As President Trump faces mounting criticism over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, MSNBC’s Ari Melber talks to Chicago artist Vic Mensa, known for his socially conscious lyrics, about how the pandemic is impacting Chicago and marginalized communities. Mensa also criticizing Donald Trump for refusing to acknowledge science and the devastating effects it has on the public. He also discusses his work on coronavirus relief and criminal justice reform with his charity “Save Money Save Life,” how artists are approaching the pandemic, the upcoming presidential election and why it's important for young people to get out and vote. Aired on 04/23/2020.
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Trump Blasted For Heartless Coronavirus Response & War On Science | Vic Mensa Full Interview | MSNBC
I don’t know this guest but this convo is on point ! Thanks Ari
He’s a rap artist from Chicago that works alongside Chance the Rapper. He’s more of an activist with a edge to his music. Check him out, he represents us well.
TAKE the KING OFF THE air…please, he will say anything to be front and center. ENOUGH!
joanne sferrati the king of coronavirus
The king of cotinacirus
The only one you need to televise is Fauci. Quit letting that monstrosity have air time. He’s a threat to public health, you HAVE to know that so quit ignoring it.
foosgoalie Especially after last night when he suggested an injection of disinfectant may be helpful in his daily attempt to destroy our nation.
Lily S, I think people lose track of the fact that what you said is true. He has every intention of destroying our country. That hasn’t changed as evidenced by his lack of response to the warnings and his complete failure when it comes to using the federal government to help our country with ppe, ventilators, etc. Those things were and are by design.
Trump is just…. Idk anymore….the worst
Montana, Dementia Joe would challenge coronavirus to a fist fight wander off looking for it and never be found!
“Protesting a virus?” Love Vic. Love Ari for giving music a platform of respect.
“Fetch the bolt cutters. Trump’s been with us too long.”
Hayes Dabney holler!
Every American should march 6 feet apart, all the way to the white house and demand for Trump to resign
Yes, we should take to the streets and DEMAND Trump to resign. What do we do….just wait around until he blows up the world!!! Trump cheated to win the 2016 election and we know it! Trump BRIBED Ukraine to cheat in the upcoming 2020 election. Has been impeached for his behavior! Has displayed racism and hate since being in office. Trump separates children from families. Trump’s LIES are as much a part of him as his breathing. His NARCISSISM is EXTREME!!! He also appears to be mentally and emotionally deficient!!!! Trump id NOT educated and is LACKING in wisdom!!!!! He should NEVER have been president!! He doesn’t have the intellect or charscter to lead America. It’s time for him to GO!!!! Trump LIES, CHEATS, STEALS, BRIBES, BETRAYS, BULLIES, VIOLAYES and DESTROYS!!!! He attacks our media and judicial system. He appoints folks that will agree with ANYTHING Trump wants!!!! Trump is way out of his league. He’s a TEALTOR and REALITY TV HOST! He is ILLEQUIPPED to lead! He can’t give what he doesn’t have. It takes wisdom, a humanitarian character, intelligence and courage to be president!!! Trump is ignorant, cruel, unknowlegeable, unhealthy and totally unpatriotic!!!!! Having said that….their are those who WILL still drink the kool aid!!!!!!!!
@Kathleen Carroll he will never resign. He doesnt think he is doing wrong. Itll take more than protests to get him out of the White House. He might even suspend elections come November, what would we do?
@Kathleen Carroll Here is non political look at the Coronavirus stats by great Canadian journalist James Corbett
@Donovan Stevenson I am aware of that!!! He’s an EXTREME NARCISSIST! NARCISSIST think EVERYONE else is wrong and ther’re ALWAYS right!!!! He gives himself undo praise and compliments as a result of his NARCISSISM. His NARCISSISM won’t aloiw him to listen to the experts!!!!! America is in serious DANGER! Their are those who will ALWAYS drink the kool aid!!!!!! ( referring to the Jim Jones tragedy)
Kathleen Carroll lol all this crying after three years. Can’t take a loss
Vic Mensa is wonderfully temperate and considered, despite the fact that our culture is currently addicted to the opposite. If we could fill our Senate with other people that think before they speak; it might become the deliberative body it was supposed to be.
I swear Ari was a brother in another life
KelZ X He seems like a soild dude, isn’t that enough
Good interview and an interesting conversation.
Vic Mensa sounds like a very caring human being and he’s doing well spreading his message with music.
so did Obama.. yet he was the most criminal POTUS in our history…
T. Heiss How you figure
Trump will oversee the downfall of the USA- get rid of the flake !
Gerald Ryder, good bye.
Contact me again when you grow up.
David Grover You can read ! Well that’s a good start.
Gerald Ryder, Now if you were just capable of reading comprehension or analytical thought we would have something.
You have a lovely day.
David Grover I have no idea what your ranting about.
Of course you don’t Gerald Ryder.
Brilliant interview with a brilliant, creative man. Love him!!!
Ari, thank you for interviewing Vic Mensa. So refreshing and spot on. His comment ” Trump needs to be voted out, no matter what… Trump is lethal” is an absolute!
your mind set is lethal but you are a non-essential slave..who cares. You listen to criminals who command you utterly.. how does it feel like to be such a puppet?
“If you looked at the government and you beleived that the government’s function is to treat you humanely, and for you to be prosperous, than you may be confused by the government… taxing you on student loans…
This rapper has done more for our country than Trump
your kind of stupid is dangerous.. in arrogant ignorance.. and sheepism..
@T. Heiss
This is baffling; why do conservatives reject intelligence, science, truth and embrace ignorance, conspiracy theories and out-and-out lies? Why do the conservative pseudo-Christians embrace hate, and an amoral President, and reject love, peace and leaders who are trying to help all Americans?
Regressives vote w/their wallets. Plain and simple. They’re for their own personal wealth above ANYthing. Being of a Nationalist mindset is no different than saying my East Elm St. is better/more important than your West Elm. St. We have but one Planet. We are all on it. Somehow this is too deep for many.
For that matter the planet doesn’t value a human anymore than it values a grain of sand. Evolution is a mighty slow thing.
T Thinker because

Right On!
We don’t, you liberal’s think there’s only one way yours. You could’t be honest if your lives depended on it. Loves comes from the heart yours was removed 3 years age and replaced with hate!
@Paul Please don’t mistake Trump’s “love for the country” for anything more than love for himself and all the power it entails. Be well –
Think once, The Biggest fake is Trump himself
Vic Mensa is literally Ari Melber’s twin brother.
Well is half White so maybe they are distant relatives!
Vic Mensa is a really intelligent compassionate man. This interview was refreshing to watch. I love hearing him speak on topics like these and bringing help and knowledge to his community. He’s always doing his part to help make the world better.