Behind the Trump campaign's strategy to take down liberals. Plus, Joe Biden's appeal among moderate Republicans and Democratic insiders say Bernie Sanders could win the nomination. Aired on 12/26/19.
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Trump Campaign Gives Supporters Talking Points To Take On Liberal Relatives | Deadline | MSNBC
the “deep down, you’re losing and you know it” playbook
Haha. Yeah. Keep telling yourself that. Boy you lefties LOVE to project. Shhhhh…. Let me tell you a secret: THE LEFT IS LOSING ON A MONUMENTAL SCALE AND YOU’RE BEING LIED TO. But then if you’re too stupid to broaden your perspective and see it for yourself I suppose there’s no hope for you
This big dog will bite if you rattle his cage. They will be sorry that they messed with the USA.
@Frankie Dawn America FIRST. Amen. These lefties have no idea the hornet’s nest they’re stirring up
@Scott Lavell Lol, I am Leftist, Democrat. Republicans are some of the dumbest people on the planet. Do you even know what you are doing?
All vampire look very pale, black or white!!! Poor Melanie!!!
She is *absolutely one of them,* don’t you remember her “I don’t really care, do you?” jacket to and from the children internment camp??
What a anti christian thing to do amazing
@Ronnie Bickers Jr Putin’s Confederate Christians.
Anti-Christian? That’s the entire Democrat agenda. Abortions, homosexuality, removal of gods 10 Commandments from all public places, removal of prayer from schools, shall I continue?
@Steve Austin there’s no such thing as a Republikkklan Christian, only Democrats are true Christians. Sorry Boy
Still no facts but we’re Crazy for speaking the truth? Show proof or stay quiet.
My family just agreed not to talk politics at the holidays! its called respect and decency! Something Trump knows nothing about!
What his talking points do is put into question the outcome of the 2020 election when he looses. He will argue voter fraud and play right into Putin’s playbook. Nothing will seem legit.
I’m old enough to remember way back to 2016 when dems asked if trump would accept the election results once he lost. You could imagine my shock when the dems spent every day since then rejecting the election results
Yeah… Might wanna grab some KY or astroglide. You think you were butthurt in 2016? 2020 is going to be not a landslide but an all out cataclysm
Calling anyone crazy who is misled gets you no where fast, It’s easy fooling someone much harder telling someone they’ve been fooled by a fool!lol
They need talking points bc they are too stupid to analyze the facts.
You know the media (both sides) also uses talking points. On both sides. What Trumps campaign is doing is no different. it must be bad and people must be stupid because its the orange man saying it. Matter of fact you making fun of the people as being too stupid to analyze facts is also a talking point.
Exactly what I said.
back to your family
All gangs have their literature
You can’t converse with a parrot. You can teach it words but it has no frigging idea what its talking about.
Too funny , a tutorial …. to further indoctrinate weak minds . Who simply ” Parrot ” the same nonsense , like programmed , servile automatons .
Uh actually this economy is not that great. I guarantee if Bernie gets in with his infrastructure and green new deal will create a robust economy with way better paying jobs. It won’t be a rigged economy that gave 1.9 trillion to the corps. and the rich leaving trillions of dollars to debt.
So one of the talking points states that we Democrats are wishing to tamper with our future elections. Are they serious? So far Trump asked Russia, China and the Ukraine for help in getting dirt on our front runner. Do they think they’re God’s or something? They got caught red handed, and they point their finger at us. No wonder that want a sham trial with no witnesses and no documents. Trump can never admit to one of his stuipid mistakes, so he calls it a perfect call. If it was so perfect why were people leaving and blowing whistles, and hiding his stupidity on our best computers? Using our top computer as Trumps top secret waste basket, somehow seems symbolic. We’ve come so far in our technology, just to have it used to hide Trump mistakes.
Its what Goebbels said. “Blame your enemy of what you are guilty of.” 1939
@John Nelson It’s Trump, and his flunkies, forte, deflect, deflect deflect.
