Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Greg Bluestein joins Way Too Early to discuss the Trump team's new request for a recount of votes in Georgia. Aired on 11/23/2020.
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#Trump #GeorgiaRecount #MSNBC
Trump Campaign Requests Second Georgia Recount | Way Too Early | MSNBC
Georgians wake up, your tax dollars are being wasted on recount again. Call your lawmakers to stop this.
Trump and his campaign won’t even pay the money they owe,it’s time to say enough is enough it’s getting exhausting and childish.Trump needs to man up
NO, just vote in the runoff elections instead!
@mike briganti he already lost a recount wake up
Don “The Con” Trump:
Good news about Trump = Real news
Bad news about Trump = Fake news
If I win = It’s not rigged
If I lose = It’s rigged
Trump is a conman. Watch the documentaries below about the Trump crime family:
Trump & Taxes on Showtime:
Trump Follow the Money on ABC News Part 1:
Trump/Russia on ABC News Part 2:
Moscow Rules on ABC News Part 3:
You’ve been Trumped on Documentaries HD:
Trump’s Links to the Mob on BBC News:
Dirty Money Trump on Netflix (Trailer):
Dirty Money Kushner on Netflix (Trailer):
History shall remember Trump as a petty, petulant, perverted wannabe dictator.
@Rackia A Who is the, ‘all’? Define ‘all’. Argumentum ad Populum. Fallacy! You fail!! Try again, foreigner who can’t string a proper sentence in English & who listens to Arabic channels for information.
@Mary Ray Fake News Mary. ABC & BBC, lmao. Skewed left according to Media Bias Ranking.
@Mary Ray Doesn’t matter, Fake News Mary. Talk is cheap. Biden committed fraud. He has no mandate. As such, he can’t tell us what to do. Those of you who do not support rigged elections, arm yourselves & go about your daily business. Don’t obey any directives from them fraudsters. If they come to harass or arrest you, do the necessary. Get in touch with like-minded individuals for backup. Better to go down defending than to be enslaved by Marxists. I am ready. Paradise awaits. Trump 2021! Inshallah.
@Cornelius Gal LIES? You need to follow your own admonitionment to embrace the TRUTH!
How about, for example believing the final findings of the bipartisan Senate Select Intelligence Committee! Would you believe them? You should read the final report. If you do you will find that they more than confirm the findings of the Mueller investigation and conclude:
> Russia posed and continues to pose a grave counter-intelligence threat
and that the following “USEFUL IDIOTS” all lied under oath
> Trump’s Foreign Policy advisor lied about contacts with Russia
> Trump’s National Security Advisor lied about contacts with Russia
> Trump’s Campaign Chairman lied about contacts with Russia
> Trump’s Deputy Campaign Chairman lied about contacts with Russia
> Trump’s Personal Lawyer lied about contacts with Russia
> Trump’s Political Consultant lied about contacts with Russia
> Trump’s AG lied before Congress under oath
and of course,
> Trump himself lied, in writing, about his contacts with Russia
If you are at all interested in learning the TRUTH rather than, as you seem to prefer, wallowing in LIES and PROPAGANDA you can find Volume 5 of Senate Select Intelligence Committe report here – – ->
BTW – Why do you suppose that Trump and his enablers have no problem claiming they have all kinds of evidence in news conferences, but when they are in court and the judge asks them if they have any proof they admit that they have none?
Do you, somewhere deep down in your soul, perhaps suspect that it is because of the difference between being in an environment where you can LIE without any consequences and being in an environment where you have to tell the TRUTH or be prosecuted?
– – – Think about it!
– – – It is not hard to come to a rational conclusion.
@Borvo Please ignore this Senate Select Intelligence Committee report. It is based on false information provided by the Deep State and approved by incompetent Dirty Dem members in the majority. The biased Dirty Dems wrongly impeached President Trump based on LIES, but the wise GOP Senators rightfully refused to convict. They know the TRUTH that President Trump is innocent. They know the TRUTH that
Donald Trump, our best President ever, is very honest and honorable, and would never lie or do anything illegal. Please help President Trump in his fight for justice by giving as much as you can to his legal fund Thank you. GOD bless President Trump.
Floridians thought they were voting for for a anticommunist candidate and instead they got a dictator…
Florida has always been a bastion of crooks. International waters so close.
@Todd Swartz The answer is uncomplicated, Dumb’s followers are illiterate uneducated yokel toothless racists that rarely take a shower. It is easy to fool that people by promising to finish with immigrants, make a country of white population and religion. What Dumb is missing to say that he is the best Dumbest and liar in the world. We should ignore Dumb and look at the present and the future to look for mending the USA of this abominable nightmare.
Don “The Con” Trump:
Good news about Trump = Real news
Bad news about Trump = Fake news
If I win = It’s not rigged
If I lose = It’s rigged
Trump is a conman. Watch the documentaries below about the Trump crime family:
Trump & Taxes on Showtime:
Trump Follow the Money on ABC News Part 1:
Trump/Russia on ABC News Part 2:
Moscow Rules on ABC News Part 3:
You’ve been Trumped on Documentaries HD:
Trump’s Links to the Mob on BBC News:
Dirty Money Trump on Netflix (Trailer):
Dirty Money Kushner on Netflix (Trailer):
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid Trump supporters… “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
Guess now we know why they don’t have enough money for stimulus packages.
EVIDENCE is presented in court, not to the MSM, for all of you IDIOTS out there who are buying this crap!!! Don’t fall for the FAKE NEWS that TRUMP’S evidence has been thrown out of court, it is a LIE!!
@MB Trump you’re beyond redemption mate.
Don “The Con” Trump:
Good news about Trump = Real news
Bad news about Trump = Fake news
If I win = It’s not rigged
If I lose = It’s rigged
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid Trump supporters… “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
Trump is a conman. Watch the documentaries below about the Trump crime family:
Trump & Taxes on Showtime:
Trump Follow the Money on ABC News Part 1:
Trump/Russia on ABC News Part 2:
Moscow Rules on ABC News Part 3:
You’ve been Trumped on Documentaries HD:
Trump’s Links to the Mob on BBC News:
Dirty Money Trump on Netflix (Trailer):
Dirty Money Kushner on Netflix (Trailer):
Trump is going to lose this election EVERY DAY until Joe Biden’s inauguration!
@MB Trump I bet you were crying like Nancy Kerrigan while posting your nonsense.

