Hoover Institute's Lanhee Chen discusses Donald Trump's hold on the GOP and if his loyalists will remain in control of the party.
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Once again one sided reporting.
That’s right. They should have also asked someone who was brain dead.
Both parties and supporters do this
@tods legacy this is Canada. There are more than two political parties and none of them are the party of trump. If you are a supporter of trump you are anti-Canada.
@Brexit Refuge I know that I was just saying any side of the government or supporters will do and say whatever it takes to make the other guy look bad. How did u get that I possibly could be a Trump supporter out of that ?
in Canada we dont have a Trump party. He’s a joke here even with Conservatives
This title is misleading. Thus guy is basically just guessing lol
I’m curious, if Hillary decides to run again – will her headline Read – Plotting retribution?
he said “if you believe the public opinion polling.” why is this even news? nothing even happened…?
Really? How many wrote he’s just guessing? I’m sorry, but duh!
the title says trump is considering return, not some guy talking about it for 5 minutes
So rampant speculation is now “news”.?
The Mind Reading Network.
It’s an editorial interview. Do you know what that means?
@knoxiscool What’s it mean big guy! What’s it mean?
@Fat Cat It means it’s someone’s opinion. This is not a new concept.
@knoxiscool mind blown
He worked for Romney….anything he has to say is easy to dismiss.
@Marcus P Mitt Romney has run for President twice and lost both times, Donald Trump has run for President once and won, this guy worked for a loser.
@TruthJusticePeace @TruthJusticePeace I can understand that mindset but it still doesn’t hold water. Let’s talk about what he’s saying. Have you heard of ad hominem fallacy?
@Heinrich Himmler Romney is a real Republican and has been consistent from the beginning.
@TruthJusticePeace Trump won twice and won once.
@Marcus P He’s been out for revenge since Trump embarrassed him when he was grovelling for that secretary of state position.
This is news?
Learning these lord. I have them sped up 2x.
Do you know what an editorial is?
Definitely not news
LOL have you heard how their ratings having dropped post-trump? All the explanation you need.
This guy is a hack. Pfff
This Hoover Institute “fellow” is talking through his hat. 90% republicans following Trump moved to 60% following him. Hunh? Waste of an interview.
What are you talking….
Such vitriol and gossip mongers
It’s any different when it’s not Trump related
I’m only watching this because it’s 4.20 long! Blaze it yo
Yea bauddy
Bless up !
” plotting retribution ” dude he’s playing golf … Lol stop it with the Title/Click bait.
He is going to plot retribution against those who voted to convict
Trump occupies alot of space in the liberal mind. It’s amazing.
Anything for the clicks
Who believes anything this guy says?
Trump of course I don’t
Not me
Give it 2 years and it will be a new story. Book 2 coming soon!
Coming from a guy who works for mitt romey
Who would want to work for Judas (Romney)
Are you American? No? Then who gives a f**k what you think?
Because Romney voted against trump hes a judas???romneyvoted his conscience.
Your network is a joke
ya, nothing like that great news source… newsmax
The rare week algorithmically choke because collar beautifully brake lest a erect beer. scintillating, amazing taxi
Image having so little shame as to admit you work for Romney.