In a recent interview, Donald Trump was asked about his top priorities for a second term and he could not list a single goal when answering the question. Republican strategist Stuart Stevens said the response shows Donald Trump has “no coherent governing philosophy” and The Daily Beast’s Jonathan Alter said it further proves Donald Trump is running an “anti-campaign.” Aired on 06/26/2020.
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Trump Cannot Say What He Would Do With A Second Term | The Last Word | MSNBC
He would become a full on dictator & turn this country into a dystopian banana republic. It’s not hard.
Please Vote!
@J. your name might be genius but you are a stable horse. Dictators don’t do any of those things till they don’t need your vote to stay in power.
@Biden is NOT the candidate And Trumps father donated to the KKK . RACIST FAMILY.
@Christian Xander James Trump is NOT a President. Engage your brain
So true, he has extremely strong Authoritarian tendencies and an affinity for Autocrats/Dictators.. he’s not protecting the Constitution, it’s the Constitution that is protecting us from his wannabe Dictator self
His plan is to golf, stuff his face with burger king, fly around to empty stadiums and scam as much money he can.
@Gary V Just another debunked theory. tRump is the one guilty of treason…
Lol nailed it. Why is he even running again? He knows he’s toxic to the world.
And to tweet and tweet and tweet.
@Gary V Trumpy is married into a known crime family. That would take about 30 seconds to get a warrant. Further a FISA warrant can be used up to 3 days without a judges approval.
@Gary V You need to put the crack pipe down and back away from the computer. Hannity brainwashed you.
I am so happy that I didn’t become a stable genius.
You don’t find Obama’s secret meeting with Biden, FBI Comey, Rice, Clapper to try and spy on new Pres. Trump even before he got in office? You don’t find FBI Mc Cabe, Struck & Lisa Page’s email troubling about “having an insurance policy” to take out duly elected President Trump? That’s okay with you? Come on, wake up, Obama and them were attacking him with DNC & phony dossier since he got in office! Treason is what it’s called. What kind of ‘Obama Democrat banana republic’ coup is that? Is that what you want America to become when every new President has to worry about people in last administration spying on them? The hatred the Dems have for Trump or anyone they don’t like is bewildering!
@Gary V, but what about Satan?
Gary V – That again? Can you stop? Having a “secret” meeting with US Citizens and members of your cabinet is not a crime! But having a secret meeting with the Russian dictator is wrong! So stop! Obama’s no loner president! Get over it! Move on! People are dying and your god and savior is threatening to take people’s healthcare away! Stay on subject man!
Eat and tweet and cheat.
You forgot lie.
… repeat
And golf, but it doesn’t rhyme.
The Trump family’s efforts to squash a highly anticipated tell-all book from Trump’s niece Mary Trump, fell short in a Queens County court in New York on Thursday as the Judge dismissed their lawsuit.
The book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” is set to be released on July 28.
Trump has always been worried about anyone seeing into the dark catacombs of his past and that of his family’s.
In this revelatory, authoritative portrait of Donald J. Trump and the toxic family that made him, Mary L. Trump, a trained clinical psychologist and Donald’s only niece, shines a bright light on the dark history of their family in order to explain how her uncle became the man who now threatens the world’s health, economic security, and social fabric.
Mary Trump spent much of her childhood in her grandparents’ large, imposing house in the heart of Queens, where Donald and his four siblings grew up. She describes a nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships, and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse. She explains how specific events and general family patterns created the damaged man who currently occupies the Oval Office, including the strange and harmful relationship between Fred Trump and his two oldest sons, Fred Jr. and Donald.
A firsthand witness to countless holiday meals and family interactions, Mary brings an incisive wit and unexpected humor to sometimes grim, often confounding family events. She recounts in unsparing detail everything from her uncle Donald’s place in the family spotlight and Ivana’s penchant for regifting to her grandmother’s frequent injuries and illnesses and the appalling way Donald, Fred Trump’s favorite son, dismissed and derided him when he began to succumb to Alzheimer’s.
Numerous pundits, armchair psychologists, and journalists have sought to parse Donald J. Trump’s lethal flaws. Mary L. Trump has the education, insight, and intimate familiarity needed to reveal what makes Donald, and the rest of her clan, tick. She alone can recount this fascinating, unnerving saga, not just because of her insider’s perspective but also because she is the only Trump willing to tell the truth about one of the world’s most powerful and dysfunctional families.
— Simon & Schuster
He is gonna snap.
Winning lol
You can hear a song about his father. Its called “Aint got no home in this world anymore”
I hope she does not make him sound like some victim and then people start feeling sorry for him
Nov 2020 GOODBYE trump!
The true walk of shame will be when the United States Marshall removes him in handcuffs with reporters present.
