President Donald Trump again called a hydroxychloroquine study that was partly funded by his administration, which found that coronavirus patients taking the drug had higher deaths rates compared to those who did not take the drug, phony. CNN's Jake Tapper leads a discussion on the details on the study and what Trump is saying about it.
#Trump #CNN #hydroxychloroquine
Trump calls study his administration partly-funded phony

He is sick…truly in the mind.
Insane in the membrane
Noah Sanderson

Cumrade azzwipe
@Richard Carpenter for what?
President Lunatic
@CJoe 1111 back to fox spews MAGAt
It’s simple, if trump’s lips are moving, he’s lying.
@C Seay God damn, these moron zombies walk among us now.
@C Seay lol
@Dave S America has a base of uneducated ignorant know nothings its a long history of them…most of them in red states
@Millie Oswin20 Trump even lies when he sleeps, get it?
@santa fe, bantayan island life That one’s all yours buddy, nice try.
This is like listening to children. He literally makes everyone around him sound JUST AS dumb as he is!
@Tiffany Burgess its true. Bush was an embarrassment to the US, but Trump makes him look like a shining light.
@Clayton McGowan and what would that something be exactly?. how do you gauge this?. most people gauge it by comparison and Trump is pretty low on that scale- being obviously at a oral level somewhere below junior high school level (its been proven by language experts so its FACT), and from all other angles of comparison he also scores pretty well below what an average person is expected to know. So what exactly is it that makes you think different?. Can you not objectively compare?.. most people can and do.
@TheCynicsCynic his tax returns are beautiful. and phone calls are perfect. it’d be hilarious deadpan sitcom if it wasnt real.
@Big Norbert okay man… you are officially brainwashed
@Clayton McGowan seriously if you cannot come up with a mature comment, then why post at all?. you’ve said that you think he’s smarter and that you’ll bet money that hes much more capable than a person you’ve never met?.
Given that its an absolute fact that TRump is batting below average in the brains department (5th grade i think it was shown), why do you think its a good bet to say Rodney isnt as capable?…or that everyone here arent as smart?. it seems like a silly wager to me.
He’s only distracting from the fact that the US is not contact tracing infected people to flatten the curve of the virus. Distracting from his continuing incompetence.
@Ver Coda What’s up sport?
Legosi right?!? Cnn sucks!
CNN- let’s change the subject
They care more about making Trump look bad than saving lives! It’s unbelievable.
CJoe 1111. The staggering amount of stupidity that your ignorant a$$ poses is unbelievable. It’s a f ing wonder that your Abel to even breathe on your own.
He’s nuts,put him in a nursing home,he’s weeks away from dribbling into his liquidised cheeseburger
You have to be talking about sleepy creepy joe! Right?!
@King of America People believe whatever. Bleach is dangerous and burns the skin! A toxic product not to be used for unintended purposes!
Everybody in that room is corrupt everybody around that big table
He could just be lying! Oh no! he wouldn’t do that (NOT)
He’s a clown, through and through. Not capable of critical thoughts.
Am I watching cartoon here. This can’t be real.
You are watching CNN, so yes you are watching cartoons.
Cartoon President?
“The people were ready to die” wow Trump….just wow
You can’t tell me he’s wrong.
Depraved incompetence!!!
Straight from President Clorox’s mouth. Pleeeease Vote!
Someone’s losing their job at the FDA.
This is Rev. Jim Jones getting his cult to drink the Kool-aid. DISTURBING
Thoughts and prayers.
Very disturbing
I know, right?
“people ready to die?!?!” no one is ready to die
“….given to, obvious, not friends of the administration…” What the hell??? What is he saying??
I think he meant “on the verge of death”. Either way it goes, what he said was completely f’ed up in sooo many ways…
@Enuph Sayd He actually said the people who GAVE IT were not friends. But it was funded by HIS administration, so, yeah, they were in fact “his friends’. Once again, he’s lying, being defensive and has no clue what he’s talking about.
The cult up the a Clown in the White House
I’d believe him if his hair started falling off.
His hair is already falling off.
And you still better not believe him.
The more he tries to to justify himself the more incompetent he sounds!!

