President Trump told reporters he "didn't lie" by downplaying the threat of coronavirus and defended his response to the pandemic during a White House news conference. Aired on 09/10/2020.
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Trump Claims He 'Didn't Lie' By Playing Down Coronavirus Threat | MSNBC
Trump lies about lying about lying.
Never thought the truth would come so soon. As it always been, the murder shouted loudly to accuse others, while it is actually himself at the first place!
@Liang DU Dump’s tricks are getting very old by now! He stinks to high heaven!
@triggins8 Trump lies about lying about lying.
Trump 2016: I alone can fix it.
Trump 2020: I accept no responsibility.
@andrea Perry Fact one andrea, your handle has nothing on it, FAKE LIBERAL AGAIN.
@Michael Lopez HEY WAZZ UP LOPEZZZZZZ, Trump 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!
billy crossing – Are we better off than we were 4 years ago? Really!?
@billy crossing You’re funny!
@andrea Perry Thank you liberal!
he is trying so hard to talk this back – too late – the cat is out of the bag
Michel Larabie
…and he’s ‘always’ tryin’ to Grab That Cat.
@James Christie Want to hear more lies? Listen to Biden’s campaign promises.
Want to hear more lies? Listen to Biden’s campaign promises.
@Sparky War As Russia Resumes Election Interference, Is The FBI Ready After Attacks From Trump
So all those Covid fatalities are suckers and losers for believing your lies?
If his lips are moving…. he’s lying!
@Dan Hax bad person yes an anti Christ mabey THE Anti Christ definitely not
@Xander for you to try and compare Biden to an Anti-Christ shows your level of ignorance…. and sad to say; you’re an imbecile! tDump is an anti-christ… he has shown us that over and over again. What does he need to do next? Fill gas chambers with children? Wait… they may have already done that but we’ve yet to find out about it. Our current so called leader is a fiasco and even Satan himself would be envious of his malicious callousness for humanity.
@Trecman I meant to spell anarchists
@Trecman And no, i dont think he’s the anti christ that’s insane
@J&A no but if you said “i’m an imbecile” we’d agree! :::rolls eyes as he laughs at you:::
When he says “Panic” the president is referring to the Stockmarket – look at the timeline he was more worried about the Stockmarket more then peoples lives back then.
3:09 putting the ban on China DID NOT remove the threat of a pandemic in america, trump’s inability to lock down the country and control the citizens led to it being the worse hit country in the WORLD! So you see a country where the virus start and they can control it and their lives and economy going back up again and then you look at america.. In the eyes of normal people in the rest of the world the americans are just hilarious

Considering the severity of the virus is say that the stock market is a pretty big thing to worry about even though kids your age have no idea how it works
@Jacob W Wow you’re pretty stupid…
@Jacob W it will magically disappear like puff the magic dragon!
@Carebear -vs- Tha D if being stupid is having my own opinion then yea i got it pretty bad, but being a follower and not being able to make decisions for yourself and need someone to dictate your every decision in life, tell you that you’re hard earned money is being taken away to fund someone else’s idea and call it helping Americans when sure it is helping Americans but not the ones who need it. Id rather be dumb then buddy
Almost 200,000 people dead and he never has told the truth.
Nobody knew… What did he have a crystal ball?
@Xander exactly. Not only that. He was saying the same things Trump was back in Feb/March. But the robots of MSM jut listen to what propaganda TV tell them.
Times that by 6% and you have the real numbers. Source: the CDC
Вы должны быть благодарны за то, что у вас есть такой замечательный президент, как и у нас. Вы бы предпочли солгать своему народу, чтобы продвигать свои социалистические планы, вместо того, чтобы поддерживать настоящего великого лидера!!! Тrump 2020!!!
Yeah because your political party was doing so much to prevent this virus despite it’s leaders given the same information he was
Wow his face is getting more orange , he has to go.
biden is getting more senile, he has to go
Karen Walker

