Trump Being Investigated For Election Interference In Georgia | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump’s request for Georgia's Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find 11,780 votes” and overturn the election results in Georgia is at the center of an election interference investigation. Former U.S. Attorney Michael J. Moore says, “All you gotta do is play the tape and it seems pretty clear to me he’s trying to interfere with the secretary’s job in certifying and counting the votes.” Aired on 02/10/2021.
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#BradRaffensperger #ElectionInterference #MSNBC

Trump Being Investigated For Election Interference In Georgia | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. Trump tried to “obtain” 11,780 votes from the Georgia election officials. In my lexicon, this is bbn theft. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina tried to get the Georgia officials to “throw out” mail in ballots. He has no business interfering in elections of another state. If these 2 “incidents” are not illegal, they should be. Another impeachable offence for Trump, and what should be a criminal investigation of Graham. That Russian Kompromat on Graham must be explosive!

    2. Both should be sentenced 11,780 days in prison, which breaks down to 32.27 years, and of course, it won’t happen. Even splitting such a sentence between the two would be far better than what they’re going to get, which is to walk free.

    1. Where did the “Individual 1” stuff get to? Un-indicted co-conspirator was some of the language used about Individual 1 during Cohens conviction. Sounds like there is an arrest warrant un-opened with Le Don’s name on it….. Cohen did time, so should the guy who instructed the deed.

    2. @Engage360 You poor thang, do you need a hug sweetie, some tissue? I love the trumpie whine, it’s music to my ears and brings a smile to my face, please don’t stop whining snowflake. Bartender, I’ll have another mug of those trumpie tears please.

    1. @Helen Smith no! They also can suggest any number of punishments such as losing his pension, his secret service protection or his travel allowance!

    2. The charges are in Georgia and they would be tried in Georgia court system not in the Senate in Washington DC. So he wouldn’t be impeached for a 3rd time. It would be a separate trial where he would be prosecuted and sentenced for over a year in jail. Once he is found guilty and sentenced he would be classified as a convicted felon and he could no longer vote or run for an elected office.

    3. @Ash Roskell You got it! And that’s what democracy needs. The truth being told on a stand by all the GOP guys who fomented the lies and insurrection.

  1. Georgia, getting in on some o’ that ‘felonious #45✳’ action…and “Lordy, there are tapes!” 📼
    Hot dang, *this’ll* be good! 😁

    1. Hey do you think you could uhhhhh criticize a ridiculous, soulless hack without resorting to, you know, misogyny? I’m sure misogyny is something you and Lindsey have in common.

    2. @Clay Owlglass – Normally, I’d concur…but *four years* of MAGA-flung epithets like ‘soyboy’, ‘libtwat’, antifa@@0t’ (and worse) have made us all ‘flintier’. 😒
      I’m a ‘female-girly-type-person’, and Lindsey’s *long-held hypocrisy* towards the LGBTQ community *hasn’t* gone unnoticed…so I’ll give a ‘pass’ on this one.

    1. Name them both in a conspiracy charge. “no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present”. Seems easy enough, republican Senators vote to convict, or abstain, blame it on a process problem. Ask your Senator to either make a just vote, or stay home. Feel free to copy, paste, share this.

    2. After Trump trail then Lindsey Graham will probably be next, all the GOPQ needs to be investigated since they are so eagle to please Trump. At least 45 are ready to please!!

  2. He explicitly solicited fraudulent votes, that he personally affirmed to understand that he did not get in the election. “[…] Find 11780 votes. _Which is one _*_more than we have”._*

    1. I came from a Familey of Repubs.,And the day Trump went in the people’s house.One in my Familey ask me what I thought about that.And all I answered back was that.America better be on their knees praying that America survived that man.And you can guess i’am not the best Familey member now.And the Only I can say is I wish I had been wrong.But I do not think I was wrong.

    2. I came from a Familey of Repubs.,And the day Trump went in the people’s house.One in my Familey ask me what I thought about that.And all I answered back was that.America better be on their knees praying that America survived that man.And you can guess i’am not the best Familey member now.And the Only I can say is I wish I had been wrong.But I do not think I was wrong.

    3. @Connie sue adams Adams You are the best of the lot. You saw the monster for who he was and spoke truth. Don’t ever stop being that person.

    1. @Daniel Martinez Is it not against the law to tell election officials to toss votes out the window, then “find” 11,000 votes to overturn an election, get real?

    2. They had a court order to stop the count and restart with Trump representatives watching too make sure they were counted correctly regardless of the outcome.

    1. Yeah come on HURRY UP NEW YORK!!! It’s coming though. I’d say by middle of March they will be indicting him.

  3. I listened to that call several times and Trump definitely meets all the requirements for Interference of an Election result

    1. @Diana Diana You are out of your tiny mind, if Trump did nothing wrong then there should be very few people in jail in the USA, have you listened to that tape? it couldn’t be clearer, Trump sounded like some gangster boss, telling the underlings to do his bidding.

    2. @silver fox Trump also said he would be marching with the crowd to the capital but he did not. Therefore he did not physically participate but only mentally. Telling someone your going to do something doesn’t mean your going to do it, nor intent to do it. You need to involve more then just one mental faculty. I have personally witness to elections that were over turned. Not because of fraud but because people misinterpreted the intent of the voter when they count mail in ballots.

    3. @Daniel Martinez Trump didn’t march with them because he’s a liar and coward, simple really.

      As far as elections overturned, what are you babbling about? in any major election a vote is cast, there is no-one who then sets out to interpret what the voter intended, this applies to votes on the day or mail in votes, mail in votes need more verification, but no-one can change what was on the ballot paper, if any ballot is unclear that vote is not counted, that applies to any democratic vote in any democratic country anywhere in the world.

      Only in totalitarian countries are votes “adjusted” to give the required result, or is that what you wanted?

    4. @silver fox Not when you challenge each ballot in a court room of law and with court judges present to authenticate the ballot. That’s what I’m referring to and that’s what Trump was trying to accomplish.

  4. If what Michael Moore is saying make sense, then they should appoint a special prosecutor; out of the District or Federal Prosecutors office

  5. Seems like Brad R is giving some payback, nice timing. “no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present”. Seems easy enough, republican Senators vote to convict, or abstain, blame it on a process problem. Ask your Senator to either make a just vote, or stay home. Feel free to copy, paste, share this.

  6. Why not he taped the call,he showed the president true nature,at least we know he will stand up for the law,no guarantee local d.a would,trump broke the law he needs to go to jail period no passes for crooked politicians.

  7. Trump deserves a pay per view “Saddam trial” (put him in a “baby-crib cage”) and Saddam conclusion (video hanging for treason and attempting to undermine our democracy).
    Our $25 trillion deficit would be paid as the world would pay to see it, then celebrate everywhere.

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