He has made the USA the laughing pot of the planet…he’s destroyed your reputation and shown the rest of the world that your democracy is a joke…he should be tried for treason!!
@The Muscle Michigan’s votes for Biden have been certified now, only a matter of time until all of them get certified and your claims are left in the dust.
@Q Wins M ichigan just certified, the GSA just started the transition.
Trump just caved.
Time to cry!!!!
Don “The Con” Trump:
Good news about Trump = Real news
Bad news about Trump = Fake news
If I win = It’s not rigged
If I lose = It’s rigged
The Republican party needs to step in and stop him.A bunch of cowards.
@Nancy Douglas
Lying Rat tRump should be charged with Criminal Negligence. 260,000+ USA citizens covid19 deaths
Kathy Shappy
I’ve Always said that
Trump is a conman. Watch the documentaries below about the Trump crime family:
Trump & Taxes on Showtime:
Trump Follow the Money on ABC News Part 1:
Trump/Russia on ABC News Part 2:
Moscow Rules on ABC News Part 3:
You’ve been Trumped on Documentaries HD:
Trump’s Links to the Mob on BBC News:
Dirty Money Trump on Netflix (Trailer):
Dirty Money Kushner on Netflix (Trailer):
Don “The Con” Trump:
Good news about Trump = Real news
Bad news about Trump = Fake news
If I win = It’s not rigged
If I lose = It’s rigged
Why stop him we need truth ?
If he wants another count let him pay for it. Enough is enough already, can’t we stop this infantile man.
I totally agree. He should pay for it already. He’s just cripplying the states. I am sure he is not that stupid, that he can’t see he is destroying the country even more so before Biden steps in. Than he’ll say, I told you, he will be the worst prexident in history. No one has done more for this country, than I have. Blah,blah,blahbiddy, blah !!

STFU already. Get on your golf cart & just flock off.
@Gerhard Leykauf Yes he is. The worst ever. Yet, so many still believe the crap that comes out of his mouth. These people are more delusional than Rumpman himself.

@Gerhard Leykauf yes … he is now a lame duck president .. he needs to be in a straight jacket
Don “The Con” Trump:
Good news about Trump = Real news
Bad news about Trump = Fake news
If I win = It’s not rigged
If I lose = It’s rigged
I don’t EVER remember this much recounting with any other elections. Trumps pathetic.
Totally agree. All these recounts won’t change the results. What a pathetic LOSER.
I am canadian and i have never seen this many recounts either. Its kinda sad
Right this isn’t about recount they are stalling to discourage voters in GA to come out in January and vote. What’s sick about this is that the constitution and the law allows this kind of insanity. The country and the world is at our knees with Covid-19 but we are re-recounting votes(what hoping 2x is a charm)
Don “The Con” Trump:
Good news about Trump = Real news
Bad news about Trump = Fake news
If I win = It’s not rigged
If I lose = It’s rigged
It’s over..remove the loser..clearly you can’t see he’s mentally unfit for office!!
America, off role model path. The world is laughing.
A nd they do so with good reason.
Sadly, yes, and what’s more it gives ammunition to the extremists on the other side. We’re already hearing it in the UK – the idiots on the far left saying, ‘Who wants to be friends with America when they vote for people like that?’ (The far right probably say it as well, but it’s difficult to work out from their grunting)
He has had a recount. Now he is being ridiculous.
He’s been past ridiculous
Never mind the meek…the poor, the homeless. Waste the taxpayers $$$ on a senseless “feet dragging” measure…
Don “The Con” Trump:
Good news about Trump = Real news
Bad news about Trump = Fake news
If I win = It’s not rigged
If I lose = It’s rigged
I understand now why the bible say it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. They do not like to humble themselves and their arrogance. Trump is the epitome of that…SMH
Trumpworld collapsed – it’s over -,the world has moved on ..
He’s keeping the show going while we see people waiting in long row’s for food banks..
It’s unacceptable
First, Georgia needs to say “No.” Finally, media outlets need to stop Effin around snd call this what it is – a coup. Enough’s enough.
One of Murphy’s laws: ” It is immoral to allow a sucker to keep his money.”
Otooles law says Murphy is an optimist
They are either trolling or buying time for ” something” else at this point.
Worst baby loser in HISTORY. There’s never been a loser like him.
He just keeps making America great, loss after loss… I LOVE IT
He trying all he can to stay out of jail. He scared
He’s gonna be “requesting” attention for the rest of his life, since he can’t command it anymore. Worldwide loser.