Rachel Maddow shows that even though Donald Trump has not offered any federal leadership in addressing the coronavirus crisis, he has been remarkably consistent in hoping that one day it will simply disappear. Aired on 7/1/2020.
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Trump Coronavirus Strategy: Wish It Just Disappears | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
He means that he will force the coverage to disappear. He also wants to send the message to his supporters that members of the Cult of Trump cannot be hurt by COVID.
He will probably order the infected states to reduce testing. Then , yeah we defeated the virus by testing less.
“Cult of Trump” LOL …but it is apt and accurate.
There has to be two Donald trumps , cause no one man can be that stupid.
You say no one man can be that stupid, but remember he has a large staff to help him.
@Jules Nagbunga It is unreasonable to expect reason from the unreasonable. One thing ethical people forget, is that when they know the indisputable truth, they believe they will win the debate. But logic and reason only have power when they are recognized as such. Trump is the best possible illustration of this. He continues to claim his handling of the virus is better than any other country, when the opposite is true, the facts are in plain sight, but that does not deter him in the slightest. The truth will not set you free or buy you a cup of coffee when dealing with one who absolutely refuses to recognize it.
More the embodiment of a watery turd.
When people find out the virus is not real, they are going to lose thier minds. For some it will take FEMA pulling out the gilloutines before they chose to wake up to the truth. People love lies as there is no truth in them. End of this world… nothing new.
Now the orangutan evolved into a three year old baby.

Just give him a pacifier in the interview when he whines about it, at he will go berserk.
That’s how you handle narcissistic sociopaths.
Expose them.
@Montalbano PS: Have you been over on Beau’s channel?
@Margaret Nicol We got a big green environmental movement in the 1980 after fish died in rivers and pollination went to far.
And we also where the battleground for a possible nuclear war so we where sceptical with nuclear energy because it’s difficult to find a storage for the dangerous nuclear waste.
This was the origin of the green movement here and after Tschernobyl we massively tried to get nuclear security very high here and thought we would be safe.
After Fukushima happend even the conservative party switched there position so that the parties of over 85% of the voters at this time wanted out of nuclear.
And support green environmental friendly power production with wind , solar, biomass etc.
That’s why we have a very high know how in this area to because we wanted to turn greener as a whole country.
So the politicans hear more what people want here and they may be less currupt because the political parties get their money according to the votes in elections from the system
So the parties are only dependent of about 10-15% by donation far less than in the US.
Because with big money there is big corruption.
But corruption is also here because individuals are weak but it is far less systematic here.
The 10-15% is an estimate I can’t look it up that fast right now.
But the most of the money comes from the state after elections.
Having a multi party system makes voting also less tribal. I voted for all 5 democratic parties in several elections over the years. Because of different issues.
But I never voted for the far right or the far left because they destroy democracy in he long run. I understood the US problem far better after seeing this one.
@Margaret Nicol I ment the Citizens United decision and Olbermans comment on this.
His analysis at the day of the decision is just frightening.
No I don’t know this channel please give a link.
@Montalbano Sorry. There were no subtitles and I don’t speak German so could only comment on what he was doing.
It’s a very civilized channel.
Here’s a couple of examples of Beau. He seldom talks politics as such but even he is getting frustrated to the extent that he’ll mention ‘his’ name now. Don’t be fooled by his looks!
An old one that I loved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BMl6phxWpU&t=3s
His latest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xGUA46rdrg
@Montalbano Sorry for delay. I’m back again. Just had a chance to look at the video. That was horrifying. 1984 had nothing on that video. He must have had a crystal ball indeed. Would you mind if I shared it.
Did you get a chance to listen to Beau?
“I think we are going to be very good with the Corona Virus”

Only stable geniuses speak in this fashion.
Also but not limited to:
Beautiful Calls,Tremendous Turnout and my favorite Never met the guy.
@GIRL _fromOz

But Iwanka is hot right? Isn‘t she hot?
@Alexander L in a reptilian ‘basking in the sun on a hot rock’ kind of way . . yes.

