Trump Baghdadi Blurting Hurts US Operations And National Security | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Courtney Kube, NBC News national security and military correspondent, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Donald Trump's poor impulse control and fondness for self-aggrandizement led him not only to make false claims about the raid that killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, but to reveal classified and tactical details that hurt future operations and U.S. national security. Aired on 10/28/19.
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Trump Baghdadi Blurting Hurts US Operations And National Security | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. This man can’t even win gracefully. Instead of letting this moment be a collective victory for the country, he chose to make it all about him and his gloating has compromised strategically sensitive information in the process. Gracelessness personified. Geesh….


    1. Several months ago i noted the date on my calendar when Roger Stone goes to court. I don’t want to miss a second of it.

      When I was an Army Drill Sergeant the first thing we would tell new recruits is “don’t knock on the door”.

  2. It’s just like when they were at the border wall and the agent didn’t want to give away security features and trumps next words were,they’re wired…He can’t help but to brag,so I’d bet my last dollar he’s bragging about sensitive information with friends and foes(Russia)

    1. @karin backstrom “They are just as dangerous as he is, not only for America, but to the entire world. You are naive, gullible and ignorant.” And you are suffering from a terminal case of cranial/rectal inversion

    2. @gary tubular Your response to my comment is exactly the kind I was expected. You know you can’t defend the indefensible and therefore just a lot of vulgar insults, which I understand you learnt from Donald, who spews insults, name-callings and lies several times a day on his twitter machine, Those laughable tweets go viral, the hole world read them and shake their heads. America has a lying lunatic for president. A few examples of what different European media, left and right ,say about the lunatic Donald: Mentally ill, racist, unfit, incompetent, vulgar, a global security risk. And, you know what – I am perfectly healthy, do no suffer from any of your suggested inversion. May you do?

    1. @Horses are cool That is what the absolutely crazy, ignorant Mr stable genius makes stupid people believe. Intelligent people know. Isis is still there in the Middle East and they are in other places in Asia. You can count on more terror attacks from them, not the least in America as a revenge. Try to think rational. Donald is known all over the world, not only in America, to be a complete fool. He is a malignant narcissist. People with that mental disturbance are insecure, struggling to give an impression of having “a great and unmatched wisdom”. You should be aware that world leaders have counted him out, they know he is completely ignorant, acts impulsively with no plan to follow up what he has initiated. ISIS is not beaten just because their leader is dead, a new will show up.

    2. karin backstrom

      Sure someone new will show up but so what ? We just killed their founder leader! Their Khalifa spiritual leader with a war dog non the less. (Muslims hate dogs).

      You finally got a president who is destroying isis unlike Obama who supported them with equipment. (Toyota Landcruisers/Hylux) 4wd pickup trucks. It is well established that the arms that Obama was handing over to FSA (Free Syrian army)they were giving to isis as they were allied with them.

      You finally got a president who is is transparent with the public and you got liberals saying that’s bad. You guys makes me sick and I was a former liberal. Possibly even more liberal than you.

  3. Evil Trump’s Enormous EGO (and lack of any semblance of common sense) is a Clear and Present Danger to our Great Nation.

    1. Trump’s a national Treasure. He gets results. He is good for the American people and the country. His opposition has been lying about him for three years now. If you hate Trump you must love career politicians that take in the bucks keeping us in perpetual War and filling our country up with third world vermin.

  4. Perfect trump irony, he doesn’t tell Nancy Pelosi about the raid because “leaks”, yet trump leaks it all on his own with out help. Beautiful!

    1. AFTER the fact you dimwit. Jesus you so called democrat americans prefer ISIS over Trump. don’t deny it either just look at some of these comments

    2. @Crimdor the concern is he leaked how our armed service members operate…..think, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

  5. He accuses Nancy Pelosi of being a security risk then he openly reveals classified information. Just who then is the real security risk?

    1. @Yo-yos Tenbucks
      Seriously…you think posting a massive Trump Right-winger is going to add gravitas to your lame argument? Fitton a huge Steve Bannon supporter.

      People are not going to take you seriously if you continue to post crap like that…oh maybe you fellow cult members like Mr Smokie who thinks a homemade music montage video clip is convincing.

  6. MS. Kube’s 5am laugh kills me. Too bad 45’s security clearance can’t be revoked. The most unaware potus ever.

    1. Surely, de facto, his clearance is limited in some critical issues. Surely the Pentagon does not tell him all what a real POTUS should be told. And certainly the Nuke codes and the red button in the Oval Office are just connected to a light that reads: “POOM !!” and nothing else.

    1. US Military films these attacks above from a drone , there is no voice or footage inside from the buildings … maybe they were playing some b-movie to him .

      You just wait and the duracel bunny Al-Baghdadi jumps up from that rubble and keep going like a terminator … this was 6th time when Pentagon says he was killed .

    2. Yeh. it was cool. A great and succesful military mission that kills a terrorist leader sounds like a great episode of the A-team. Trump loves it when a plan comes together

  7. There is a reason why the US Intelligence community has considered trump a liability for quite some time. This is just more proof of it.

    His sycophants will say he has the right to declassify anything – but that doesnt mean he should.

  8. He is EVERYTHING he blames others for doing!! Any attacks he EVER MADE on anyone, can also be attributable to something he did… sick man in high power

    1. I pray to god you are talking about baghdadi or will you be joining ISIS soon. Seems you prefer ISIS over Trump. that is very very F’d up

    2. He projects all his failings onto others as he himself is perfect. Solipsists think they have the only reality and are surprised no one in the world agrees. Trumphausen Syndrome by Proxy will be a new disease next year when A.P.A. proves Munchhausen is different.

    3. fred head: Why does giving a very accurate description of Trump mean you support ISIS ??   Trump does this all the time. He didn’t tell the Dems before hand because he said he was worried about leaks !! but what does he do after the raid ?? and why was Trump playing golf at the exact time the raid took place ?? either someone didn’t trust Trump not to leak so didn’t tell him or he new about the raid but didn’t care and went and played golf anyway !!  which one is it?  He certainly cared after the raid though when he wanted all the credit for it….

  9. Spanky McBoneSpurs has always been a security risk. Remember when he hired that Russian agent, Michael Flynn. And then there was the time he revealed classified information to the Russians in the oval office.

    1. dumb. MSM owns you. Next you’ll be joining ISIS just to show you oppose Trump. The reaction to Baghdadi’s death by from the left might be one of the strangest things i’ve ever seen. Mass dementia effecting millions


    3. @ma,ma gee’s gospel i didn’t vote for trump. he’s not bad tho. you on the other hand side with isis over trump. why i wonder? but hey maybe trump killed baghdadi so he could become the leader of ISIS


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