Trump Deems Places Of Worship ‘Essential,’ Calls For Their Immediate Reopening | MSNBC

President Trump held a news conference to announce that places of worship should be identified as "essential" and called on governors to allow their reopening amid the coronavirus outbreak. Aired on 5/22/2020.
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Trump Deems Places Of Worship 'Essential,' Calls For Their Immediate Reopening | MSNBC

Trump Deems Places Of Worship 'Essential,' Calls For Their Immediate Reopening | MSNBC


    1. @Lars Jones The law is not on your side, Karen. Sorry to disappoint you but you’ll just have to tolerate other people enjoying their freedoms and rights. Nobody’s forcing you to go. Many state courts have struck down the capricious edicts handed down by their Governors -they have over-reached. But don’t worry about it too much. You can still cruise Walmart, Lowe’s, wherever it is you like to congregate.

    2. Only the Anti-Christ would ask faithful Christians to risk their lives for no other reason than himself. Scripture states that wherever one or more is gathered in Christ’s name, is a church.

    1. @Horrible Customer The bots and trolls are also completely out of gas. They’re not even trying anymore. May you and your loved ones stay well — let’s vote this guy out.

    2. Horrible Customer Sorry for assuming; I made that assumption because leftists frequently bring up the stupidest things to try to undermine trump. They bring up things about him that that they would never say in a negative way about somebody else. I understand that saying what you said does not automatically make you a leftist, however, it just seemed like something one would say.

    3. I was waiting for him to go off on some tangent. I think is was killing him. He must had a whole team in front of him, keeping him from straying.

    4. @Horrible Customer To be fair, he should be commended sticking to the prepared script. I think most people with a functioning brain cell, have had enough of his incoherent ramblings.

    5. Only the Anti-Christ would ask faithful Christians to risk their lives for no other reason than himself. Scripture states that wherever one or more is gathered in Christ’s name, is a church.

    1. “It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world, it is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of. It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.”
      [speaking of having $ex and referring to women’s genitals as “potential landmines”.]
      ― The Donald @ interview on The Howard Stern Show, 1997

      “I think if this country gets any kinder or gentler, it’s literally going to cease to exist.”
      ― The Donald @ Playboy, March 1990

      “The point is that you can’t be too greedy.”
      ― The Donald @ “The Art of the Deal”, 1987

  1. Now he’s in charge? I thought it was up to each state’s governor? Playing both sides is going to bite him.

    1. @Mac Mac So, what you’re saying everso clearly is that you’re nuts. No problem bubba, I get it, you’re nuts! (MUTE)

    2. bobfangio no it is not, I said nothing wrong.. an authoritative figure has to sign their name on a document certifying their reasoning and or findings …. what is it that you don’t understand about that

    3. Rebel Justice explain to me your reasoning on the matter… are not the directors of our public agencies sworn in

    4. @MAGA Aaron – CA is a capitalists wet dream , ya bozo. They have an economy bigger than most countries. Try breaking yer pills in half before commenting , OK ?

    1. I really believe he suffers from dyslexia. This would explain his issues with reading in general and his lack of understanding of the Constitution. President Kennedy had the same issue but had a family with lots of money to spend on education.

    2. @Jeremy Backup Although, he created the best economy in america’s history. Idc what faults he has. He gets it done.

  2. Anyone who considers themselves religious, knows that you can worship from anywhere and that there is no need for a distinct building to do so even if that is where they would rather be, it is NOT essential.

    1. @David’s Garden You won’t be writing an essay on why, because you don’t know what you’re talking about and have nothing to write about. Just like tRump you took your ball and went home, because you still refuse to learn that facts.. LOL Meanwhile you haven’t been able to contradict a single word of what I educated you about. It’s Typical BS, right wing excuses for your own ignorance of the Constitution and Supreme Court decisions…..” I’m right and you’re wrong… .you wrote a book and I won’t….. ” Cute. Try getting a real edumacation.

    2. @David’s Garden That idiotic video you posted a link to is full of nothing but misinformation, disinformation , absurd , factles conspiracy theories and outright extremely dangerous lies along with very sick and twisted obtuse opinions, which is tRump’s stock in trade. His Trump Shirt follower like you actually believe this right wing propaganda, instead of doing your homework and learning the facts. That kind of “thinking” and disinformation, is literally putting millions of people at great risk of infection and death. This has nothing whatsoever to do with “totalitarianism” . That would be DonaldTrump’s dictatorial authoritarian personality disorder along with his clinical malignant narcissism, which is a combination of sociopathy and toxic narcissism. He’s now up to over 17,000 well documented lies, which only fools believe. He cares nothing about you, or the American people and has no capacity for empathy for all the people whose deaths he has literally been responsible for. He’s a well documented lifelong professional con artist. Only ultra right wing , uneducated imbeciles listen to garbage like that.

