Trump commutes Roger Stone’s sentence. Here’s why he did it

President Donald Trump on Friday commuted the prison sentence of his longtime friend Roger Stone, who was convicted of crimes that included lying to Congress in part, prosecutors said, to protect the President. The announcement came just days before Stone was set to report to a federal prison in Georgia.
Stone was convicted in November of seven charges — including lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstructing a congressional committee proceeding — as part of former special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation. Among the things he misled Congress about were his communications with Trump campaign officials — communications that prosecutors said Stone hid out of his desire to protect Trump.
Trump's decision to pardon his friend and political adviser is the crescendo of a months-long effort to rewrite the history of the Mueller investigation. This has included selective declassification of intelligence materials, a ramped-up counter-investigation into the origins of the Russia probe and attempts to drop the case against Michael Flynn.
"Roger Stone is a victim of the Russia Hoax that the Left and its allies in the media perpetuated for years in an attempt to undermine the Trump Presidency," said Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary. "There was never any collusion between the Trump Campaign, or the Trump Administration, with Russia."

#Trump #CNN #News


    1. Carlos Solorzano You are “tests on a boar” for America.. You hate America and its 1st Amendment protection of free speech. You should go to N Korea and see how you like it.

    2. @MOLON LABE I hope you are aware that being anti-fascist self-identifies you as antifa. I’m not sure you should be talking bad about fascists like that around Lord SippyCup. He seems to take offense to those kinds of thoughts. You might want to report yourself. If you have any of that anitfa propaganda on you like “The Sound of Music”, or “The Lord of the Rings”, or something, I’d ditch that stuff quick. You don’t want to get caught with it.

    3. @David Tell that to the courts. He is a convicted criminal, not matter how Trump or you try to deny it.

    4. Obama commuted 400 people of federal crimes and 212 pardons in 8 years . Trump so far commuted 10 and 25 pardons .

    1. @Ming /Fling the difference is that Trump is a criminal helping the criminals that helped him. Only a Trump supporter would think its okay to prison protestors for 10 years and nothing for someone who lies to congress and threatens a judge.

  1. So much Law amd Order. I wish I can get my 3 strike life sentence commuted for the 3 ounce of weed I had and planned to smoke in my own house, said that poor smuck in jail right now. 🤣

    1. Donald Trump did pardon someone who was charged and arrested for drugs, actually. Take into consideration the fact that he commuted the sentence, which means Stone still has a record, he just does not have to serve the sentence. If Donald Trump wanted to, he could have pardoned Stone, since he is the President and he has the power to, which would in my humble opinion have been deserved.

  2. President of “Law and Order” eh?
    More like President of Crimes and Lawlessnes.

    What you are witnessing before your very eyes is the destruction of a democracy under a betrayed constitution by the very person who was sworn in to uphold it.

    1. @jase jones Yeah, but his motivation to do that wasn’t corrupt. Big difference there, you hillbilly.

    2. Nobody buys your manufactured outrage anymore. The entire investigation was based on lies therefore everyone should have their cases thrown out. Why do you fascists need to resort to politicizing the Justice Department and irs?

    1. Topher S WE need to re-elect the President so you scumbags are ostracized for another 4 years. It will happen! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍👍

  3. Lawlessness and chaos again from the “Law & Order” president who “supports the troops” by turning a blind eye when his buddy Putin puts a bounty on them

    1. @C B You are right I should stop spreading Fox News lies that Trump cares about the Troops or the rule of law;)

  4. He likes to punish people who exposed his problems.
    He likes to save crooks who help him do dirty things.

    1. @Bob Bobberson You realize that he was found guilty right? This does change that at all. He is not only a crook, but a convicted one.

    2. He is indeed the most repulsive subhuman in the history of our planet. At least his base have the attention span of amoebas…. once lil donnie is “gone”, they will move on to the the next Grand Wizard they can scavenge from the unwiped anuses of the pasty people’s party – aka the Repugnant-kunt Party.

  5. Oh, but his “ex” fixer was sent _back_ to jail. He will get away with it (by all past examples).

    1. It was already stated in a court of law… that many democrats LIED to get the impeachment going.. At least Roger Stone did it to obstruct the democrat’s LIES.

  6. Stone seems to have a lot of support from IRA trolls in the comments section. He must have represented a very strong link between Trump and Putin.

  7. He must have been scared that when he got out he was going to “do something to him” if roger was threatening to kill other officials for testifying against him….

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