Trump Begs Georgia Secretary Of State To Overturn Results | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president begged Georgia's secretary of state to overturn the election results in a phone call obtained Sunday by NBC News in which the president offered false claims about voter fraud and repeatedly berated state officials. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 04/01/2021.
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#GeorgiaSecretary #VoterFraud #MSNBC

Trump Begs Georgia Secretary Of State To Overturn Results | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump Begs Georgia Secretary Of State To Overturn Results | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. 2 weeks and you need to hold him and his family to account, and all those that have been involved in this coup attempt.

    1. So! When are they going to arrest this man. Surely he is breaking the law by the words he has spoken! ……..YOU GOT THAT WRONG. THE FOUNDERS, creators of law and constitution never envisaged a man with no morals, integrity or honesty would come to power, so they never enforced any LAWS to combat his evil. America is one big JOKE! That’s why I always say it’s the most lawless, unconstitutional, criminal country in plain view! 4 years of corruption and he has never been arrested proves my point.

    2. @Chutney King the irony of your statement is beyond ridicule at this point because its just pathetic. “the media” didnt make trump the worst president in american history, him and his administration accomplished that all on their own.

    3. Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger was placed into office in the Georgia House of Representatives in 2015 by a powerful network of Mandarin-speaking Chinese people in the United States of America. NATIONAL FILE has obtained video of Raffensperger speaking at an event with Mandarin-speaking Chinese people, begging the Chinese people to get him more than 100 votes to secure his victory in the election (which he ended up winning by 159 votes). A Mandarin-language newspaper even explained the strategy to place Raffensperger into office by use of “absentee ballots” that could be illegally obtained by one Chinese person and distributed to others. Raffensperger is trying to stop Communist China’s geopolitical foe President Donald Trump from gaining a proper accounting of the votes in the 2020 presidential election.

    1. IKR. Dominion will take his money, Fox News money, and all of the rest of the idiots that parroted Trump’s nonsense on tv. They are all going to get their come-unpins, AND IT BE GLORIUS!!

  2. “It was a perfect call”. Love when he asks about “the removal of the inner parts”. Lol. The silence is priceless!

  3. Trump finally found the election rigging — someone hand him a mirror so he can see the perpetrator😂😂😂

    1. Better be a BIG MIRROR because private BONE SPURS is a UGEEELY BIGLEY 300 pound morbidly obese orange pompous windbag

  4. I thought the “White House” was a place for governing bodies,
    not a hospital for the “Mentally insane” !! 😲😲😲


    2. Media-spewed LIES & you’re eating it up! How lazy have we become that we refuse to listen, see & think for ourselves?!?! In the FULL CALL (link below) from the 50-min mark til end says it ALL! Yeah Trump sucks at presenting a good argument. But, GA SOS hasn’t provided any proof of the investigations they claim to have done. They didn’t allow Trump’s legal team to view the recount process despite agreeing to. Team showed up & wasn’t allowed in. (Same cr@p that was done to poll workers!) There was NO signature verification in Fulton County, only Cobb County. The call concludes w/ both sides agreeing to sit down together to review how GA has validated their numbers since the numbers don’t add up based on publicly available information. IF that even happens – cause we’ve seen they don’t keep their word or give a $h*t about justice – but IF they allow this review, we’ll FINALLY have some transparency in Georgia.


    1. And the trumpanzees are angry because they believe what the orange turd and his cultists like Hannity and Dobbs say.

    1. @Deborah Bethel no helping this one. The orange hate-beast has always been a lost cause, in totality – a Loser.

    2. Diaper donnie is in full diaper mode for a long time.
      Screw this orange perv once and for all.
      It’s time for justice to finally catch up on this pathetic fascist pos and charge him for all his shady crimes and dealings.
      If DOJ fails to deliver justice your country is doomed and deserves all the implications of letting this disgusting ,smelly,soap opera orange drama queen, go on unpunished.

  5. The man doesn’t even know the definition of LOST

    just take your big L dude your embarrassing more of your legacy

  6. The desperation in his voice is priceless. He just wants them to agree with one thing so he can spin it like the norm on fox wannabe news.

  7. That wasn’t begging, that was strong-arming and veiled threats. Call it what it is. He should be impeached again.

    1. That would be a great topic to raise at the 2-hour “debate” on Wednesday, that certain Republicans have demanded. Or, have a nice chat about the 25th Amendment. It’s not too late — an insane thug can still do a lot of further damage in 16 days.

    2. He should. The House should do another impeachment trail just to said a message to any future wannabe dictator that this conduct has consequences

    3. Trump should stop taking calls from Putin. Russia is feeding this clown with all kinds of conspiracy theories that it is making the US President look stupid. Putin must be in stitches!

    4. Trump kept his promise, I was lifted out of poverty, will Biden keep his promise about making me poor again? Im very worried for my future.

  8. The surprising thing is that he has put in a solid hour of work to push his plans. I didn’t know he had it in him.

    1. 🤣that’s a good one!! Well that was His one hour out of the five he actually works when he’s in the Oval Office!!

    2. Trump should stop taking calls from Putin. Russia is feeding this clown with all kinds of conspiracy theories that it is making the US President look stupid. Putin must be in stitches!

    1. @Mot Aoia Trump should stop taking calls from Putin. Russia is feeding this clown with all kinds of conspiracy theories that it is making the US President look stupid. Putin must be in stitches!

    1. Trump should stop taking calls from Putin. Russia is feeding this clown with all kinds of conspiracy theories that it is making the US President look stupid. Putin must be in stitches!

    1. “have they moved the inner parts of the machines and replaced them with other parts?”

      He doesn’t know how electronic machines work. He’s grabbing at straws.

    2. This is microscopic electronic circuitry. Does he think you can repair a broken CD by taping the two halves together and expect it to work?

    1. I thought it was chilling. This was Trump saying “Are you sure you want to put your career on the line, Ryan”?
      And what was that BS about his ‘beautiful daughter? The man’s a fecking mobster.

    2. he doesn’t sound defeated. he is trying to intimidate. or he is just trying to keep pressuring and to make the man doubt himself

    3. @Michael Lidster. You can sum him up in single words. Anxious. Scared. BrokeAss. Unprotected. Powerless. Vulnerable. Confused. Lonely. Angry. Exposed. Desperate, LimpMushroon. DilatedSphincter. TeaBagged. BitchSlapped. Snowflake.

    4. Come on Dem’s, lets restore order…
      A. Eric Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy.
      B. Hunter & Uncle Jimmy investigated by FBI.
      C. Michigan’s Cynthia Johnson inciting violence againt Republicans.
      D.  Cuomo being accused of sexual harassment by a staffer.
      E.  Nancy holding up relief for political reasons.
      Got to love these Dems😜

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