The president in a new interview said he is unsure of the character of the late civil rights hero, Rep. John Lewis, saying Lewis didn't attend his inauguration and he isn't sure how history will remember him. The panel discusses with Axios' Jonathan Swan. Aired on 08/04/2020.
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Trump Declines To Praise John Lewis, Citing Inauguration Snub | Morning Joe | MSNBC
“Don’t interrupt your enemy when he is in the middle of defeating himself!”
Steven Hanft Napoleon
Sun Tzu.
That saying was MADE for the Trump presidency.
Trust me, the soul of John Lewis is happy Trump didn’t show up.
@Color Purple just like Obama? Maybe you should look on computer, being a blind follower is not good. Then you know he as racist. Obama corrupt constitutional violations, scandals and more, like Obama’s family’s connection to the CIA. Prove me wrong?
@Color Purple I just looked , you might want to
Color Purple touché
Trump will go down as the worst president with no political experience whatsoever.Big Mistake everyone who voted and supported this dweed.
@Color Purple John Lewis
Was not Correct
He should have been at
President Trump’s inauguration
With a Giant Sign
To stop The Viionce and Drugs
In The Neighbourhood
John Lewis Failed his people’s !
This is nuts. There are people in his own cabinet that didn’t attend his inauguration.
John Louis did more for the country in two days than trump has in 4 years.
That’s not saying much, Body Bag Donnie has done NOTHING in 4 years except single handedly dividing America, and catastrophically collapse the Economy due to his gross dereliction of duty.
No Calvinism your exactly right.Just a moron.
@No Calvinism you realize the economy crashed because there was a lockdown enforced by democratic leaders
If they are not dictators he doesn’t find them impressive at all. He’s a fricking child
@DarkCloudian Pretty sure you don’t know what you’re talking about.
@DarkCloudian Yeah you’re right, being childish is normal behavior for Drumpf followers and Retardlicans.
Shoot. He is ignoring them too!!! Wby!!!!!
Feminazi dictators are the most cruel, myopic and authoritarian in the world…
@David Blake Look, he can’t even spell correctly.
Orange baby: He didn’t go to MY party, so I’m not going to his funeral.
How pathetic
@Ruth Harris –

And ‘thank you’.
@SuperCorrector1 If Lewis is fascist, Trump is Satan incarnate.
@William Stalvey my toes 2020
@Ruth Harris ruth keep that low I q mind in check and go do what you do best, saying paper or plastic
@wgrizz zz Never forget , Republicans have core values and liberals have vape pipes, trailers and generally are just ignorant 7.00 an hr disasters
Why do y’all keep calling him President! *THERE’S NOTHING PRESIDENTIAL ABOUT HIM!!!!* He’s a selfish man child
@William Stalvey as An

I am very proud
Italien American
Of The Great Italien Explorer
Christopher Columbus !
@Anthony Egidio Your Obummer
Creepy Sleepy Joe Biden
Crooked Hillary
Nancy Peliosi Maxine Waters
And the rest of the Phycos !
@CynAnne1 Thanks to China
Bill Gates and Doctor Fauci !
@Bieassia Law Obummer and John Lewis
Was No Doctor Martin Luther King Jr !
@Lor Hay That’s The
Fault of China and Bill Gates and
Doctor Fauci !
He’s such a small little man- he acts like a toddler. I’m so tired of having to wait to vote him out!
who would you trade him out for?
Wow.. what a statement. “Nobody has done more for Black Americans than I have.” What a clown!
Marmaidena Reached the lowest unemployment for blacks in history
Yea lmao forgot about LBJ
@alisha harrison he gave jobs to Diamond and silk
@anthony beles who???

@anthony beles – Closer to ‘Rhinestone & Rayon’, after listening to them…
The most classless President of all time.
Poor loser baby.
Harry Reid, “But, we won!”
@syn707 get professional help please
He makes Tricky Dicky look honest and Dubba U look smart!
Letting 150,000 Americans die to own the libs
“He didn’t come to my inauguration but no one has done more for black……..”
Small man indeed.
@mintymus where is your source of info? I actually didn’t expect one. All that thanks to Trump. great. As far as John Lewis he was a racist, corrupt, racist agitator. No surprise about any of it.
@John Galt John, I’m not going to do all the work for you. What worked for you all your life won’t work here.
You and I can agree on Lewis, he was a piece of garbage.
@mintymus What worked for me all my life? Things changed every year thru out my life.
mintymus so therefore you refuse to provide a source? That seems like it would discredit your argument.
@Krishna Choppara Krishna, clearly you haven’t ever had to do anything for yourself. Here’s my sources: CNN, Fox, MSNBC. Anymore questions?
All about him. All about him. We can see the narcissism. Again.
My toes 2020
He is a sad sad man because he wants everything to be about him

That was Obama, enter in computer, Why did Obama mention himself all the time?
@John Galt You are a joke, Trump is a joke
“My inauguration… My this … My that…” Gimme a break. What a loser.
He is a disgrace, please get him out. I can’t with him, I just can’t.
Electric chair? CIA ? Eric leaves his skateboard at the top of the stairs, while the mail order bride peeks thru a cracked door? any one; it’s no time to be particular……
You and me both…I can’t stomach him anymore. He just makes me sick.
Then you need to vote Blue. Vote BIDEN and vote BLUE all the way!
@Ashley Lugo ditto!!
Trump is the exact opposite of John Lewis.
Race baiting… Humm. So Charlottesville wasn’t, the KKK isn’t, killing black people over and over again isn’t, red lining isn’t, pushing a n agenda of violent race/ethnic division isn’t, sequestration of Native Americans on to land’s that are barely habitatable isn’t… let me guess, you own a MAGA hat and think wearing a mask in public violates your civil rights. #Nice
Wrong, so wrong. Ask computer was John Lewis, racist, corrupt, racist agitator, I dare you
@John Galt Poor you.
@G Money have you spent your entire life being stupid as well!
@Marilyn Reallon the lost will always be lost, that’s what cognitive dissonance is all about, blame victim rather that face actual ugly truths.
Of course he doesn’t. Is this a surprise? A real coward will never praise a true hero.
@mintymus oh you’re really coming up with some zingers now
@Barbara Ferrara Thanks!
@mintymus not much going on in your life right now huh?
@Barbara Ferrara I see you’re projecting, Barbara.
@mintymus you’re so silly
Of course he doesn’t know. He doesn’t know history. He sounds like a 5 year old holding a grudge because you didn’t come to their birthday party.
Kinda like a spoiled 13 year old girl, “I don’t like her; she didn’t come to my birthday party!!”