will pale to the long-term damage to this country Obama will cause with his reckless spending.
2) Unleashing The Genie From The Nuclear Weapons Bottle In The Middle East: Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons has been a high priority since those weapons came into being. It was obviously worrisome when nations that are not friendly to America acquired nuclear weapons capable of reducing our greatest cities to ash in a moment, but there were important considerations that kept those countries from ever acting. You nuke us, we nuke you. Okay, we have a stalemate because no functional state wants mutually assured destruction.
Of course, that kind of stalemate doesn’t work with basket-case nations run by totalitarian dictators or religious fanatics… which brings us to the Iran Deal Obama signed that will end with that monstrous nation acquiring nuclear weapons. Inevitably, if Iran develops nukes, various other countries across the Middle East will also develop nuclear weapons to protect themselves. Israel may already have nukes, but it’s also not going to try to subjugate nations like Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The same can’t be said of Iran.
In other words, Obama’s Iran Deal marks the beginning of a nuclear arms race in an area largely run by religious fanatics and anti-American dictators. The chances of a nuclear war or even more importantly, a nuke going off on American soil, have increased astronomically because of Obama’s foolishness.
3) Facilitating Illegal Immigration: The federal government has never put the amount of money and resources needed into shutting down illegal immigration. Unfortunately, crooked businesses that benefit from the practice have always paid off enough politicians to keep that from happening.
However, the Obama Administration’s practice of actually encouraging illegal immigration was a new low in our nation’s history. Obama illegally tried to give millions of illegal aliens the ability to stay here without fear of deportation; states and localities that enforced immigration law were harassed by the DOJ; he blocked the border patrol from doing its job and increased the number of refugees being imported. By doing so, Obama destroyed the rule of law, created a protected criminal class and imported poverty into the country because he thought it would benefit him politically even if it hurt the country in the process.
4) Encouraging Racial Polarization: No president ever had a better opportunity to encourage racial reconciliation than Obama. Instead, America’s first black president went in exactly the opposite direction and tried to create as much racial polarization as possible because he thought it benefited him politically. Unlike Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, Obama is subtler. His administration encouraged hatred of police, turned a blind eye to race riots and did nothing to slow down the incessant cries of “racism” from his supporters that greeted every disagreement with Obama’s policies. During Obama’s presidency, the Left openly used race as a political weapon and it created a level of racial strife in America that we haven’t seen since the sixties.
5) Losing A War We Had Already Won In Iraq: Today in 2016, people tend to forget that Bush had largely pacified Iraq with the surge before he left office. By 2010, things had gotten so stable that the Obama Administration was trying to take credit for Iraq. Here’s Joe Biden,
I am very optimistic about…Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government.
Despite the fact that our generals wanted him to work out a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government so we could leave troops there, Obama wanted political credit for getting all our troops out of the country and he didn’t much care what happened afterwards.
South Korea. Predictably, the whole country then fell apart. Worse yet, because of Obama’s incompetence, ISIS was able to take large swathes of territory in Iraq and it became a major player on the world stage. All the blood and treasure we spent in that nation was squandered because an incompetent politician cared more about getting a minor political advantage than winning a war.
Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 you support a creature that claims the only way he’ll lose an election after the stream of crime corruption and incompetence then accuse *anyone* else of logical fallacies? Really? You don’t even have the moral authority to accuse Hitler of being a ‘bad boy’ but you still think people want to hear your flaccid verbal diarrhoea on a video put up by sober, sane, responsible journalists? Pleasure yourself to your reactionary propaganda if you insist but buddy… you need to find others who are actually into that. Try the Proud boys.
Fred Abrams –
Frederickkk Abramovski:
You Are Scabies
mikey fiftythree

Trump was a toddler who missed nap time and found his parents cocaine stash
the real question is who carried him up and down the ramps 

I’d love to know what kind of snow shovel that guy uses before every public appearance
lol — and who changed his diaper after the fiasco?
@Jay Gray And what about the 1″ PVC pipe in his other hand?
You all are too funny.
I feel sorry for the American people … your ‘’Presidential’’ debate was an international embarrassment.
I think mama Trump forgot to tell little DONNIE lying is not ok.
Robin Teigen 40% based on what? Ppl who voted in 2016 or population of the country? I do not for sec believe it’s 40% of the population, no bloody way….
Fred Abrams You should be a embarrassed individual . Our so called President made a fool of himself and Our Country last night and since the beginning of his term. Stop being snippy like him and apologize , it’s okay to be embarrassed.
You think????
ruth depew – yep, she’d had more than enough of him and his problematic behaviors! Pity he was Fred’s favorite and he treated him like an adored and empowered only child.
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
Trump, the spoiled toddler, needs a permanent time out in November.
GO Liberals!
@surewinner high-functioning narcissist.
High-functioning might be an exaggaration
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
……How did you like the debate when Trump brought up the $3.5 million payout to Hunter Biden for Child Prostitution??? You know what Im talking about. I know you do. Russian Mayor payout to Hunter for Human Trafficking ?????……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
Trump rallies had no problem with Covid,let’s ask Herman Cain. Herman? Herman ? Hello Herman,? Oh wait,think there’s a serious problem with Herman!
When was the last time he was seen out in a crowd , without a mask? Just checking!
He said” it has no affect at all”, old Herman can’t answer, and his peeps want (haven’t) said a word!
Have him Twitter you lol
Too funny!! Lord help me!