The more people that listen to CNN, the more people will die.
Carissa, honey.. do you know what peer reviewed means? It means others independent of the original study were able to substantiate the claims. This was NOT peer reviewed hence, the findings are null and void. Hydrochloroquine has had zero issues in the past.
A moron just linked me a study from 2010 where a woman age 52 developed heart issues while on it. The only problem is that the person that linked it didn’t read the study. She had connective tissue disease, blood clots, kidney disease and severe arthritis. Do you know what that means? She was on a slew of medications including powerful opiods most likely fentanyl which is 100 times more powerful than morphine. Considering the fact that if you have had a previous heart attack morphine alone can increase your risk of death by 50%, hydrochloroquine was not what gave the woman heart issues.
Yep. You’re right about that.
@Legosi Nice comment. To bad common sense isn’t very common anymore. What happened to Americans? Why are they so lazy, and why do they believe everything they are told without checking it’s validity? You my friend are a good Berean. (Acts 17:11)
@Legosi Dr internet
He literally said that “wanted to die”…seriously why would these people want to die?
No he literally didn’t lmao. This is the problem with people who watch fake news. They fabricate things. He said people who were ready to die, and elaborated by saying very sick, old people with comorbidities. All the cabinet officials backed him in this. Did you listen to this or did you just truly not care about the words you choose to use? I’m not even a trump supporter so don’t come for me
You’re just acting very uneducated and trying to smear him however you can.
@Mandy Adams ok right back at you. people who were ready to die. because they were sick. No cabinet officials backed him. They just didnt oppose his stupidity. thats what they all do. Now, back to the point.. he did say that people were ready to die. thats not fake news at all. we heard the entire thing. He is THAT simple and THAT removed from reality that he thinks he’s a genius. He is actually really mentally unwell.
@Tim N Correct. People who were ready to die. Not people who wanted to. He did not literally say people who wanted to die.
Today: “It was given to really sick people”
Previously: “if you’re on the brink of dying, what have you got to lose? Try it.”
Morphine is killing them
muuuuuud lol, Bernie, pelosi, aoc, Maxine, warren are better lol. Give off your high horse chump
@roy1583 What are you even talking about? Should i kick you so your algorithm reboots?
@angela gallup look at miss doctorates here with all the answers.
[credible source needed]
muuuuuud your brainwash ignorance and belief system make you miserable that trumps in office. You chump boy better hope he doesn’t win lol. What are you dems going to do if he loses, talk about injustice and inequality for 4 years. The left media needs trump. They may have to actually get a life if he loses. Who’s going to listen to Biden speak lol. Your a joke
Just like that he changed the subject. We’re not talking about his failures in testing, tracing, and how we got hit worse by the virus because he’s incompetent.
He is incapable of taking criticism or accepting that he might have made a mistake. I think in his head that if something disagrees with him that it must be wrong and that people must be out to get him.
Let’s Donald Trump take it and if he die, then it MAGA.
@angela gallup Prove what that Multiple Cardiologist have stated clearly that it can lead to death? Pfft watch the news. Prove that it CAUSES deaths ( see va study for one), but I do not NEED to prove it. I am listening to doctors that have no foot in the game. Trumps people will tell him anything he wants, period….that is a fact. He keeps firing people that are willing to stand up to him and tell him the truth.

So believe anything you want Sheeple, I have given up on trying too much to prove anything to you guys. If it does not agree with your master it is fake according to you, without any reasoning on your part. There is no way to prove anything to you because you refuse to accept reality when you see it, you have no desire for finding common ground or common sense.
DJPlutonik what would cnn and dems do without trump. Talk about injustice and inequality for 4 years. The liberal media needs trump in office more than you think. Who’s going to listen to Biden talk lol. I would love to see you pos chump dems suffer for another four years lol, that would be the greatest. You sir, stay in your basement and pick chowmein off your 4 chest hairs tonight
@Dale Hartley No. Prove it leads to death.that study wasn’t peer reviewed which means the findings aren’t scientific and don’t matter.
@roy1583 Without Trump we would be let’s see, Sane, would still have our dignity, would not suffer from Trump’s obvious lies, would not be #1 in COVID cases, etc. Now go clean your shotgun or assault rifle or whatever gun you have for the next protest. And I personally refrain from calling people like you republicans, you bring shame to the name. The Lincon project and Gov. Dewine of Ohio are examples of republicans.
@Dale Hartley Yeah Fauci has no foot in the game. He funded and worked with the Wuhan lab.
“Trump calls study his administration partly-funded phony” while everyone else is calling our Pres. Trump, phony.
@Stev Johnson , I am simply wonderfully hungry and hope you, Stev, and others reading this also have a healthy appetite too. So how are you ?
@HeartDoc Andrew Just ate chicken and carrots with a salad.
@Stev Johnson , taking your replying to mean “yes, you have a healthy appetite despite having ‘just ate’,” I share with you, Stev, that it’s really wonderful knowing through our hunger that we’re both not having a heart attack at the moment in accordance with pure logic (healthy=wonderful & appetite=hunger) and advise that you try to write that you’re “wonderfully hungry” since we’ve established here that you are: So now how are you ?
@Stev Johnson wake up and THINK
@Stev Johnson make sure to take the hydroxy. Your hero is touting.