CNN's Alisyn Camerota speaks with former Trump Organization Executive Vice President Barbara Res and CNN Commentator Michael D'Antonio about President Trump's claim on Fox News that he recently took a cognitive test and the results surprised his doctors.
Trump claims doctors called the results of his cognitive test ‘unbelievable’

for a person who claims to be very rich, and the best and smartest at everything, Trump sure works very hard at hiding any proof of everything…
“Very standard test, and I aced it!”
Dr: “Say bear”
Trump: “Bigly powerful bear, tremendous, amazing, the best bear”
Dr: “Wow… nobody has ever done what you just did”
Trump: “I know, the J in my name stands for Jenius, because I am one”
Trump Is The Man…That Is Why He Was Elected And Will Be Reelected…Biden Can Not Even Change His Own Pull Ups.
@FatzBurger He has the best brain. EVER.
“talk real good cause I’m smart and stuff”
Hey, this it the president of the United States, he obviously did “the most exCellents testerering testes its was preFect and BEAutttifal thay did evEr saw EveR, the doctirs sayed I is immayzing.” I only saw it for a second, and I must say that he did draw a fairly straight line between the cow and the milk, but the one from the chicken to the egg was fairly crooked, apparently because it was lunch time and he was very excited. He’s very proud of himself though, but has to go try again next week.
“Rarely does anyone do what you just did” Really!? Did he slip him a check under the table? There is no way that is true!
Hard to stomach that he actually says things like this. So ridic.
Unbelievable. We can’t believe how this thing is even able to walk on its hinds…
His test results are “unbelievable”. Nobody with a brain believes it.
Except joe he believes whatever you tell him. Lol.
Lawrence Harris Lol, the guy in the video you posted is a Senior political analyst? Of what? Actually, I could ask him to join my company (I am the founder and CEO), it would double its size.
Ask him to who his test results. Bet he won’t.
Steve Knack – projecting much? That’s ironic you’d say that, when it is EXACTLY what the trump mob does. They believe that the next thing a pathological liar says will be true. Given that facts, you have ZERO credibility.
Lol…Yeah, he passed a grade 1 or 2 level *basic* shapes and clock recognition test. Good Lord, help y’all. ( Canadian here,eh?!)

Let’s get him a few Mensa test, make sure no one is close by to take the exam for him.
If you still haven’t figured out that everything he says is the other way around, you need serious help.
Oops- test doesn’t mean he’s NOT insane.
Psychiatric evaluation ink blot cards made him start drooling
@anthony wright
Lol Biden has a brain
If train A left Chicago and headed east at 40 MPH and train B left New York and headed west at 30 MPH, how much would you pay a porn star to sign a non-disclosure agreement?
I can’t tell you because of the non disclosure agreement…
I don’t know… but it’s obvious that train B had a ‘head’wind.
OMG! I have laughed so hard about your comment!! I laugh every time I think about it! I’ll probably wake up at 2:00am laughing!!
Funny! I love it.

He’s bragging about a test that kindergarten kids take, ask him to spell cognitive.
it takes a kid 10 min and it take him 1 day
Ask it to spell the word ‘the’. Bet it gets stuck on the first letter.
It’s actually a test Putin gives all his dogs. Orangutan dog aced it.
These jokes are ironic considering Biden’s not allowed around alive microphone with his advanced dementia. He’s junior soprano and Stan marshs grandpa all in one. before you waste your time with your “trump supporter” Remarks to me, I’m still team sanders
Doctor: Repeat after me, “Origin”
Trump: Orange
@Thrasymachus Monk Nah. That’s Ivanka’s task, along with changing his diaper.
Dr. “That was so low I have never done a test that was so low”
Trump “The doctors said they never saw a test that scored like mine”
We look to the furniture and the future…
Is that whats going on with his Tan?
repeat after me “president ,,answer “orange”,, repeat after me law keeping ,answer “orange”,, what is your name, Answer “Donald Orange”,, what is your wife’s name? answer “Toastie”
Cognitive test? He bragging about passing a test a child could easily “ace”
*”Is he all there? Is he all there? This kid is an idiot!” – Mary Anne Trump, June 14th 1946*

“Dammit! Another idiot”. Fred Trump, June 14th, 1946
I guess the doctors couldn’t believe that someone with his results was still able to breath.
@benny21 A normal fourth grader can get a 100 on the test. The doctors give the test when they suspect a stroke or Alzheimer’s.
Waiting for the far left , Liberal , Demorat comment from the MAGA idiot that usually always shows up near the 20th comment
U really did surprise me when U past the cognitive test without having to pay someone to take it for U. Good job Trump.
Joe Shapiro was with him
When bunkerboy just learned something he said nobody knows , nothing knows Albany is NY State Capital , that means bunkerboy just learned it .
The best of all time
“In Reed Medical Center in front of the doctors, and they were very surprised. They said, that’s an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anybody do what you did “
And then they all went to the breakroom and laughed their asses off
He obviously didn’t get the irony of that statment…
He is bragging about the same test my father took when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
Yep, that is the leader of the US government.
Yes, but it was just the preliminary test they give. Not that difficult so it is a low bar for our country’s president to be boasting about having passed.
@Lisa B Remember, orange is the new stupid.
And will continue to be
“”Very good, Mr. President. How about this picture?”
“This is extraordinary!”
Meet Trump, the first man ever to receive a _negative_ score on a cognitive test.