Trump Commutes Roger Stone’s Prison Sentence | MSNBC

NBC News has confirmed that President Donald Trump has called Roger Stone and has told him that he will commute Stone’s sentence. This does not mean Stone has been granted a pardon.
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Trump Commutes Roger Stone's Prison Sentence | MSNBC

Trump Commutes Roger Stone's Prison Sentence | MSNBC


  1. There was a crooked man who led a crooked life.
    He was a husband with a some-what crooked wife.
    He had some crooked children and son-in-law–a louse.
    And they divided this great nation from their White and crooked House….

    1. Didn’t you say that about Avenatti though? Cy Vance Jr isn’t gonna lay a glove on Bad Orange Man

  2. “We’ll have to try that sometime,” Moron Don referring to Kim Jong Un’s dictatorship of North Korea.

  3. Can’t say we didn’t see it coming…
    Why wouldn’t he do every thing he can when he knows he’s not going to get reprimanded before November smh… #VOTE #NOVEMBER

  4. He did that cuz she wants Rodger Stone to help him with the election that’s why he did it I am so sure

    1. Blm threatening a mother going into a church with 3 small children. Blm filthy mouthed lowlifes attacking the pastor and men of the church then bursting in the church an attacking church members and youll see even several of the blm men told the worst of the radicals beating up church goers this is wrong and nothing to do with black lives but violence.

    2. @Carol S show one article that was not retracted if found to be false by any American news source or media source! Now three years Donald Trump lied on camera on every interview saying he never paid four pornstars hush money that was proven false by a court of law and Michael Cohen sitting in prison his name and Donald Trump’s names were on the checks to those pornstars.

    3. @J Wigh , no worries!! Will do. THEN, I’ll go back to my car, and put on a different shirt and hat,maybe a fancy lil mustache, and vote AGAIN!!🤣🤣

    1. @SouthSide Chicago youre done. Trumps done. If he wins it’s because he cheated – again..and if he wins there will be chaos. But trumps done, so that possibility is moot.

  5. Trump: Pay up Stone! Without me you would still be in jail
    Stone: how much?
    Trump: I want my second term! Find someone I don’t care.

    1. @trevor mcgawDon’t worry so much about Hillary she has moved on with life… 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP 2020! 🎉🎉🎉 20 Years 4 OBSTRUCTION! 20 Years 4 MONEY LAUNDERING!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. @trevor mcgaw, Trump’s going to jail like your English teacher should….🤣🤦‍♂️🤡👋

    3. trevor mcgaw still peddling those undocumented LIES! Doesn’t repeating a lie that you know is a lie make you a liar.
      STFU, LIAR.

    1. @Steve Sanzari So the last 3.5 years haven’t been chaotic, full of corruption and our “President” kowtowing to Communist dictators like Kim Jong Un and Putin? Fox news has done their job well with you for sure.

    1. I’ve always been against vigilante justice, but these days, I’m starting to wonder if we don’t need a martyr….

    1. @Mr. Sensible No, not everyone agrees with you. Stone is the link between Russia,. Hillarys emails and WikiLeaks. Trump is corrupt.

  6. March on the White House, demand Trump’s removal. Remember the most scared he was, hiding in the bunker? People need to stay surrounding the White House until he resigns or he tries to get the military to clear out the people, forcing the military to decide what side it’s on. Top military leaders already hate Trump so as soon as they have a valid reason they will move on the White House to arrest Trump and take over. Then an effective national plan can be implemented to actually slow down the virus before tens of thousands more lives are lost.

  7. This is what happens when you vote based on race or religious trendies. Congrats America you are now a third world country!

    1. It’s not me, It’s you
      You voted based on Racism because thats what Trump ran on what he continues to run on.
      If you cant recognize that then you must be a Racist.

    2. Most third world countries are such due to a lack of wealth. The US is willingly a 3rd world country… even Rwanda has universal healthcare and a lower murder rate than the US, despite their recent history of civil war and genocide…..🤦‍♂️

    3. I agree so much with you I come from a 3rd world country and this is just normal to us. We would be so suspicious if our presidents weren’t corrupt that he would be ousted in within a year due to lack of political intrigue. 😁😂

    1. Steve Sanzari This isn’t about Democrats vs. Republicans. This is about a TRAITOR in the White House. A CRIMINAL in the White House. A MORON in the White House. A MURDERER in the White House!

    2. @Steve Sanzari Do you have an app you use to generate your comments? If so, get one that understands context. And English.

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