Some allies of former President Donald Trump are urging him to publicly release surveillance footage of FBI agents executing a search warrant on his Mar-a-Lago residence. The proposal has drawn mixed reaction inside his orbit, CNN has learned.
The CCTV footage has been so closely held that aides to the former President aren’t sure if he has seen it in full himself, said a person close to Trump.
#AC360 #andersoncooper #CNN
Trump considering releasing Mar-a-Lago surveillance footage

I’m guessing, no matter how swank Mar a Lago looks on security cameras, it won’t look like a good place to store extremely sensitive documents.
@Mike Jones i don’t believe everything was carried out on his last day either. I think anything he ever had a copy of, he kept.
@David B. I think it’s safe to say he knew nothing about the job when he was elected. He learned almost nothing in those four years.
@Sierra Guru Bolton said he had a knack for grabbing documents and simply taking them and a lot were never seen again. That others were torn up and found in trash cans and aides had to tape them back together.
Remember all those vacations he took to MAL? He likely took documents down there each time. No way he got all of that out of there at one time when he left.
The scary bit is that he did it soo easily. Meaning he had a lot of help. That’s actually quite disturbing and a lot of his support is still there in Washington.
@David B. He’s not smart enough to know which documents were valuable. SOMEBODY ELSE selected each of them.
I suspect we’ll soon learn that the “sign in logs” – required to view TS/SCI docs – has been purged for the docs in question to remove the name(s) of whoever took them from their secure location (SCIF), then gave to him.
Trump “considering” something means he can’t think of a BS excuse on the fly.
@David Bright you’re trolling right?
Under his watch we had a roaring economy.
How about the insulin bill that was passed?
What you mean is he didn’t sign bills for “free healthcare” that would have cost the average taxpayer more nor did he sign “infrastructure” bills that fix exactly 0% of our roads or bridges.
@Paul Stedmond A “roaring economy”?
For who?
He ran up the deficit, increased costs to American consumers by being completely ignorant of how tariffs worked, and centralized production and access to goods leading to things like the recent baby formula shortage.
I hear he is also still considering releasing his tax records.
@Patrick Saelen @TRUMP JR is looking at giving his nose a break
@TRUMP JR No one cares kid
Yes, how about we release a LOT of camera footage from this venue of moral decay.
@Nothing for you here Mar-a-Lago is a resort of moral decay. It’s where you go to get a concentrated hit of the bad stuff – or a peep at some secret documents.
Yes! Let’s see how the confidential secrets of the United States were “properly and securely stored” in that basement, at a commercial resort in Florida.

