Trump compares 2020 US election to ‘third world nation’

As President Donald Trump has become consumed with contesting the results of an election he lost, staffers acknowledge that Trump has not given many signals about what his plans will be once the Electoral College affirms President-elect Joe Biden's win. CNN's Kaitlan Collins reports.

#CNN #News


    1. @rafa 17 – don’t waste your time mate. these
      “liberals” live in their own circle jerking echo chamber and have been programmed by the media into a perpetual state of victim hood. Their terminal TDS is too far gone for them to acknowledge any of the Teflon dons achievements. You’ll have a much better time trolling them because they melt and trigger so easily. On and the best way to win is to slay it in IRL and make some serious bank I’m the process whilst these people wallow in thier self victimisation expecting free stuff from their commie SJW government. 😂 I’m confident trump will transition into a 2nd term.

    2. Biden has won nothing. He stole votes, and completely fabricated votes, so one can say Biden ‘won’ anything. He will soon win his place in US History as the man who experienced the greatest fall ever in our nation.

    1. @Zannie Holmes

      Homey, BHO is Hitler reincarnated and his FBI = HITLER’S SS SQUADS.
      PLEASE STOP DUDE, YOUR COMMENTS ARE INSULTING MY INTELLIGENCE. Do you even read or as most dems, lazy to learn. Just keep being the media lab rat.

    2. Trump and all the Trumpets need to move on an island somewhere.. ALL REPUBLICAN (since they wanna divide so much) think how relaxing it would be? If all these diaperdon fans and the Don of the diapers himself were all together and nowhere near us. MM… I can feel the stress relief already 😂😂 aye! He can be President of that island indefinitely as well! Think about it Trumpets. 😉

    3. @Danny Trump weather the Chinese have a vested interest in Dominion or not, the hand counts still prove the machines were accurate. Trump lost is lost and is the loser.

  1. He is that one acting as a third World himself, and bringing the USA institutions along with him. Shame on him!!!

  2. Trump has a little over a month left. When he becomes “citizen Trump,” the state of New York will take care of him.

    1. 1870-Democrats always opposed fair elections.

      Democrats opposed the 15th Amendment, granting African American men the right to vote. Democrats still don’t want black people to cast their vote.

      By promoting the Big Lie that Democrats “switched” places with the Republican Party and became the anti-racist Party is another way to steal the Black vote-by preventing them from making a truly informed decision.

      By opposing Voter ID Laws today the Democrats would allow dead people and illegals to steal the vote of a Black American.

    1. @ Sarah – it’s because these 74m people don’t think themselves as victims, live in truth and reality and have not been programmed by the swampy establishment machine and legacy media democrat propaganda. 😜 Oh and these 74m people weren’t the ones burning and looting either. Something to think about.

    2. It is even more hurtful to know there is probably about 1/3 of people who believe in his alternative reality.

    3. @Aman Dhillon Trump supporter I guess! Well… Hitler had also all the reasons in the world to do what he did.
      US is so focused on not being “democrat,how you call it… Extreme left? Well, not being comunist that it’s hard to see is turning into German/Italy pre ww2.
      Guided by the the other aide of the media, no? Like OAN?

    1. @Tony Basil : Hillary’s mentor was KKK “Exalted Cyclops” Robert Byrd.

      Robert Byrd  filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

    2. Hillary gets a pass for having  KKK fans.
      KKK Grand Dragon Will Quigg endorsed Hillary Clinton for President in 2016.  She never disavowed. Imagine if this guy endorsed Then-Candidate Trump.

    3. Hitler was inspired by Eugenicist Sanger-so was Hillary Clinton.

      In 2009 Hillary accepted The Margaret Sanger Award  and gushed, “I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision …”

    4. George Soros /Obama/Clinton Nazi Collaborators

      Today’s Leftist Nazi Party  has an assortment of armies-Antifa. Feminazis. Radical Islamists. Black Lives Matter. BDS.

      They are all funded by a Nazi collaborator.

    5. The Nazi Party, like the Democratic Party, was socialist.

      Bernie Sanders ran as a Democrat. His drool-inducing promises of handouts, wealth redistribution coupled with the  unbridled envy of successful Americans fired up his voter base. His inspiration would pave the way for socialism in this country.

      After Hillary stole the Primary from him he took the role of a sellout and campaigned for her. By doing so he campaigned for the Globalists.

      Socialist policies will likey bait voters into voting for a Globalist candidate. Contrary to their platitudes, at the core of the Globalist mission is Eugenics.

      The Globalists are Nazis. They hate the Jews and want Israel obliterated.

  3. He’s half right. The US has been sliding into the category of a developing nation with his dictatorial behaviour.

    1. @Jabari Jones I use to be like you, until I began using my own sense and do my own research. For as long as you let mainstream media tell you what and how to think you won’t think!

    2. The King will be going to jail for most likely the rest of his life If he Remains in the USA Outside of White House Power after the November Election is over with by past women who he did enjoy, obstruction of justice through the Mueller Report, City & State of New York Taxes, etc. The King must Remain in White House Power but this time as their Dictator not President through Civil War under a Totalitarianism regime (the so called Republican Party is Gone & majority 249 never was) & I believe that the supposed over 70 million voters who did vote for the King in the White House will now support the King more than ever – Not the Constitution of the USA and some will be forced too also. Unfortunately I don’t believe Uncle Joe will be President when the law is saying that he should be.

  4. Why is Rudy admitted in a hospital. He is representing the guy who kept telling his supporters that Covid-19 is a hoax..

    1. These Trumpers including need to experience the anguish, pain and suffering people are experiencing with Covid-19. Trump make these big announcement about Rudy testing positive for Covid-19 and then days later he will be running around telling lies.

