President Trump says Michael Fynn is an ‘innocent man, a great gentleman’ on new developments that the Justice Department is seeking to drop a case against Flynn.
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Trump Calls Michael Flynn Innocent As DOJ Seeks To Drop Case | MSNBC
Real news: He pled guilty and you fired him.
This orange corruption is destroying the country. We are at a point that some patriotic people at the CIA/FBI must rid the country of this dangerous orange problem. Permanently.
America will soon take care of the Deplorable 35% pandemic. Permanently.
@Robert Allardice What you said is BS and Rencon IS right 100%.
@Chris P. Bacon Flynn isn’t the traitor, it’s the do nothing Democrats that have done nothing for this Country but try to take the President down in any way possible. You would probably say the same thing that Flynn said if someone blackmailed you by causing possible harm to your son.
Real news: the majority of liberal males are BISEXUAL and or HOMOSEXUAL.
R Brown
If you’re preparing for a wannabe mob war, surround yourself with dishonest men who owe you favors.
*Feel misled by the lame stream media Boobie*
*Cheer up…Trump 2020*@Marilyn Reallon
@Eric Deric
That America will correct the mistake of 1865 when we showed mercy instead of finishing the job. That mistake came back to bite us in 2016 when the Deplorable descendants of the Confederacy elected their 100% racist corrupt Messiah to change America to the shithole their Deplorable ancestors always wanted. NEVER AGAIN. SOON!!!.
@Real M are you talking about the dems (originally from the south) pro slavery and the republicans ( Abe Lincoln) from the north forced the south to free the slaves?
@Silky Tp
Firs vote then take care of those who destroyed this country during these 4 years.
@Real M After you, sir…
Putin and his cronies are popping champagne bottles right about now.
I love u mr trump all my Mexican friends and family are voting for u papi trump
@specter290 “I thought your hero Mueller Time was going to find russia collusion? ”
Mueller testifying before Congress: We found very strong evidence that Russia helped the Trump campaign and that the Trump campaign welcomed that help. But we were unable to determine if it was coordinated.
Question: Did you interview to the people involved in the Trump Tower meeting, or the president.
Mueller: No we did not interview those people from the meeting and the president gave us written statements. He was not interviewed.
I could go on but no need. The bottom line is, never send a Republican to investigate anything. They are too stupid.
@Cesar Arias you are really just that stupid
@jon doe

Isn’t it grand? A Champaign Party.
It’s a disgrace that u radical leftist demonrat fools don’t research to learn FACTS!!! Yall just follow msDNC and Communist Nincompoop Network like rats following the Pied Piper.
Flynn is guilty of perjury either way you look at it.
It was just locker room talk
If we don’t vote this lawless lunatic out in November this country is DONE!!!
truer words have never boon spoken
The man literally said he was guilty.
@ZLYNXEE h nope it’s the almighty rule of law America
And you literally could stop being a loser, and stop depending on that government check.
@Golden Goat trick him into a confession. Um he did not say it to the fbi. He said it to the judge.
@Mike Warenda how many other people that the president said he’s going to sue or that should be charged for something, has actually been followed through? You guys are so nuts. Trump has you on his string
@Joseph Dorman you really shouldn’t use the words Trump and ethics in the same sentence.
**He already admitted to lying!**
He has, LITERALLY, already confessed to lying.
@T Electronix It was a question, you self-important asshat. What happens if the FBI lies to you?
@Hello Dali ‘it was a question’
Don’t try to play victim, buddy.
@T Electronix give up already.
@Hello Dali Haha
Is having a grand total of…..gasp….two replies too much for you to stand?
Pity you typed a b.s. comment and then tried to play innocent then, buddy.
Aaaaanyway. Back to Flynn.
The guy who already admitted to this crime.
Imagine being a lefty waking up every morning knowing you’re living a lie… they must really hate themselves
Of course he screams his criminal buddies are innocent, unless they turn on him like his one lawyer than Trump would scream he was a liar. This is why Trump has appointed all these people in high spots even of they afree not qualified. They help to get him and his buddies out of trouble.
Wait a second. Didn’t Trump* tweet that he fired Flynn for lying to the VP?
Yup. He did.
america is a sick joke.
getting sicker by the day.
@Giuseppe Indomenico Why don’t you. You’re the one ruining the country.
Well- we let you live in a tent and bang your keyboard.
