Newsmax CEO and close confidant of President Trump Chris Ruddy speaks with CNN's Christiane Amanpour about Trump potentially testifying in a Senate impeachment trial. #CNN #News
Trump confidant: Mr. President, if you’re watching, please testify

Newsmax CEO and close confidant of President Trump Chris Ruddy speaks with CNN's Christiane Amanpour about Trump potentially testifying in a Senate impeachment trial. #CNN #News
this guy has eaten too many TrumpShit Brownies
1. Lie
2. He withheld aid in order to get Ukrainian President to do him a favor. That is abuse.
3. Obama’s administration didn’t do anything wrong with respect to Trumps campaign. NO SPYING!
4. FBI was wrong pertaining to the FISA, but no bias was found.
Wow. The level of your ignorance is staggering. Wasn’t cnn, it was Trump’s attorney and the document of the non disclosure agreement. Not to mention the audio recording of Trump talking about it. And if you look at patterns of his behavior for decades it tracks. Let me ask you something, do you actually see the things he does? Not the reporting but just his raw actions without anyone speaking on them. He stood beside Putin at a press conference and threw our country under the bus. Earlier this year he betrayed one of our best allies against terror responsible for saving thousands of American lives. An ally we had jailing ISIS fighters for us. ISIS was on a down turn but when Trump made that huge blunder in the chaos that followed the ISIS detainees escaped. ISIS went from almost destroyed to stronger then its been in years because of Trump’s stupidity. Talking about them later he remarked that they didn’t pose a threat since they were thousands of miles away. Remind me, where were the 9/11 hijackers from again? You don’t need cnn or anybody else just look at what he does & reveals from his own mouth.
@William Bailey So what?
The same people who were outraged by Obama’s tan suit are excusing everything Trump does by saying that he is just unconventional, not a politician and “Trump being Trump”…
This guy is 100% American patriot. Christian is meddling with American politic as a foreigner.
Ghouliani admitted to everything on Twitter today
@Eddie Blanks rudy giuliani first marriage was to his cousin.
@Eddie Blanks I don’t believe that is true and we shouldn’t resort to demeaning our fellow man to prove a point.
I think that it’s the US vs THEM mentality, even at the cost of American values to be the problem.
@Joel Olvera – if it is really “news”, it is not fake – it’s a report on what actually happened. If it comes from FOX, it isn’t “news” — it’s the opinion of several overpaid talking heads and their script writers, provided for entertainment and an echo chamber for those who wish to live in a bubble of bullsh*t.
@WakeUpAmerican000s i agree i was being sarcastic. Sadly people are in an ech chamber.
The president’s approval rating is at an all-time high. And you know what’s gonna happen at the end of this week? The Democratic conference is gonna be smaller, and the Republican conference is gonna be bigger. Instead of 19 seats to win the majority we’re only gonna need 18, all because of what they’ve done with impeachment.
This lying criminal traitor President is a nightmare for the USA and the entire world. Trump should be in jail.
@cade wilder the polling was accurate you sheeple moron
you folks are the dumbest people on the planet, and bullshit you don’t wan him to win, you folks are also liars
1. Obstrucion of congress was done by house democrats by denying house republicans to question witnessess.
2. A duty of the president to enforce the laws such as requirements for foreign aid is not abuse of power.
This impeachment partisan exercise is geared to violating the President’s first amendment right and has already violated his fouth amendment right.
The FBI and Obama/Biden adminstration also have violated Trumps and his campaign volunteers 4th amendment rights via the FBI and FISA court warrants.
Michael Moore If you mean by my “side” decency and humanity then you are correct, it would appear shitty to a moron such as yourself. You are brainwashed and unable to think clearly or independently . I pity you, fool.
*Dictator. He doesn’t act like a president. He thinks he’s a king.
Oh Chris, he’s not conservative. He has no ideology except trump.
Lerian V oh sure, that’s why he WASN’T EVEN a Republican BEFORE deciding to run!!! Clueless to the teachings of the Bible and NEVER attended church UNTIL he stole the oval office!!
@Lerian V Ok, let’s see… Cheating on all your 3 wives, banging porn stars and paying them hush money while your wife number 3 just gave birth to your son. Bragging about grabbing women by their genitals. Asking a foreign country, one of the main adversarys of the US to meddle into your elections… So these are the most conservative moral values in America? Wow. I’m speechless.