    2. Yes, I think they should have met him at the door and said, “…..take 2 aspirin and call us in the morning. Bye-bye.”

    3. next you’re going to get them saying but he didn’t say it was a hoax. Of course with Trump he always says it multiple ways, hoping he can ‘downplay’ the virus, hoping people will think the virus is just nothing much… as in a hoax. and the fans are quick to defend him with the one time he barely clarified that, while ignoring all the other little innuendos. He did the same thing with saying masks were good, like maybe once or twice, but had like 30 other times he said various negative things like ‘i’m not a fan of masks’, ‘it’s very mild’, ‘it will go away like a miracle’ etc

    1. Look at him when he was at the book store and crematorium and how he was sweating there you know he had to have covid then.

    1. He doesn’t care. Neither does his supporters apparently. MAGA? Keep America Great? I think, as most if not all here, they mean exactly the other way around. UnAmerican. All this in the midst of more than 280,000 covid 19 deaths at an average rate now of more than 2000 a day.

    1. The King will be going to jail for most likely the rest of his life If he Remains in the USA Outside of White House Power after the November Election is over with by past women who he did enjoy, obstruction of justice through the Mueller Report, City & State of New York Taxes, etc. The King must Remain in White House Power but this time as their Dictator not President through Civil War under a Totalitarianism regime (the so called Republican Party is Gone & majority 249 never was) & I believe that the supposed over 70 million voters who did vote for the King in the White House will now support the King more than ever – Not the Constitution of the USA and some will be forced too also. Unfortunately I don’t believe Uncle Joe will be President when the law is saying that he should be.

  5. I don’t know what’s worse, our president throwing away democracy or his followers insulting patriots.

  6. Democrats should protest Florida’s results and ask for a recount, even though the governor is trump’s
    puppy I bet it’ll turn in Biden favor, just to give them medicine of their own medicine.

  7. Here’s the difference, in Third World countries, people yearn for true democracy. In America, people sh!t all over their democracy

    1. @Vote Blue : #21) Forced low-income housing in suburbs – This program, originally launched under Obama, sought to invade suburban areas of the country with low-income housing in order to nullify the conservative votes of surburbanites. The program will be renewed under Biden / Harris, and it will force the construction of low-income, crime-ridden apartment complexes in suburban neighborhoods as part of an “integration” program that’s really just a vote rigging scheme. The upshot is that White, Middle Class neighborhoods will be forced to house low-income, crime-ridden housing projects that bring drugs, prostitution and violence to the neighborhood. Combined with the “defund the police” initiatives, this would put suburban areas of the country at the mercy of left-leaning criminal gangs and drug lords, which is exactly the way the Democrats want it.

    2. @Vote Blue : #22) Door-to-door “purges” of Christians and conservatives – Once the left-wing militants (Antifa, BLM, government thought police) are fully deployed across the nation, they will launch a door-to-door “purge” campaign to hunt down and execute any remaining individuals who are Trump supporters, Christians, conservatives or constitutionalists. No such people can be allowed to remain in the society of the “Left Cult,” where absolute obedience to the LGBT agenda (see below) is required, and people must worship Kamala Harris as a god (or be exterminated). Note that this purge will only take place after the Second Amendment has been obliterated and the population largely disarmed.

    3. @Vote Blue : #24) The national voting age will be lowered to 14 – What Democrats have come to learn is that young people can be easily brainwashed and forced to obey absurd left-wing demands. The media’s contrived celebration of climate change puppet Greta Thunberg is part of this effort to position teens and children as “world leaders,” demanding that every citizen express total obedience to the whims of teen girls who push globalist lies. Much the same was true with David Hogg, the gun control teen who was engineered and shaped into a gun control fanatic, whom no one could criticize without being viciously smeared by the globalist-controlled media. Under Biden / Harris, this effort will expand from merely having young people positioned as thought leaders to having young people vote! The voting age will be lowered to 14 — or possibly even 12 — so that all future elections are determined solely by indoctrination and social media brainwashing, both of which are incredibly powerful influencing factors for young people who lack wisdom and life experience. When Dems can’t convince intelligent adults to support their Marxism and communism, they simply target the children.

    4. @Vote Blue : #25) The outlawing of Christianity and the government burning down of all Christian churches nationwide – Finally, the rise to power of the cultist Left and the Godless Democrats will sooner or later require outlawing Christianity and condemning the Bible as “hate speech” (this has already begun on Big Tech platforms). Under the totalitarian rule of Biden / Harris, the government will start burning down Christians churches nationwide, even as many of those churches beg to be left alone because they are promoting LGBT and gay marriage philosophies. But Satan has no tolerance for any church to exist other than temples that worship Satan himself. So every place of worship that recognizes Jesus Christ will be demolished, and every person who dares to practice Christianity in public will be arrested and probably tortured, China-style. This is why Democrat governors are already singling out churches for punitive lockdowns in New York, Michigan, California and elsewhere. It’s a trial run for the complete outlawing of Christian churches.

      If you want to live in the nightmare world described above, vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

      On the other hand, if the descriptions above sound like some sort of Orwellian nightmare, and you’d rather not live under that tyranny, vote for Trump.

  8. Sadly, his “presidential” response to Covid is like a third world nation, (appologies to 3rd world).

    1. @MF Hopkins Theres nothing to concede, President Trump Won – Election Fraud is being exposed everyday, TICK TOCK lol

    1. @Felicia Walker Have even looked up HUnter Bidens Laptop ? The CCP links to Hunter, Joe ? it’s all there, even audio and video – But you wont because yr a brainwashed sheep lol

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