…A big card, a beautiful card a big beautiful card with beautiful writing in it. “What did Kim Jong Il say Dumbo?”… “I haven’t read it yet” …the fu…??
@Jeff somersby

If any CEO suggested a business plan based on HOPE .. he would be fired immediately — what a complete moron. And 35% of Americans still believe in him.
@Alexander L
No mask…
Wild One – with no mask, yes

@William H Music 2020 I love your sarcasm
When people find out the virus is not real, they are going to lose thier minds. For some it will take FEMA pulling out the gilloutines before they chose to wake up to the truth. People love lies as there is no truth in them. End of this world… nothing new.
Ken Price – so you’re suggesting that the virus is non existent.. and therefore all those doctors worldwide are in on a “grand” conspiracy? And all those dead have been fooled into dying somehow.. right.. I guess you fall into the 35%.
you become that stupid when you play with yourself all the time. Puts a whole new meaning on the term “Wanker”
*No wonder Ivanka is also stupid as sh*t.*
Well, yes, it does it take it out of you, doesn’t it? Puts a new perspective on his stumbling trip down that ramp, he’s just getting so terribly tired….
trump is unraveling.
He’s been more or less unraveling for most of his life, but the notion even he must have now about having totally lost the control he didn’t really have over the situation with the covid 19, while also seeing Biden surpassing him in the polls, has him unraveling at top notch speed.
He never was friendly with reality, but now he has cut off the relationship completely.
Holding grotesque rallies in the middle of a pandemic, retweeting ‘white power’ and tweeting that black lives matter is a symbol of hate, shows how desperate he is and how dangerous he is becoming.
Can someone responsible please pluck him out of there! Before he starts war, with or without red buttons…
Lol. You get your news from an establishment corporate news channel, and believe that you are well informed? Almost 100% of America’s establishment corporate media is owned by a small cabal of 15 elite globalist billionaires. You need a red pill, sheeple.
He calls reality late and night, only to hang up… then he mad tweets about nothing,, and at the same time about everything….
@foxy brown *So where do you get your news, Brown Fox? From a crystal ball I bet.*
no GOP Senator has any balls. So that compounds the problem and eliminates any solutions.
If there was 2 idiots in Washington trump would be both of them.
@William H Music 2020
Dems support LGBTQ?
He also forgot that half of his base are flat earth antivaxers when he said “I think we’ll have a vaccine very soon too.”
@Richard Marsh Exactly.

@Richard Marsh It is unreasonable to expect reason from the unreasonable. One thing ethical people forget, is that when they know the indisputable truth, they believe they will win the debate. But logic and reason only have power when they are recognized as such. Trump is the best possible illustration of this. He continues to claim his handling of the virus is better than any other country, when the opposite is true, the facts are in plain sight, but that does not deter him in the slightest. The truth will not set you free or buy you a cup of coffee when dealing with one who absolutely refuses to recognize it.
@Richard Marsh Don’t misunderestimate the influence of the flat earthers. They have representatitives all around the globe. And they have nothing to fear but sphere itself.
…….and you wonder why the EU has shut its borders to Americans? There is no leadership in tackling this pandemic in the US and the rest of the world can clearly see that.
When people find out the virus is not real, they are going to lose thier minds. For some it will take FEMA pulling out the gilloutines before they chose to wake up to the truth. People love lies as there is no truth in them. End of this world… nothing new.
Ken Price Tell that to 130K that have died and those in the hospital!
@Ken Price
The virus isn’t real? Medical science is a hoax? Virologists are NWO operatives? Doctors are just in it for the money? The Earth is flat? You are not a foreign agent spreading misinformation to cause even more problems for the USA? We can trust you? Because you know the difference between DNA and RNA and have cured thousands of sick people during your long and illustrious career in medicine?
Who are you trying to fool? Yanks ain’t stupid mate. Well not all of them anyway.

