‘Trump Can’t Handle Women, Particularly Strong Women’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, weighs in on the president's exchange with an Asian female reporter during a press briefing at the White House. Sen. Hirono also discusses her anti-Asian racism resolution. Aired on 05/12/2020.
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'Trump Can't Handle Women, Particularly Strong Women' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

'Trump Can't Handle Women, Particularly Strong Women' | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Dave Moore where are you from, if you don’t mind my asking? I, for one, did not elect Trump based on the his deplorable character..racist, woman abuser, lier exc. Our election is in November. All of the Americans who still have their mental faculties will vote for Biden. Trump does not represent the soul of America, Biden does. Not to mention, Trump is insane as well. No, it is not my will that this man is our president.

    2. No, complete collapse describes the Democratic party under nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. The do nothing but whine democrates!

    3. Jennifer Jones Biden?? Are you insane? Joe Biden’s dementia alone is a reason to dislike him. Let alone the sexual allegations against him? The dudes a pervert. Trump has one the election with ease. I’m not saying you have to support trump but by god don’t support anybody from the cancerous democratic party

  1. “Well they’re losing their lives everywhere in the world..” his voice was shaking there, then he just snapped

    1. They said it was going to be 2 million dead not even quote this is an exaggeration the flu kills more every year in the world

  2. I wish all those reporters would have gotten up from their chairs and booed him while he waddled away!!

    1. They’re getting there! This was the first real defiance I have seen including the minor push backs from Jim Acosta! The fact that they are women makes it even more satisfying and should embolden the others to shake up this clown! Really good to see, this is my 5th watch!

    2. Every news outlet that covers press conferences should only send female correspondents for the next couple weeks or so.

  3. These women handled him well. He went running when it became apparent he couldn’t bully and mistreat them.

    1. He doesn’t not have a quick wit or the brain power to confront the really tough questions asked by people much smarter than him. His only option is run away.

    2. @Richard Bambenek HE’S a Punk, just like the Viet Nam draft dodger that he
      is, it’s all coming out now people, who this man/child really is!!

    1. @T J Go have another kool-aid and chase it with some bleach since you believe this moron clown is fit to run this country!!

    1. @Robsay01 Of course we do. And that is why I would focus on bringing forward “resolutions” which are very clear on how the money should be used to fight the pandemic. and then talk about THAT. Every time he tries to change the channel, they should move back to that. Bc otherwise you’re paying attention to the dancing clown in front of the fire burning down the house. Instead of putting out the fire.

    2. King Quased No different from the way you people are about people who aren’t sparkling pink.

  4. No he can’t . They’ve actually got him on the run now. By the way, he can’t handle strong, independent thinking men. But he REALLY freaks out when women come for him.

    1. Got him on the run lol. The former Obama administration is all on the run and lawyering up as we speak.

    2. I agree Marci Robins! I feel badly for the women he disrespects!

      In turn, I so enjoy when he turns and leaves! Great move ladies….thank you!

  5. He destroyed the ECONOMY and the PEOPLE. we didn’t listen when we were told he was DANGEROUS and STUPID.

    1. @Gregg Funny how the others are not climate change deniers. Go look up the official documents instead of just denying their existence. Try reading them. No TV – just the official WH documents themselves.

    2. Everyone who didn’t vote for him in the beginning knew he was dangerous and stupid. That’s why we voted for the other person.

    3. @Aaron quarantine is NOT a right or left thing it’s a science and medicine thing. People have been using quarantines since before the renaissance. Most of the world is using it now to great effect. Trumps to dumb to understand science or listen to doctors. That’s why you have such a catastrophic death rate in the US. People won’t go out and spend cash if it’s not safe.

  6. He’s just such a weak, petty man – how republicans see this gelatinous oaf as an alpha male is baffling

    1. @esu Never be friendly with a communist named Putin. Oh sorry I forgot it’s fine if Trump smears people who disagree with him with that label.
      That soup can is expired. I don’t even have to ask if he has decency. The answer is *NO*

    2. @DLANOD PMURT SI RUOY TNEDISERP Zero. And Donald Trump is *not* our president. I know what an anagram is.

    3. They don’t see him crying at night while “Melody” sleeps with one of the Sec Service goons. Imagine if he didn’t have the White House or Maralago as his safe spaces. He’d be a wreck! Well, moreso than now.

    4. new song/anthem for President Trump:
      “And I see your true colors
      Shining through
      I see your true colors
      And that’s why I love you
      So don’t be afraid to let them show
      Your true colors
      True colors are…”

  7. Watch out he’s going to tell the teacher, sounds like he’s in kindergarten. Most of his supporters have probably never left their home town.