It’s his hands playing the invisible accordion that drives me crazy. As for what comes out of his mouth, I press mute. Liars don’t change their habits. Once a liar always a liar.
He should do the honourable thing and resign, but he won’t, so Vote him Out in November
@geofo60 Geof Harris Obama is out of office, not sure what u are talking about
Trump lying again, he runs his mouth on everything else with no proof
Yea, but Joe said the same thing 21 days later. Hmmmmmm…
“But I want to take a moment to say it’s not a time to panic about coronavirus, but coronavirus is a serious public health challenge.” Joe Biden Feb 27th
21 days after Trump said it. This is already a nothing-burger and the Marxist sycophants are already on to the next daily, false flag. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO
@Marshall Ray They are all hypocrites.
Want to hear more lies? Listen to Biden’s campaign promises.
Вы должны быть благодарны за то, что у вас есть такой замечательный президент, как и у нас. Вы бы предпочли солгать своему народу, чтобы продвигать свои социалистические планы, вместо того, чтобы поддерживать настоящего великого лидера!!! Тrump 2020!!!
@Sparky War It isn’t “more” lies it’s nothing but lies. Trump doesn’t lie. They are in a reality crisis!
Look at his eyes! Hes high and strung out again! Thinks he’s Jim Jones! Stop drinking the koolaid!
Yup, he is a closed drunk… Sounds like a drunk girl texting…
slurring his words Shina.
sharon mckeown Uncle Joe
I think he’s been up on Adderall tweeting until 4 a.m. again; either that or staring at solar eclipses without sunglasses, again.
The nerve of him calling anyone a disgrace. Then proceeds to blame everyone else. Pretty standard stuff.
@Tomandtob The person who wrote the dossier
@Tomandtob look further that was posted April 29th, they’ve since found further information into to whole matter, showing that the person (I can’t remember his name at this time) called it bar talk when questioned by the FBI.
@R. McBrideUhoh I’m getting hit by the mob now lol
@Tomandtob Вы должны быть благодарны за то, что у вас есть такой замечательный президент, как и у нас. Вы бы предпочли солгать своему народу, чтобы продвигать свои социалистические планы, вместо того, чтобы поддерживать настоящего великого лидера!!! Тrump 2020!!!
It’s hilarious he believes he’s a person of calm demeanor. He’s a psychopath, A propagandist lunatic.
@Mick E I believe in truth over facts!
@Marshall Ray okay Racist.
@Marshall Ray

@Marshall Ray Oh no honey, biden stinkied his diaper again. ”But you know the thing”
with a jim jones/david koresh following
Lies and deflection. That’s all his presidency has been.
“We must re-elect President Trump!” ~ Dementing Joe
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS!, coveffe , bigly – Donald J. Trump.
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! lol, joe biden is a clown
Don’t ask “why did you lie?” He always lies because he’s a pathological liar.
88Gibson LesPaul yes, why even show up to his press briefings, just write an accurate story of what he is doing. Stop giving him the opportunity to broadcast his lies.
Lying is his way of living that’s why.
Trump: “This guy on the phone with Woodward is a hoax. We hardly know him. Probably some coffee boy..”
I would guess most of this is a hoax, just more nonsense to hide the purposeful destruction of the west. The conversation should be about unconstitutional mask requirements and lock-downs, instead we get this garbage.
When he starts to talk with his hands. Another lie is coming.
I thought they executed you in Texas on death row several years ago pal. Back from.the dead?
“I didn’t lie” after openly saying that corona virus was a democratic hoax.
I was mistaken with the ‘hoax’ part of my comment, however trump lied about multiple aspects of covid like comparing it to the flu and claiming it was under control
Maybe you should tell the truth in your own comment before critiquing the man responsible for leading a nation.
@Jillian Aguilar ur a liar too
@jose garza

@Eyrupt1988 Is the difference betwenn THE VIRUS being a hoax and the Democrats saying Trump’s handling of the virus was a hoax really meaningful?
He DID make the “no worse than any flu” comment NUMEROUS times, especially on rallies and he KNEW it was way worse.
All his excuses to wanting avoid a panic fly out of the window once his reactions and budgeting does not show ANY of the cognizance of how bad this was bound to be (airborne and five times more infectuous than the “normal” flu, two statements from the woodward tape) instead aiming totally on preventing the public from seeing it as even a problem…
You do not avoid a panic by not taking steps to fight the problem, you avoid a panic by slowing down giving out the worst news while actually preparing to fight the problem as it arises… which he did NOT do. Thus the excuse is a lie.
@Ugly German Truths Not really but I was just trying to be honest about what I got wrong which is what Trump and his followers are incapable of.
“That’s a terrible question”…yeah because you can hardly answer

“You ever hear the expression five times?” No Mr.President, we haven’t. Please tell us the “oranges” of that zinger of an expression.