@Gary V no, it was a matter of national security FULL STOP now enjoy the results – putin didn’t just offer, he PAID bounties on dead US servicemen and trump was powerless, his only option with putin is nuclear war so he’ll keep slurping, we hope, for now, until we have a duly elected President
@Tiipolj Cabrera The hostile takeover of America is almost complete – sorry pal, we ain’t gonna be part of the Trump Organization, ever, period
@Tiipolj Cabrera Are you sure the mature trump voter of today wasn’t the cali lunatic of yesterday?
Gary V – That again? Can you stop? Having a “secret” meeting with US Citizens and members of your cabinet is not a crime! But having a secret meeting with the Russian dictator is wrong! So stop! Obama’s no loner president! Get over it! Move on! People are dying and your god and savior is threatening to take people’s healthcare away! Stay on subject man!
@Lars Jones you are a tiny little 1%…. your finished
He is clueless. Always has been. Never had any policy agenda. Could not articulate one if he had one. He is not a leader.
Ch eye nuh hazzz muuuuuzliiim S|_@ves
@Highyum Fat, was that an answer to my question? In a reasonable debate there’s give and take, answers and questions, be reasonable.
Scott Allen It was reasonable , they deleted my response because it doesn’t align with their agenda smh. Wake up. I not saying you’re right or wrong about trump put him aside for a sec our country is so screwed either way
Gary V – That again? Can you stop? Having a “secret” meeting with US Citizens and members of your cabinet is not a crime! But having a secret meeting with the Russian dictator is wrong! So stop! Obama’s no loner president! Get over it! Move on! People are dying and your god and savior is threatening to take people’s healthcare away! Stay on subject man!
Trump should’ve worn the Cone of shame coming off the plane!
That’s disgusting and degrading, no cone of shame deserves that sort of humiliation.
He doesn’t want to be president he quit already.
…he never really started
Dawn-Leigh Werenka : The status and power is what he wants. He’ll be officially stripped of the title, once the lid is finally lifted, with Barr and co, obstructing Justice
@Ash Roskell Australian power Lawnmowers
Maybe he want to see the country burn and his capital growing
He never wanted the actual job. Just the power.
still waiting for Trump to collude with America, even just once

Trump hates America.
I’m going to make America great again…again.
Maja-Danmark the Democratic Party, is interested in global war, connections through families, deep deep routes in this country for HUNDREDS of years… the media is controlled, notice, that they don’t produce the video evidence of trump with no campaign goal, it’s a total LIE. The full interview is 43 minutes long. DRAIN THE SWAMP.
That would be too democratic…
Trump is evil enough to think that letting Americans die will help his chance at getting re-elected.
First of all globalization won’t come without SOCIALISM! Do your research on UN sustainable development project for 21 century. there is no space for democracy or privacy or private business which he and millions of other americans owns.Paris agreement on new green deal is first big step towards this wicked system that democrats where pushing and pressuring other countries to except it through UN. This is a tough fight for keeping our way of life! and yes it can get personal at some point but as long as he gets job done it doesn’t matter and if price for keeping democracy and our values alive is having Ivanka in the office with her father it a small price to pay
well put
Nope, just the other way around. Those in control of the democratic party and normally also the republicans.. are the true evil!
@Gary V Just take your stupid conspiracy theories and go away. You have nothing useful to contribute to society.
@Gary V Go away dickhead…
He could try, “I’m going to build another 3 miles of big, beautiful wall but you’ll have to pay for it.”
He might get to do it himself with a pick and a ball and chain on his ankle
@Derek Taylor I won’t unsee that, ever
He’s so over himself that he lost track on what he need to do
Hes ignorant but you gotta respect him to, he has the most stressful job and our country is in his hands, he knows he cant think about because half of the US citizens despise him
Think about this; #DumpTrump is actually suing to deny American’s health care during a global pandemic…
@Rik Paterson It ain’t no joke, tRump is a hazard to America!
@Michael Agreed. We need a president that actually does something for America instead of yelling fake news and hoping for things to go his way.
It’s like the Matrix – “He’s beginning to believe” that he won’t get a second term.
all he ever wanted to do was to undo everything Obama ever did.
Whats bad about that?
He did destroy the country so makes sense that he’d want to
Question: What are your priorities for the second term? Trump: $$$$$$
Gar Sm – How utterly cliche’.
When’s the last time Biden has answered a question from the Press? 96 days. Basement dweller hiding. What has he proposed other than insults? Biden is perfect for the pack mentality left.
Pete one – Spot on. Biden hasn’t done anything during the decades he’s had power. Now, the most he can do is follow the dictates of the leftist horde to micro-manage everyone’s life into the Soviet model. The Trump-deranged actually think they are rebels for supporting every establishment institution and wanting a public subservient to the dictates of a powerful state.
Agenda: “Slow down pregnancy testing, there’ll be less cases of pregnancy ”

End all healthcare then no is reported sick
“I plan to eliminate the coronavirus by eliminating coronavirus testing.” – MAGA 2020