CNN's Brianna Keilar fact checks Trump campaign senior adviser Mercedes Schlapp's position that mail in voting can lead to election fraud.
#Keilar #CNN #News
CNN's Brianna Keilar fact checks Trump campaign senior adviser Mercedes Schlapp's position that mail in voting can lead to election fraud.
#Keilar #CNN #News
Mail in ballots are verified! This administration really think all Americans are dumb!
You have to make out an election questionnaire before getting your ballot to verify your actual existence as a citizen.Both as absentee and mailin,no difference unless you’re lying!!
@ThE cUrtAin remOVed!!! Drumpf stated if mailings,absentees are sucessful no Republicans will ever win an election again!!What’s Schlapp stating is a lie!!You can’t file a vote days after the elections over idjit!!There are safe guards as bar codes and dated stamps to verify ballots arrival,not her weak excuse for fraud!!
name one state where problems havent happened with mail in…. why are dead cats getting voter cards ?
@SED Where did you go? You speak truth about male vote and great orange man.
Libs not vote cause lib no good and hate orange man.
Please come back comment section please. You patriot and big with everything big. Help orange man win again!
@SED Show some proof of what you are saying! Or go back to home land!!!
“…We obviously don’t see eye to eye.”
“Well, no, because I’m talking about facts.”
@Don Hardcastle…Where, when? Any actual credible proof of your claim? Sorry, QAnon and OAN are NOT credible.
@Kevin Soler “an attempt to make the election contested”. WTF do you think an election is moron.
@Kevin Soler There’s a reason it’s repeatedly been declared INSIGNIFICANT. Some 200 out of 1,000,000,000 votes being fraudulent (well, possibly fraudulent). So, that’s pretty much as non-fraudulent as you can get.
@butt wipe Great idea Reb. Another traitor to America.
@Don Hardcastle
That was a fake fact. That occurrence happened in Georgia and it was a Republican who did the dumping, comrade.
Look up the fact check check on your claim. Here, let me help you. Google:
Postal Worker Caught Destroying Absentee Trump Ballots in Major Swing State
All Trump people sound like daddy knows not best.
Mercedes: We’re not seeing eye to eye.
Brianna: No, because I’m talking about facts. Lol
Damnnn LoL
That was AWESOME!!!
I’ve never trusted a woman named Mercedes.
Mercedes Schlapp is not too good at this “talking to people” thing. It is exhausting.
Brianna has the patience of a pre-school teacher.
Can you imagine being married to this Karen? You’ll never win an argument.
You’ll never get a word edgewise. She would talk over you. There’s only her in a conversation.
She sounds like a guy being forced to watch his girl go through his phone
personal experience?
This administration wasn’t worried about the elderly early on in this pandemic!
They wanna win Fla. bad.
Mercedes has to talk constantly because she knows she isn’t making any sense.
Mercedes knows she’s lying. They send a registered voter One ballot. With their name and address. Checked against voter roll
vote in ballots dont work bud.
@Mike you are a troll, high or you just don’t know what you’re talking about. It works better than the hacked voting machine systems. Been working fine in multiple states for years.
@Mike What’s a vote in ballot? If you mean mail-in ballot it has worked great in Colorado and Oregon.
I love how Brianna doesn’t take any crap.
That’s my gal
She would consider the word “b#@ch” a term of endearment! Love her!
“your argument is invalid”
“let’s talk about the second part”
“can you leave now please?’
They’re saying is not safe, but will send their children to school during a pandemic. Smart.
No they don’t want to send their children to school, they want to send the poorest children to school.
the kids should go to school
The school Baron Trump attends is canceled this semester. trump’s children don’t attend public schools, so he has nothing to lose.
@Jeremy Backup send your schools go to school
@Mike Can you explain why all…..and I mean ALL, Republicans that are demanding schools reopen, have held their own children back? Why every single one of these POS anti-American nut jobs, make this claim while excluding their own children……claim…maybe….maybe I will join you.
That girl is really trying to make a problem where there’s not one.
Mercedes is one rude person. Was she never taught about talking over another person.
Trump on Covid19: States are responsible for themselves
Trump on mail-in-voting: We are responsible for states
@Mike you’re a stupid one aren’t you.
Nobody can accuse her of being dumb, stupid for sure.
Let me guess, the states that are going to be allowed mail-in voting are the republican held states. Am I right or am I wrong?