    3. Marathonracer that about says it all but unfortunately he still has a lot of followers mind you they have brains of a rocking horse stay safe

    1. @Kristi <---- Y'all Worship The Devil... or HRC?? I don't see the Dif.. Y'all a Freak!

    2. It’s amazing that people who are not Christians act like they are suddenly experts on church life and our faith. We are called to fellowship. Our right to do so is a protected constitutional right. You don’t have to like it. You are free to not attend, as freedom of religion and freedom of association go two ways. Your comments are bigoted and ignorant, but I also defend your right to say the dumb things you say.

    3. All of you right to life people are threatening freedom. Isn’t a choice of what a woman wants to do with her own reproductive system a freedom? And all Republicans are voting to take it away. I’m just saying.

    4. @David Vossekuil Y’all a MORON to say that chit… all it takes is a Condom! something your Daddy did’t use! STFU~

  3. God is everywhere when you need him. Practice what you preach potus and you may be redeemed .

    1. @bobfangio <--- Y'all a LOW-IQ Fredo Follower!! Got that Crap from FAKE NEWS CNN Huh.. that channel be melting yo Brain... soon yo TDS will take ova and you be talking like Captain Brain-FART Biden!! That Fool LOST the Black Vote!!! We ain't getting back in his CHAINS!

    2. @Mustaffa Beenie Well who could argue with eloquence like that, much less understand it. So I’m guessing the Lysol was a chaser for many years of eating lead paint?

  4. Did anyone else notice the long a** pause before the word ‘mosques’? Like he struggled to even say it….

    Also, I can’t speak for all of us, but this Jew right here is still attending temple virtually on Friday nights. #socialdistance

    1. Deborah Freedman, thank you! Shabbat shalom to you too! I’ve been attending shabbat services virtually for nearly three months now. My temple in San Francisco stopped in person services pretty early.

    2. And abortion clinics are essential, that medical procedure is a time sensitive matter. People get that, right?

    3. @Bethany The Trump Shirts never learned to tell time, so don’t expect them to get that abortion is a time sensitive matter and that abortion clinics are essential. Shabbat shalom.

  5. In a 2016 lawsuit. National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard assured Trump’s personal lawyer at the time, Michael Cohen, “that they would track down the woman with ra. pe allegations against Trump and see what they could do about her.” 

    In the past, AMI has helped Trump by purchasing damaging stories about Trump in order to keep them from going public. AMI admitted that in 2016, it made a $150,000 payment “in concert” with Trump’s election campaign to former model McDougal, who had an affair with Trump a decade earlier. The publisher made the pact with McDougal to ensure that the she did not publicize damaging allegations about Trump before the election, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said..

    The lawsuit filed against Trump in the lead-up to the 2016 election were claims that Trump   £aped a teenager when she was 13 years old in 1994. The anonymous plaintiff, identified as “Katie Johnson” in an initial legal filing that was dismissed in California, and “Jane Doe” in two subsequent legal filings in NY—said that she was £aped by Trump during a party hosted by J. Epstein at his NYC apartment. In the third and final lawsuit, Doe alleged she had numerous 5exual encounters with Trump and Epstein at the latter’s parties..

    Jane Doe alleged Trump tied her to a bed, “forcibly £aped her and threatened her and her family with physical harm, if not d€ath, if she told anyone about the assault. “I understood that Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein knew that I was 13 years old,” Jane Doe wrote in an affidavit.

    After the suit was filed in September 2016, the Enquirer editor and Trump lawyer Cohen were in contact frequently. But there was no opportunity for them to buy this story and stop it from going public. AMI chief, Trump’s longtime friend, only found out about the lawsuit after it was filed.

    In November 2016, just days before the election, Doe’s attorney Lisa Bloom, suddenly announced in a press conference that Jane Doe had been canceled, saying Doe had become frightened after receiving d€ath threats. Two days later, Doe’s lead attorney, Thomas Meager, filed to dismiss the case. “After we received numerous d€ath threats and my law firm’s website and emails were hacked, she did not want to go forward,” Bloom added. Jane Doe has not been heard from since.

  6. You know the minute he mentioned “Mosques” He threw up a little in his mouth. If he weren’t forced to mentioned them, he wouldn’t have.
    I always wondered how regurgitated Filet O Fish tastes like……

    1. Impossible! Just like it was impossible that he would bring jobs back to the country…….but he did! Trump 2020

    2. @Spring Lock sorry, I don’t debate with people who only subscribe to channels that agree with your way of thinking. It shows you lack the acceptance of open minded conversation. Take care

    3. @Rob Ceriani ok, I wasn’t debating, just asked for the proof of your statement. please, you, and your’s be safe. 🙂

  7. Interpretation: MY poll numbers are down so I will pander to the religious people to boost MY standing.

  8. As morticians, funeral homes and memorial parks everywhere in the US quietly, somberly, respectfully, rub bony hands together with glee. STAY HEALTHY & VOTE KNUCKLEHEAD MacSPAZATRON45 OUT IN NOVEMBER, America!

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