@Tanner Wilson
Even though you hate Trump, but because of your government’s failure to contain the pandemic that has gone out of control now causing 130000+ deaths and the infection rates keeps on rising it is our best decision to ban all US citizens simply because you don’t obey the health protocols being imposed like wearing facemasks when outside, the fear of spreading the virus on our local population by overwhelming our healthcare system and dangerously overstretching the healthcare workers, because of the reckless behavior you shown across the world it’s just right not allowing you in different parts of the world. Sorry about this, you need to change your character not just your leadership.
Dennis I’m doing everything possible to stay safe and it’s incredible maddening to see. It’s not just our President but the Governor Greg Abbott (Texas) hasn’t been that great. He opened up way to fast and way to soon and our state is paying the price. Living in Dallas we haven’t had as it bad (yet) as say Houston. But it could get that way very quickly.
I’m so happy to live in a country of Trump’s closest allied enemy Angela Merkel.
@MVE Not very precise, we have quite a few of those.
Paolo Poempel I am so happy to live in Canada and have our common border with the USA closed to nonessential travel.
By the way, I like Angela Merkel.
@MVE Goedemorgen
I am so happy to not live in a 3rd world shithole like Brazil, India or the United States of America
He gets tested multiple times a week, if not daily. No one now, without a proven test is gonna get close to him. But the rest of America it’s O.K, it’s will disappear like your family members
Covid will disappear when testing disappears, we know this from Donny, MD Trump University.
Covid will dissapear when kiddie fiddler communist democrats start Burning, Looting and Murdering. We know this from Communist News Network and the CCP controlled DNC.
You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better. They’re all getting better. … As far as what we’re doing with the new virus, I think that we’re doing a great job.
Trump will disappear when voting time appears …
@mprring And his sheeps.
90% of Trump Voters are Functionally R and Rode the Short Bus to School. .#TrueFacts
I’m dead serious when I say we need to quit mainstreaming stupid kids. Put them in stupid classes so they know they’re stupid and quit thinking, as adults, their opinions are worth anything.
He’s right, at some point Covid-19 will disappear. Just like all bleeding eventually stops.
Yes… when there’s nothing left to bleed
Kent Rockhold AT SOME POINT…
Just like the virus , he will disappear after the elections!
Every move Trump makes, everything he says just seems to be self sabotaging.
God bless Donald Trump, he is a good man. He took care that the virus vanished miraculously.
He never wanted the job. Only the title and perks!
Actually it’s just fake news

*Trump keeps on making blunders and yet he’s still there. He ain’t goin’ nowhere and he ain’t about to die. So what do you do? Can’t exactly
the SoB, what with all those SS around him …*
he and his enablers in congress must be banking on some October Surprise (aka American voters being complete goldfish), except this isn’t the same as previous presidential years, one would hope.
This is the dumbest adult supposedly competent human I think I’ve ever seen honestly I don’t think he could run a Flea Market booth by his self
If that scares you… How about 40% of Americans supporting this madness!
I think it’s down to 36% now people are starting to wake up.
Now that’s the really scary part.
Betty Clark… Bunkerboys supporters leave themselves open to ridicule.
If you can bring yourself to watch these supporters interviews… https://youtu.be/NzDhm808oU4
@Oliver Gröning THAT’S whats really scary.And the fact that the Mannequin VP of the US is putting the freedom to politically assemble BEFORE the life of people omfg, talk about having your priorites all wrong ( I hope he was using that as an excuse, tho Im afraid theyre THAT stupid)
When people find out the virus is not real, they are going to lose thier minds. For some it will take FEMA pulling out the gilloutines before they chose to wake up to the truth. People love lies as there is no truth in them. End of this world… nothing new.
Words of Brad Fauci: Miracles should never be plan A, even Sully tried to land at the airport first
Dr Anthony Fauci?
@Rebecca Presti Brad Fauci. Watch the SNL clip of Brad Pitt playing Dr Fauci
@yogisie saw that…
“We’re going to be good with Coronavirus”
This is the speech of our President.
Oh, he is no president.
I guess you can argue record cases and record deaths is good for him. He does like having the most.