Republicans are hypocrites!!!!! All they care about is staying in power and imposing their beliefs on to everyone. Party over country is their motto. Speaking to truth no longer matters within the Republican party.
@Hildebeast Clinton next time read a little more. Understand that the leaders in the world saw the corruption in Ukraine. That was the US government had decided to do to stop corruption. Get it straight. Putin runs this President.
@CynAnne1 he’s took thousands and thousands of pictures with that reflection in the mirror but he can’t recall meeting him but he knows that reflection is a lowlife and traitor and he must be part of set up by the house Democrats, liberals, Hillary and Obama!
One of main reasons Trump Casion went Bankrupt was that hetook it public but kept the majority control. He then elected himself chairman of the board and decided every business decision. He then funneled all of the money out to his other companies that he hired to do everthing for the casino. Including charging the casion fod his appearance fees, picking his golf courses to host whales the over charging the casion, using his janitorial crew, printing company, etc. In the end Truump basicly took all of the profits and left stock holder out to dry along with around 11 million dolkars of unpaid taxes.
Anthony Oh give DumbDumb-in-Chief time he will blame Obama, Clinton, Bush, his imaginary friends, etc… eventually.
Economists, CBO, etc… have been saying the economy will be slowing down for awhile. Between #45’s
F-up policies(which expedited slow down) and impending recession the Feds didn’t have a choice with their decision.
My republican family is!!!! ENOUGH of this imposter in the White House and ENOUGH of moscowmitch and the rest of the gop goons! Voting for all Democrats!
@NOT YOU i can agree with you there.
I say they are fools because they are willfully ignorant to him. And like you said, it’s because they do love the sleeze.
The problem is his supporters dont know this. Just at lunch today got into rhe same argument with a coworker. Even showed him online which of course he claimed was “fake news”.
NARCISSISTS do. It’s a classic symptom of malignant narcissism. Take credit for the achievements of others, and refuse to accept the blame for your own failures.
“We had a lot of bad things happen.” The irony of this statement was lost on low-IQ Comrade Trump-ski. He always has an excuse for everything except his head of hair.
@Vengeful Revenge of the blue November – But who’s surprised by this…?
#45’s *cheated and lied to* his partners, both in business *AND* marriage, for decades.
He EVEN *cheats* at golf, the ‘gentlemans game’.
#45 – *SO* embarrassing for America…
Raising the tax rates is a sign of a healthy economy. Does he need to go on amazon to find a new econ guy?? And the tariffs, wtf is he thinking. Just stop breaking everything for once in your life.
It’s always everyone else’s fault but Donald Trump.
He never accepts responsibility for anything unless it’s positive. Then he claims responsibility for it even if he was never involved.
The man’s a charlatan.
He’s narcissistic. Not accepting responsibility is one of the traits.
Jasmany Foch sane…they make it sane….
Bout time the Federal Reserve got called out. You guys know the “federal” reserve is a private entity right (you def didn’t know that

Spam-posting kid is spam-posting…
Of course it’s somebody else’s fault, never mind his failed tariffs, he really has absolutely no clue. Looks like the Trump train is out of coal…
@Logan McLeanits funny how Republicans didn’t care that Obama turned the economy around.
Republicans are hypocrites!!!!! All they care about is staying in power and imposing their beliefs on to everyone. Party over country is their motto. Speaking to truth no longer matters within the Republican party.
Bout time the Federal Reserve got called out. You guys know the “federal” reserve is a private entity right (you def didn’t know that

@Jim Yarbrough – Has anyone pointed out to Logan *how MANY times* Xi’s ‘pantsed’ #45 in the last three years…?
They are blocking his train because he’s cheap
Blame it on the rain.
The buck NEVER stops with Trumpo, unless he’s taking credit for someone else’s work.
@Hildebeast Clinton next time read a little more. Understand that the leaders in the world saw the corruption in Ukraine. That was the US government had decided to do to stop corruption. Get it straight. Putin runs this President.

@Hildebeast Clinton : What part of Russia are you in to spread this bs? African student trying to get your weekly rations?
@Tiff’sTravels2012 Don’t be too mean to the puppets or they may not get the table scraps from their masters they desperately need!
of course he blames everyone but himself. the actual cause of it
@CynAnne1 he’s took thousands and thousands of pictures with that reflection in the mirror but he can’t recall meeting him but he knows that reflection is a lowlife and traitor and he must be part of set up by the house Democrats, liberals, Hillary and Obama!
@Darrell French –