      Unless the globalist luciferian satanists can control Trump this will be a battle. They will steal this election or die trying. Biden is a puppet for the Satanists. They impeached Trump over Joe Biden and than Biden basically stole the democratic nomination. Mayor Pete was beating Biden by nice margins and so were others. Right before super Tuesday they dropped out to make sure they could take out Bernie. For whatever reason the people who control the world didn’t want Bernie. In the mid terms I found voter fraud and believe the dems stole Senate seats. I wrote to people in high places my findings and nobody replied back. The dems know they need to control the Senate in full to put in the NWO agenda because some of the republicans are not sold in to it. We have watched how horrifying the house has been with the Dems in control. People think Paul Ryan was bad, this is the worst congress in the history of America.

    2. @DLANOD PMURT SI RUOY TNEDISERP Trump went against the plans of the globalist luciferian satanists and fixed some of the plugs in our economy which was set up to destroy the working class of America. By doing this, they knew America was going to move to this pro-nationalism and pro-boarders and pro-God stance. They can’t allow Trump another term because the damage he is causing to the NWO so they had to release this virus to destroy Trump and force him against the wall and say hey we the heads of the illuminati control this planet and our committee of 300 are next in line and America’s density is with us. We control the economy and since you went against us we are going to send you to the great depression and carry on with our plans to slave humanity in to the Beast empire.

    3. @American Patriot I am personally of the belief that Trump is God’s messenger. How else do you explain his victories? He is 73 and battling thousands of Federal apparatchiks who dream of a globalist empire where America is no different than Honduras or North Korea.
      I believe that God guides the man. That’s just me.

    4. American Patriot really? And Trump on tape admitting to groping women’s private parts is okay with you?

    1. I love the fact that a girl, a third of his age and a third of his weight chased him away.

    2. Lol 😂 those ladies grabbed him by the little hands! 😂 they didn’t even squeeze that hard! 😂 they make him Run!!the coward in Chief run!! Like a Chiken🐔🐥

    3. No, trump walked away because he was getting ambushed with stupid opinions, put into the form of s question.

    1. What would the former female professional wrestler known as Chyna know about it though?

    2. Ahhhhh……….did we get offended. Where is it the virus came from and who lied about it to the world and made anyone disappear who tried to get the word out. CHy-NA.

    3. @Gregg FYI.
      Dr. Li wenliang, an ophthalmologist not a scientist/ specialist in immunology was questioned by the Wuhan police for “making false comments on the Internet”. Li returned to work and later contracted SARS CoV2 from a patient who was infected unbeknownst to him. Li died from the disease on 7 February 2020.

      Covid-19 is not the flu. We have a vaccine for the flu. We have anti-viral medications designed to treat the flu. We have a sense of what to expect when we catch the flu, and when it’s necessary to seek medical attention. Doctors have experience treating the flu, and tests to help diagnose the flu, right there in the office, while you wait.

      Against the new disease, we have none of this. This coronavirus is UNKNOWN to our species. It takes time for people to get to know it not as you are accusing anyone/ everyone lied about it to the world.

  8. This kind of blatant racism coming from a “president” and I use that term loosely, should be a crime!!!!!

    1. Racist = someone the fake MSM has told a leftard to disagree with…wacist says the leftards, wacist…

    2. ​@Siren Thelxiope So what is your point? Just bash Trump? The woman asked why testing is so important and called it a competition (her words not Trumps). All while people are dying from Covid. She is giving her opinion and baiting him more than asking a question. She’s questioning him. These liberal reporters do the same crap over and over. A good reporter has tact. They know how to phrase a question to get an answer. As you said, people are easily fooled. These reporters care more about the country than Trump you say. You don’t have the faintest idea what Trump cares for. People know he loves his country, that he clearly exudes and it’s a big part of why people like him. Did you miss “Make America Great Again”? One of the few Presidents I’ve seen actually do what they campaigned on. He’s doing a great job draining the swamp which you obviously object to. Tell you what……….vote him out.

    1. Hes professional, the reporters, be it male or female is irrelevant, THEY ARE THE CHILDREN !

  9. Just look at the first time when he met chancellor Angela Merkel and refused to shake her hand. Show how he felt about woman of power.

  10. I agee, Trump can’t handle strong women that why he only marry immigrants and foreigners.

    1. I can be better than this. He looks desperate. He doesn’t have a clue on being a president. The way he talks to people there’s no respect at all and he has this I don’t care attitude.

    2. You do realise that by saying that your are also being prejudiced against immigrants and foreign women.

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