1. Any bets on how long it will be until this batch of Trump’s lawyers will need their own lawyers? She may be smart enough to escape that fate, but Tacopeenie definitely isn’t. I give him a month. Six weeks at the outside. *Make Attorneys Gey Attorneys.*

    1. i’m really impressed want your profile and personality. i also admire your good sense of humor here. i don’t normally write in the comment section, but i think you deserve this compliment….i will like to be your friend if you don’t mind🌹👋

    1. Really look around you black people in time going touch your family look your country just look around

    1. @ChiefZackery I was reading the first part of your stupid little rant then realized you wrote a whole essay. The internet is not the place you should look to feel important. Honestly I hope you only you see this message and nobody else lol

  2. What also pisses me off is Trumps son went on twitter and said that the DA used up 36,000 NYPD police officers.
    Which is a got damn lie.!!
    My siblings who are NYPD said only 400 NYPD officers where used, and only 300 of them were actually at the courthouse, while the other 100 where patrolling nearby but not at the courthouse.

    Most law enforcement at the court house was were actual State police court officers, FBI, US Marshal’s, US Sheriff’s, Homeland Security and Secret Service.
    That were NOT part of the NYPD.
    So Trumps son lied on twitter saying NYC used 36,000 NYPD officers.
    That’s just fucking impossible. Because no one would be left to patrol the rest of the city.

  3. Used to watch Howard Stern back in the days. Once Don the Con became Pres., I knew this day would come.

    1. Oh, he knows he is guilty…. everyone does to include the cult. This is all about him and taking advantage of a group of people who line up for him to take advantage of them!

    1. @janetallen4013  The house had a republican lead committee looking into it. They had republican lawyers and republican judges looking into it as well. After all that effort, they were never capable of bringing up charges. Either there was no crime to charge them with, or everyone involved was just too mediocre to make it happen.
      In Trump’s case, either there is a true crime or the people working in the case are just that good at their work.

      Regardless of any of the possible scenarios, saying that other criminals have gotten away with it as a means of establishing a defense is not really a good defense.

  4. These lawyers never seem to explain why the laws don’t apply to Trump. He broke the law face the consequences like a man.

    1. Lol not guilty to 34 charges but I guess laws were broken right😂😂🖕 honestly I hate how people think these days. You either still got common sense or you don’t these days….

  5. “He is not going after the judge or DA” Apparently his lawyers don’t know him very well.

  6. “I’m nuts and I know it. But so long as I make ’em laugh, they ain’t going to lock me up.”

    Red Skelton

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