“Well played, good sir…”
@CynAnne1 that’s Don the con and this complicit Moscow Mitch’s Republican GOP modus operandi thank you LOL
Specifically: His ignorant tariffs.
@Looney Times YEAP!
He lies like a 6 year old
@Martin Moyes I think that Trump wears a Diaper
Except a 6 year old cries when his parents catch him lying…..
@Perry skier-man – So does #45… *that’s* why there’s none of that orange-hued makeup around his saggy, baggy eyes.
Insulting to 6 yo’s. He lies like a pathological narcissist, which he obviously is.
“The fed also bankrupted my casinos!”
@David Lloyd-Jones LOL
Oh brother you just can’t except what a fool trump is he deserves to be removed before you are bankrupt.
“Money was being spent there so fast handles were falling off”
Trump the Stable Genius.
One of main reasons Trump Casion went Bankrupt was that hetook it public but kept the majority control. He then elected himself chairman of the board and decided every business decision. He then funneled all of the money out to his other companies that he hired to do everthing for the casino. Including charging the casion fod his appearance fees, picking his golf courses to host whales the over charging the casion, using his janitorial crew, printing company, etc. In the end Truump basicly took all of the profits and left stock holder out to dry along with around 11 million dolkars of unpaid taxes.
@Doctor Thirteen LOL
Hmmmm,….. blame everyone but himself…..I’m surprised he didn’t blame OBAMA
The day ain’t over yet don’t be surprised if he do it before midnight.
Anthony Oh give DumbDumb-in-Chief time he will blame Obama, Clinton, Bush, his imaginary friends, etc… eventually.
Economists, CBO, etc… have been saying the economy will be slowing down for awhile. Between #45’s
F-up policies(which expedited slow down) and impending recession the Feds didn’t have a choice with their decision.
@J E Tarver I wholeheartedly believe the Big Blue Wave is still rolling.
Vote Blue in November 2020

Case Closed !
Trump 4 Prison 2020

wash the filth away.
Just hope the votes get counted. I put nothing past Trump and his criminal backers.
My republican family is!!!! ENOUGH of this imposter in the White House and ENOUGH of moscowmitch and the rest of the gop goons! Voting for all Democrats!

So its the FEDS that told you to put Tariffs on everybody ? -_- AND THE STOCK MARKET IS NOT THE ECONOMY YOU ORANGE BAFFON!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve never owned a stock and never will own a stock…
So when it good its because of trump and when it’s bad its someone else’s fault.. go figure.hes a complete narcissist
This guy has run every business he’s had into the ground
@NOT YOU i can agree with you there.
I say they are fools because they are willfully ignorant to him. And like you said, it’s because they do love the sleeze.
Now if he can only contract boneitis…
What else would you expect from the king of bankruptcies?
The problem is his supporters dont know this. Just at lunch today got into rhe same argument with a coworker. Even showed him online which of course he claimed was “fake news”.
The worst ever. Shame shame shame. Lock the pumpkin bread up and throw away the key for ever.
Losers always blame others but themselves.
NARCISSISTS do. It’s a classic symptom of malignant narcissism. Take credit for the achievements of others, and refuse to accept the blame for your own failures.
Don’t be surprised if he blames Obama or Clinton.
People have been pointing out the Federal Reserve is a private entity for years what does that have to do with anything?
Or Canadians,
I just burnt my toast! Thanks Obama

He has already
You gonna answer me or what homey?
“We had a lot of bad things happen.” The irony of this statement was lost on low-IQ Comrade Trump-ski. He always has an excuse for everything except his head of hair.
@Vengeful Revenge of the blue November – But who’s surprised by this…?

#45’s *cheated and lied to* his partners, both in business *AND* marriage, for decades.
He EVEN *cheats* at golf, the ‘gentlemans game’.
#45 – *SO* embarrassing for America…
His hair covers the six’s.
Keep drinking the MSNBC Kool-Aid
@Barry Sutton Please
Keep drinking the Golden Showers of the Pus*y-Grabbing POTUS.
Trump, the stable genius, blessing us with his huge wisdom. It would be incredibly difficult to resist the urge to fart into his always-open mouth.
Raising the tax rates is a sign of a healthy economy. Does he need to go on amazon to find a new econ guy?? And the tariffs, wtf is he thinking. Just stop breaking everything for once in your life.
The orange Putin’s puppet is just doing Putin’s bidding.
Li pov Yaj….why don’t you pack your bags and return to where ever you came from. The US is just not a good place for you.
@B.J Cameron you seem like you suffer from authoritarian personality syndrome. Sad.
Takes credit for other peoples successes, blames others for his failures. Zero integrity.
I’m going to miss the laughs if he loses 2020. The joke never stops!
With trump, everything will always be someone or something else’s fault. Never his own fault. Classic malignant narcissism.
@Tessmage Tessera I call him a vampire. A parasite.
@Everblue Freediving “Leech” would be a good analogy for Trump. A weak, worthless and annoying bloodsucker.
“a lot of people”, meaning Putin.