NBC's Shaquille Brewster reports from Madison, Wisconsin as the Trump campaign confirms they will be filing a petition for a recount in two counties. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”
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#TrumpCampaign #Wisconsin #MSNBC
Trump Campaign To File Petition For Recount In Two Wisconsin Counties | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
When all else fails try something else stupid
!! Trump loves losing!!
How many Trump colluded with Russia claims did democrats win ?
@Just Me Don’t care, but this BS show Trump’s putting on for his cult members is almost as good as Game Of Thrones

@L Boogie1 , I’m glad you’re entertained stay tuned for the finale
@Just Me I already know how this going to turnout. Kamala Harris is going to disguise herself like Ivanka Trump and sneak into the White House and slit Donald Trump’s throat!! Take his face and gather Pence and the rest of the dummy squad. Poison them and turn to the White House Press Secretary and say the following: The Blue Wave came for House Trump, because The Dems Remembered..
@Just Me zero and it turned out the Democrats were doing the colluding.. Hillary fake dossier.. golden showers and hookers.. Joe Biden son Hunter 3.5 million Russian business woman and wife of a Moscow mayor.. daddy Joe getting the prosecutor and Ukraine fired for investigating Hunter ? No experience making 60 Grand a month for two years…
This would is beyond insane. Trump lost grow a pair and leave the White House… Please
The hildabeast lost and yet democrats are still throwing tantrums over it so stfu
@Carol Rapson WHAT??? LOL!!!
He has the right to ask for a recount, I really don’t know why every American would not be okay with Trump asking for a recount and to look into the election process. If there is nothing to hide then so be it and Joe Biden is the most popular President of all time and really over preformed in about 6 city’s between the hours of 2-4am after the counting was stopped. I mean that all sounds like it’s on the up and up but maybe, some people might think that it’s just a little shady.
I’m just here for the comments from the PATRIOTS…. TRUMP LANDSLIDE 2020. I smell smoke
on the left.
Recount Ohio, Texas, North Carolina, and Florida. Trump stole votes there!!!
@Bonnie Walker what’s even funnier democrats are still screaming Trump colluded with Russia even though congressional democrats and mueller debunked it.
@Just Me You know what, I not going to let you feel like you ran me off because I have no answer, but arguing about this crap is a waste of time. The election is OVER. Time to move on and focus on other more important things. Enough already!
@Bonnie Walker republicans said the same thing about the 16 election but democrats ignored it and threw tantrums for years spewing lies about Trump colluded with Russia so you are reaping what you’ve sown , and this time all the evidence has not been investigated yet so shove your faux indignation
@Just Me Whatever, you do your thing, take care.
@Nathan Gardner Sr. In some states, you can register the day of the election. Those people account for the people who were not included in the previously “registered” rolls.
Try doing a bit of real research. Google is your friend.
Easy for him to spend other people’s money on frivolousness.
@toob247 Trump was in deep financial trouble when he ran for election. He doesn’t give a f**k about you or America.
He knows how to look tough (like that fake wrestling) to idiots. He isn’t tough, he’s Putin’s “boy.”
His time is up, he knows that too.
American Disgrace An American Story Please Read (CITIZEN’S LOOK) by DANIEL GLOSKY WWW. Amazon, E-BOOK PLEASE READ, THANK YOU
@Martin Nolan Wonder why Trump didn’t want to show his tax returns? Fraud
@toob247 You seem to have overlooked the fact that trump is one of those globalist elite, he’s said himself how much he loves the uneducated.
How much did democrats spend on their Trump colluded with Russia lie
Trump is dangerous. He fired cypher security head last night for saying that the election was the most secure. Something doesn’t smell right. He is cheating! Trying to steal. Trump is afraid of jail.
Trump’s a sore loser and I can’t wait for him to be out!
@Flippyfloppys 1 I don’t think so when Christopher Krebs has his own reputation to protect.
I’m still waiting for the proof Trump colluded with Russia democrats say they have
@Flippyfloppys 1 Which is why Trump hired him, right?
No sorry, it was a consensus statement of the CISA and a nationwide federal panel that promotes best voting practices. Sometimes the truth is the truth.
Well he has to keep up the pretence. When the truth sinks in the donors stop.
Trump has lost 24 of 25 lawsuits….. and the one was not a win on any real level. I f ing hate ORANGE
I hate orange too. Lol.
I hate this POS with a vengeance
How many Trump colluded with Russia claims came true ?
@Just Me Yep, re-read my post and your comment has nothing to do with what I said.
He is also losing his mind.
If they request a recount, they should request all counties of that state not just those two counties where it is democratic lead. Obviously there’s no transparency here.
Don’t worry a recount will not change anything.
These people are determined to make sure he stays president. Where is the supreme court! Are they in this with Dump!? This is crazy….where are the sane people? America’s a joke!
@Sherry Keeney he is exercising his freedom of speech? You got a problem with that. ? You need to move out of the RV park maybe
@Sherry Keeney if you’re so complacent about this attack on our democracy maybe you should leave. Fuckwit.
We are determined that the election is legitimate and democrats don’t steal it
@Just Me Has been for 200 years
The good news is that Trump can’t get enough traction in court to even get a judgment that he can appeal. Almost all of the cases have simply been dismissed outright, and the few he is pursuing could change a few hundred votes if taht.
This separation of counties in the recount sounds like. If didn’t vote for me your vote doesn’t count.
He doesn’t want to pay 8 million for a complete recount. But he is toast.
He’s only counting the black counties because he thinks something’s wrong with them if they didn’t vote for him!
It’s his narcissism showing.
He’s only going after places that were mostly democrat and others a large portion of African American.
But he’s not a racist though. Nope.
He’s saying to count ALL legal votes only you moronic fool
Well he doesn’t want to recount the places where he won, after all. Won’t find thousands of votes in the rivers ther– oh, yeah, you won’t find them anywhere.
This is seriously getting beyond pathetic.
@Just Me trump crying lik a baby
You know what’s pathetic coming up with more conspiracy theories that Donald Trump did something else worry about your life watch out for them Demoncrats
@Just Me you might want to actually read that report in full before you dismiss it.
What is pathetic Donald Trump
@Chris James what report the fake news
There’s fraud going on in the White House and Senate.
Look at Senator L. Graham out of South Carolina. He was trying to persuade Georgas Officials to change vote totals. Corruption. They should repeal him.
Trump and all his sore losers need to except the facts it’s over, Biden has won and trump need to move on from his flake claims.People are sick and tried of his lying and crying
American Disgrace An American Story Please Read (CITIZEN’S LOOK) by DANIEL GLOSKY WWW. Amazon, E-BOOK PLEASE READ, THANK YOU
@Joseph Ellis Thanks for the laugh!
@Joseph Ellis huh? Where you been? Mars?
Democrats are reaping what they’ve sown for the last four years so stfu
When he gives up people will stop sending him money. There, does that make more sense?
Trump thinks everyone’s like him and his kids who have grade 3 math skills.
@Richard Barry
And yet….
Whatever Biden is, he is a step up from Trump.
@Just Me sorry judge. I’m independent, bow down to nothing, nobody. Especially a lyin politician.
@SuperRmalta making claims on the internet about who or what they are is what children do
@Just Me really, trump does that every 15 minutes!