Sinister Veritas I pay taxes , obey the law, and am a legal US citizen . How am I ruining the country freak?
@Giuseppe Indomenico because you support a lawless president.
Sinister Veritas you don’t know what you’re talking about . Stay in your moms basement
AmeriKKKa.Corrupt government.If he was black they’ll have sentenced him to death
This is what a lawless dictatorship looks like. You are now worse than the totalitarian communist Soviet Union. R.I.P.
I remember when traitors went to jail and stayed there. It wasn’t a partisan issue. Now we’re surrounded by traitors, in fact, they’re leading our government!
@Moonbeam 87 Yep. Good thing obama didn’t live n the Old West.
M P you’re still on that limp argument. What a lispy sissy you are.
@Ash Roskell, Oh He just Keeps Slipping in the Polls, and he’s Becoming Like a Door unhinged. + I think Tara Might have Mistaken Identity,I Hear Donny likes the Netherlands.
@Whicker Boy c’mon you know FOX and Hannity are sicko Dictator lovers.
@Grace Bertrand Then u will enjoy this:
Ok, u corrupt crooked LYING DOG with the chimpanzee ears and Joe E Brown mouth. Let’s hear
u on Communist Nincompoop Network and msLSD explain ur “LEADERSHIP” skill n playing the wheel’s hub of treasonous corruption n Michael Flynn’s rigged charges!!!! Go ahead, open that BIG MOUTH OF YOURS!!
“Acquitting the guilty and condemning the just – BOTH are detestable to the LORD.” – PROVERBS 17:15
Roman’s 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
“This is a pandemic, I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”
“Sir, this is a McDonald’s drive-thru…”
@Mike Warenda take that crap to Fox or OAN nutjob.
Cool Hand Mark : Coz’ Flynn’s free and un-coerced full confession means nothing when you’re rich? Great campaign, “strategy,” Donny. Let’s see how America likes having you rub their noses in the fact that there’s no justice on your watch? Well, both conservatives AND liberals will have plenty of time to mull this one over, while they’re waiting in their miles long Food-Bank cues . . . Maybe they’ll see the connection between this, and the reason that our economy, which has been doing SO well for the last 3 years, (if we’re to believe Donny?) doesn’t even have enough of a cushion to FEED Americans in a crisis? And, just maybe, they’ll finally see that the Stock Markets are probably THE most BOGUS barometer of how the nation is doing, given that, like our justice system, it too is only even THERE for the very, very rich? . . . Just sayin’? . . . SMH
Mike Warenda : You’re another Cultist with no, “words,” who needs Alex Jones to do his effeminate whining FOR him, because he hasn’t the courage or the wit to stand on his own two feat and make his OWN, “point.” Normals NEVER TOUCH the Click Bait, son. Malware risk. And, it’s immoral to give countable hits to Propaganda anyway . . . SMH
Cool Hand Mark another Biden gaff?
This guy calls all crooks like himself innocent!!!
@Jack Crow tRump supporters are hilarious

@nibba yee I believe it is you that has the syndrome.
@nibba yee look in the mirror yourself and say that
@terry cargile wrong! u have TDS, admit it
@Jamie Ferguson he’s a proven fraudster. Fraud is criminal. Trump Foundation, Trump University, to name a couple. Income tax evasion. You are stupid, but you’re no fool. You know this gump is a crook!
“We need to adjust our foreign policy to recognize Turkey as a priority,” flynn says, nov 8,2016. three days earlier, Flynn had received the third and last installment of $530,000 in compensation for lobbying for Turkey’s interests. He would not register as a foreign agent until March, a month after he was fired from the White House.
So why did Trump fire him to begin with? LOL…Russian asset trump is a yo-yo!
If trump is a yo-yo, comey is the finger, and now that yo-yo is coming up fast with nice new shiny blades to take that finger off.
TA, back on the meds!
Moscow Mitch taught them they can act with total impunity
so very true!!!
shows trump colluded with foreign powers. this administration is treasonous.
His own f-ing Senate GOP , yes , GOP Comm. found that Russia meddled in our 2016 ”election”………the GOP Senate Investigating Comm……….yea , baby !!!
@Walt Snow The question isn’t whether Russians interfered in our election. The question is whether the Trump campaign worked with the Russians to interfere in the election. And the answer to that question is clearly “no”. So, the next question is: Why did the FBI, CIA, and Democrats push that narrative for so long? That’s the real treason here.