Trump is a liar. He said obama knew Russia was interfering with the 2016 election and never did anything. He himself said he meant to say he don’t see why it would not be Russia after he was called out about his believing Putin in Helsinki. That man is the author of confusion. Now he trying to get help again he blaming dems for interfering. Think I need to quit listening about him. He is not good for one’s health..AN END COMETH TO ALL THINGS
He didn’t really say what he wanted to, he was struggling too much from his adderol addiction and needed to go crush up a couple and snort them!
Jeeze… he can’t even treat Christmas with some dignity and without putting himself the only thing he cares about. And just an aside, while he’s doing this, he is quietly removing help for people in great need of food and heat this Holiday. Merry Christmas Mr. Trump.
I checked the website out. It’s hilarious.
They stated Trump care about environment but fail to state this is the same guy who doesn’t believe in science. The same guy who is continuously destroying any law that is protecting the environment.
It’s funny that they didn’t address the fact that he said Mexico would pay for the wall, didn’t mention he bullies a 16 years old, didn’t mention how he divide America and much more. I could immediately tell that website is written by even bigger clown then penny wise.
Facts ~ Across the entire nation, liberal states and cities are in crisis. California the poster child for liberalism and the most blue state in the United States is the most disgusting with urine, feces, and leads in the nation in homelessness. Liberal policies destroy Democrats destroy. we have proof now!!
@Steve Austin If California is such a disaster, why does she bear the brunt of supporting the nation? All the red states are welfare states, that take more from the government coffers than they give. While the blue states are the piggy bank that makes the nation work.
The republicans don’t know, because we don’t know, if we’ll go to the left or to the center, just know that we we all be together and backing whomever we pick.
I hope the party does stick together. The consequences for excessive dissent & splitting are disastrous.
Oh yeah this president is trying to bring us together… SMH.
Biden needs to step down, if the fact that a Citizen of the United States with ZERO Government experience was elected as President, no matter how much he’s screwing-up, isn’t enough proof to career politicions that the Citizens of the United States are done with career politicions, what was it? BOTH parties have created the absolutly INSANE financial disparity currently existing in this country. We, as a Nation, need to elect younger people that actually had to grow up dealing with it, I’m 62, I watched it happen.
Richie Tattersall Trump was elected.
It’s NOT about the age of the candidate – it’s the character, honor, integrity, courage, and track record = Bernie Sanders.
@Ice 247 Traitor Trump is not the president of the American people, Trump is the Grand Wizard of the Republikkklan party.
No it’s proof that the Electoral College favors voters who are incapable of critical thinking.
@Deborah Freedman That and Gerrymandering of districts.
Only the most ignorant person would believe all of these talking points this Criminal is relaying. If they believe this when they have heard all the evidence about what he did , they are desperate,,and want to be blind .
Across the entire nation, liberal states and cities are in crisis. California the poster child for liberalism and the most blue state in the United States is the most disgusting with urine, feces, and leads in the nation in homelessness. Liberal policies destroy Democrats destroy. we have proof now
@Steve Austin If California is such a disaster, why does she bear the brunt of supporting the nation? All the red states are welfare states, that take more from the government coffers than they give. While the blue states are the piggy bank that makes the nation work.
Deborah Freedman California is a burden on America. It’s a state that we would like to see separated from the rest of the United States. And we will ship every illegal migrant to your state. You are a sanctuary state with thousands and thousands of criminals, drug users, MS 13 gang‘s infesting your disgusting liberal state. Build the wall around California & send millions of illegal migrants to your state. As you quickly become a Third World nation. We will never take you back.
@Deborah Freedman don’t tell them that, or that red states are in the lowest literacy grades, most poverty or have the most teen pregnancies. All those truths are going to break their little black hearts.
trump is hitler 2.0
That’s H-tler Libel right there.
H-tler was competent…
Trump won on radical socialist talking points that people fell for but he ended up just helping his billionaire friends. Sanders promises reform but he is not in it for himself.