@Babba Ganoush in Ohio where I’m at our gas prices are from a $1.80 to $2.00 a gal. If the green New Deal is implemented? You could realistically see gas prices upwards of $6 a gallon.. that wouldn’t be good for anyone….. the reason being transportation cost would Skyrocket. Which would bring up commodity prices.
You can’t avoid jail time forever Trump that’s gonna be your new home.
@Alicia Rodriguez Once a Con Artist and Crook always a Crook . His whole life has been spindling people out of money. Trump University, Many contractors, our Government, supporter of him, etc etc etc…….
He’ll jump ship and have Pence pardon him for any crime he’s ever committed. He’s not going to jail sadly
@Bradley Smith but guess what, theres non lol. Bet you havent done it yourself.
@Alicia Rodriguez He is facing indictment for obstruction of justice, once he leaves office (a sitting president can not be indicted), also the Manhattan district attorney is investigating tax fraud
@tonyetzu enlighten me what is the obstruction?
Taxes: did you know by law he doesn’t have to provide that. There are no legal requirement of any kind that a presidential candidate has to show their tax. However he is entitled to full privacy under the constitution. Also, he did file a a Personal Financial Disclosure . **Do you also know it’s in your right and encouraged to find ways to spend the least amount on your taxes? Which is what he does.
Again, what about the taxes? The misinformation in the media. Can you see how they spread dangerous information? Did they sell you this idea?
Biden should just sue to force the Trump admin to formally start the Transition process. It’d be an easy case to win.
Why? The Democrats are trained by their Wall Street Investment Banker masters to roll over and play dead.
I think when the states start to certify their results if she still won’t sign they’ll sue.
Sue for what exactly? Like what would be the crime?
@Thelion It’s not a criminal matter it would be a civil suit.
She has a legal obligation to sign a document which will start transition, releasing funds, office space, allowing nominees to get security clearances, etc
Biden would ask a court to order her to sign the statement that the apparent winner is Biden. It’s called “Writ of Mandamus” when a court orders a public official to do a legal duty.
Trump is dragging America by its nose to the ground
But we will rise again
Not me, I like aTrump
Jim Acosta is that you?
Trump’s broke, couldn’t afford $8 million they asked him for before they’d recount statewide? This is just a stunt for his supporters to make them think he’s still fighting. Poor marks don’t even know they’re getting fleeced by Don the Conman.
70 million voted for him. If just half of them gave Trump a dollar then he and the Republican Party are getting rich on those sucker’s money.
His sons have been running those hotlines begging for money. That’s where any money going towards recounts is coming from. He wouldn’t pay a dime out of pocket.
@Don Carson He will earn upwards close to a billion dollars
You are right that he won’t give up as long as people are sending in money.
That is what a two-bit dictator does. He’s very vindictive.
Still your POTUS. Enjoy his dictatorship for the next 4 years. HAAHAA.
@Joseph Ellis thanks. Funniest thing ive heard all day
Think about what a dictator is someone who tells you to wear a mask stay in your house and close your business is that Donald Trump better check yourself
Trump is just creating distractions for the Media. What doesn’t he want us to see ?
I don’t know what doesn’t even want us to see come up with some conspiracy theories again about Trump just like Russia huh he would have been in prison if all this was true and you still keep talking
Trump is the king in his virtual reality, a star war. No more Hollywood drama!
Typical liberal sheepish remark!

He’s racking in the cash. Just a thought. As soon as he concedes all teh money dries up.
@Nathan Gardner Sr. I hate to say this but I would put a benjamin down that he’s going to be indicted for multiple criminal actions at a minimum before he became President.
doesn’t he have anything presidential to do other than wasting peoples’ time and money?
Hmm. That’s Yobama did for 8 years.

Funny I thought the same thing about congressional democrats and their Trump colluded with Russia lies.
AFAI am concerned he could resign and let Pence finish out the last hole. Err, the term. Pense won’t go near any holes he hasn’t worn in already.
@Jane Doe let’s loot and burn builings. That’s what Antifa and blm doing. “Peaceful protrsts”. Let the healing begin.
@John Mint lol!!!!! Nah, I will just stand by….and ppray