I guess he should have had a giant computer server like Hillary instead.
I love how the same people who are getting their panties in a twist over this don’t give a crop about Hillary’s server or phone destruction.
@Ana Loaisiga Park Funnily enough, Trump showed no concern either, as he never brought any evidence to court… begs the question, was there any?
@Ana Loaisiga Park I love that the same people who got their panties in a twist about Hilary don’t give a crop about Donald’s theft of top secret documents.
Yikes. Who’s advising him? Alex Jones’s attorney? GOP has the best *worst attorneys* in the world
Endlessly entertaining.
They are all lawyers who need lawyers……. Lol
no cause we would get trumps by accident lol
One of his current lawyers is from a three lawyer firm that was general counsel to some parking garage company prior to this gig. I’m pretty sure that is reassuring to Donald — in his mind.
Hmm. I’ll believe it when I see it. Possibly, he’s now just grandstanding on the threat or something that he’ll release them. Sort of like demanding that the FBI release the search warrant and search receipts (when he had the right to release them himself). Let’s see if he really does.
Or when he said he was going to release his taxes as soon as he’s elected. He never did, he’s still the only president to not release his taxes. He even legally fought against his taxes being released
@Parslow Pongbert and don’t forget he said he would release his tax returns
@Jesse you beat me to it
@Rough Habit Identities of agents working in hostile foreign countries, ongoing criminal investigations, weapons capabilities, storage of weapons, nuclear technology etc. There’s lots of stuff you don’t want bad people in the world getting their hands on.
@Rough Habit absolutely…foolish to think otherwise. Our leaders take an oath to protect us.
What’s he waiting for?
Show us your inventory of all the stuff they took. You declassified it so that shouldn’t be a problem, right?
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He’s “”snipping & clipping”” the video footage, so that he can TRY TO MAKE THE FBI LOOK BAD. What’s the matter Donny, “”the shoe is now on the other foot””, and you just can’t handle it. LOL!!
The man used a Sharpie to extend a hurricane’s path on a map of Alabama. Do you really think any video he releases is going to be unaltered?
@David B. The tape is currently being “AUDITED” and so cannot be released but he would LOVE to release it…..yeah right!!
Meanwhile, Joe would have difficulty simply using a Sharpie.
@gmaa67 Flatterson : Yea, but this is not about Joe it’s about your Donnie
@Jeffrey MuljadiEven if it’s been PROVEN to be altered, his base will still gobble it up. They only need him to say what happened to ignore what they see.
He’s bluffing. He knows his supporters will be like “see, he’s gonna release the footage, he has nothing to hide”. And believe that he did it, without ever following up.
If he doesn’t I’m gonna be annoyed. HE NEEDS TO RELEASE IT.
@David B. Trump didn’t release the warrant. He threatened to like he always does, but Garland called his bluff.
He’s more likely to actually do it in an highly edited fashion than not do it.
It will drive traffic to his website — you know how Trump feels about ratings, and he can do it in such a way like what occurred with the January 6th committee one-sided perspective spread over multiple days.
10 days of 2 min video, results in 500 hours of Trump analysis TV.
Why can’t these people get it through their heads that it was NOT A RAID.
@Mary Sander explain how it was a raid
All the footage should be released, or none.The FBI should request that the footage be sequestered by a neutral party, to be held as evidence.
What is this neutral party of which you speak?
They should go get it at 3:00 a.m. one Tuesday morning
But, but, but, there were outraged posts on this platform saying the FBI made them turn off the security camera. So, if so, how can Donnie have video of the search? Somebodies cell phone? No, it’s because the FBI requested and that request was turned down.
Cut the back of the card and I just

Yes, tdump was watching live sitting up there in New York
Also, surveillance off at one site do not stop remote monitoring and taping from another site. This feature is available on all the major brands
I have no problem with that as long as he also shows the Saudi’s and Russian spies that were walking in and out of the closet where he kept the documents
Sad when EVERY comment is a comment on your objectively noticable TDS.
He’s not “Considering Releasing “.. they’ve been subpoenad by DOJ
Cite the source
@Valerie Dee Beaute source: trust me bro
Subpoena by the same DOJ that overide subpoena

, they are in soup this time, he has it all, they burst into his home 

I’m only surprised that anyone is surprised:- he’s always targeted individuals for attacks and insults, so his crazies will do crimes for him and he can say he didn’t have anything to do with it.
@Patrick Saelen
Omg stop using fear as a tool. It’s just pathetic 
@Patrick Saelen knowing who works for you is not doxxing.. thats like suggesting knowing the police officer who arrested you is to “risky” for the cops safety.
@MoonPie you are right if you work for the government you name and picture are required at request by anyone in less sealed by judge based on a active case or investigation (undercover work). But, it is still illegal to request or infer that specific people should be harmed and or killed (against the law to higher hitmen and what not). So if the info is released and someone hurts, commits any crimes, or kills these individuals or anyone close to them I believe myself and just about most people (with more than 1 firing brain cell) would agree that Trump and the Republican party should be held legally and financially responsible for all wrong doing (do to the aggregated nature of the release of information by Trump).
CT I love you mail mail it tomorrow mail mail

Kaitlyn Collins needs to be on more. Do you all know if she was the youngest White House Correspondent when she started?
No she wasn’t. It was me.
If only he would release the tapes. He has no notion of releasing them. It would incriminate him further! He would release his tax returns first! (We’re still waiting for that).