cade wilder I don’t agree with 100% of what Al Capone did, but he was a great businessman….
2 most conservative SCOTUS.
Cmon! President Lincoln faced the most polarized political scene any President has ever seen!
The House has voted. Democrats voted with Republicans against impeachment. No Republicans voted for impeachment. Democrats waged war on America again.
@GeneralSamov your on youtube but your not aware of any of the violence of the liberals. Come on buddy.
Nice. You lie immediately after the results are out telling the opposite of what the vote says. Trump has been impeached on both counts, with 230 to 197 and 229 to 198. How desperate are you to push your false narrative anyway?
@Anthony D.
What violence? Are you referring to Charlottesville? Something else? Anything at all?
@GeneralSamov Fact. No Republicans voted for impeachment. Democrats voted with Republicans against impeachment. Fact.
If Giuliani, Trump himself or Mulvaney testify, it could sway the Senate to remove, in my opinion.
Yes, which is why they won’t.
This guy is a Cult Member. Also delusional if he thinks the President will testify. It would be a MASSIVE MISTAKE!
This comment was, just a valve to ease the pressure, on testimony, because some other show will pick the line up and unwillingly (in the name of fucking balance…) lay the ground for another talking point.
All crisis’s he created for himself throughout his life
And no, he is NOT transparent. Far from it.
@Tony Mcclain That’s the reason Trump U had out 25 million dollars they had taken from students. These students learned the same way half of Americans has learned. Trump has always been a scam and con. He coned almost half of the voters of America to vote for him. LEARN
@Howard Jones if you call your president being impeached winning
@Howard Jones What are YOU winning exactly?
Of course he’s not transparent he’s orange!!
Trump testify? This guy has a good sense of humor
He will always be nothing but a Bullshitter.
Its astonishing to see people rationally talk about Trump as if hes not a crook or horrible human being.
Another liar like trump. Trying to excuse trump’s wrongdoing by saying the things that trump is doing not wrong just frowned upon.
He didnt like it when she pointed out that Trump is an elite. He quickly changed the subject.
Tania Espinosa she also changed the subject when it comes to the media and lying CNN aka fake news
So this guy has been bought. By the looks of his face, just a few Big Macs.
Lol! Ur right, he has that pasty white lumpy look to his skin!
He looks like he had the Fries
too … this idiot
Newsmax used to “catch and kill” trump stories like David Pecker.
Mr. & Mrs Smith did you check his username? Did you see his profile pic? Obviously not.
He’s the one who’s washing trumps shitted underwear isn’t he?
he he he I spit my juice
“It’s really classic Donald Trump.” equals being a crook and denying everything.
@Dana Herron <<< Vote for a dumb commie. Brahahahahahahhaha!
Everything cleared him for you cult members. No!
@David Rook read it you fucking moron
@Ellen C do not feed the trolls or idiots take your pick , maga mutts mentally uncoordinated
Trump hasn’t told the truth his whole life.Why on earth would Trump tell the the truth to the senate.He would impeach himself
One can but hope
Put that SANDWICH down fat girl and get a JOB your food STAMPS have been cut off.
@Howard Jones Nothing to say about Trump being a pathological liar? Figures.
@envyops Exactly
That was an epic deflection
This guy obviously don’t know anything, he is there for a job interview
Bad idea. 7800 lay offs in media.
That’s correct
Elaniago Newsmax is a propaganda media outlet.
Jeff Hallam
You just figured that out?
If Trump is so transparent then release his taxes? Oh, he won’t? Then what is he hiding. Criminals be criminals.
You do realize the IRS can see his tax returns right? If he did something wrong you would know.
He’s lying they all cover for trump and his criminal behavior and actions
Yea because the Democrats are sooooo innocent and straight forward…..

Yea because the Democrats are sooooo innocent and straight forward…..

Yea because the Democrats are sooooo innocent and straight forward…..

Yea because the Democrats are sooooo innocent and straight forward…..

Trump wont testify because he’ll incriminate himself of high crimes.
Shortest trial in history if he does.
Hell they already have his admissions of guilt on national and international tv.
He is now a sideshow, not relevant like the whistleblower.
Enjoy the wonderful legacy.
Daniel Thomas what crimes?
Name one