@Vote Blue: Don’t forget his classic response “I don’t know him”.
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
If trump was joking about bleach why did he ask DR birx for advice on his comment
The standard narrative has holes in it
He NEVER shut down travel. Trump is a xenophobic racist, and Biden didn’t call the rat a rat because he shut down some people coming from China. It was prior to that. Trump is nothing but a childish racist narcissist criminal period.
Fritter Foof some people actually drink the bleach. Sad .
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
……How did you like the debate when Trump brought up the $3.5 million payout to Hunter Biden for Child Prostitution??? You know what Im talking about. I know you do. Russian Mayor payout to Hunter for Human Trafficking ?????……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
@The standard narrative has holes in it Hysterical. You are stuck on ONE narrative yourself. The one where he still let over 40,000 come back in during that ‘shutdown’????
U.S.: 4% of the world’s population but more than 20% of the pandemic deaths. Trump’s failure has been catastrophic.
Allan Burns
Trump did a fabulous job getting the numbers up.
Nobody got higher death rates. Numero Uno Russian spy.
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
Trump just got hammered
, all by himself, and he didn’t need any help from Joe, BYE-DON 2020
I loved the play on the surname
*The Magic Virus* is a virus which dissapears *_like magic_* when communist democrats Burn, Loot and Murder, but then, reappears *_like magic_* when Conservatives gather peacefully without destroying anything
Is that what MSNBC/CNN told you? You probably believe their polls too, huh?
@Rod Yea, let’s stick with Fox News polls.
What do those polls say?
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
Trump Playbook is all too simple – “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth” – Joseph Goebbels
Goebbels would be embarrassed for Trump.
totally, he is doing everything like a corrupt latinamerican president: corruption, blatant lies, would-be dictator, nepotism…
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
There’s nothing to defend, there was no response whatsoever
There was a response, and it was this: it’s a democrat hoax that will magically go away
*Dementia Donny’s coronavirus timeline:*
February: It’s a hoax
March: It’ll be gone by Easter
April: We can’t let the cure be worse than the disease
June: We’re leading the world
July: The numbers are being inflated to make me look bad
*August – November: It’s Obama and Biden’s fault*
Amen Jesus.
You can also is what it is.
Like that means anything but despondency.
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
@Walter White Fake news.

I simply LOVE your sweaty desperation and impotent rage, though. Makes me laugh!
Do some more!
Why is the “president” “saying things sarcastically” during a press briefing?
Is this a standup skit or a statement on public health?
Very valid point!
President making sarcastic remarks throughout his presidency? So unpresidential. Childish at best.
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
……How did you like the debate when Trump brought up the $3.5 million payout to Hunter Biden for Child Prostitution??? You know what Im talking about. I know you do. Russian Mayor payout to Hunter for Human Trafficking ?????……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
Hitler did that, let’s “invade” the Soviet Union. All their military invaded and 5 million German soldiers were killed.
His family members and relatives must be really embarrassed but not his children. The con gene is there. Dare he talked about Joe’s son when his lying sons are still criminally inclined.
Lam Cheek: a big AMEN to that.
Trump’s COVID-19 response was a failure just like all his bankrupt businesses
Trump failed the American people,
He needs to be HELD accountable for his actions 207,000 and counting have died
China dummy
……How did you like the debate when Trump brought up the $3.5 million payout to Hunter Biden for Child Prostitution??? You know what Im talking about. I know you do. Russian Mayor payout to Hunter for Human Trafficking ?????……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
The only way to hold him accountable is to VOTE BLUE
@Rod where is proof of this ?.
@Walter White Maybe that why it hot zone for virus. Florida!!?
Fortunately, the rest of us are not “brain-dead” like Donald’s followers.
Good luck in November,
Helen Wright unfortunately that’s not near enough people to defeat President Trump.
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
Trump is a disgrace , to the American people. The bully, kept barking, like, a male D.G.
……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
……How did you like the debate when Trump brought up the $3.5 million payout to Hunter Biden for Child Prostitution??? You know what Im talking about. I know you do. Russian Mayor payout to Hunter for Human Trafficking ?????……….Breaking news: Democratic Congressman and Pennsylvania Governor
admit wearing a mask is a hoax!
PA Governor Tom Wolf and Rep. Wendy Ullman
Caught On Hot Mic Playing “Political Theatre” With Masks!
The Republican Florida Gov does not even require masks and everything is open.
Vote BLUE, we could have a real President. Intelligent, calm, caring and speaks a TRUTH I can not only hear but see. trump is evil you can see it in his EYES, I only see his HATE! I will never understand how people have been so blindly following, NEVER QUESTIONING. I don’t mind telling my truth here. IM SCARED, not for me I’m 63, but for those that come behind us. What about them? I pray that thIS ORANGE ANTI-CHRIST GENOCIDE MAN, IS REMOVED! Let him go live with his COMRADE PUTIN!
@Corn Pop Putin installed fraud pathological sociopathic lying Trump needs a diaper change. Antifa!!!
Trump is desperate, he knows he’s going to lose, he’s going to get worse as the election nears and this numbers drop.