In this 11th Hour web exclusive, we look at some of Trump’s remarks attacking his political rivals during his bilateral meeting with Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy at the United Nations. Aired on 09/25/19.
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Trump Attacks Obama, Biden, Clinton, During UN Meeting With Ukraine Pres. | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Cringeworthy performance.
a low life petty old man… Ugh! evertime to hear his voice , I vomit bably
It’s like mesqito in toilet bowl.
I just get a bit of spit-up in my throat.
The look on the Ukrainian Presidents face says it all. Yes mate, the world feels your pain and sympathises
@Tommy Fontane the Russians need to stay out of Ukraine, they like the javelins Trump sent them , they should burn right through the junky Russian armor
Congress have right to demand Ukraine the recorded phone calls with Trump after all it’s our citizens tax money that helps them against the Russian
I felt the same way for him here he is trying to clean up corruption rebuild his country and Trumps extorting him and trying to force corruption on him. You can see the poor mans discomfort in his face and body language.
@Troy Stocker you know, in some parts of the world there may be toys that will easily destroy American tanks, helicopters and planes. Therefore, this is a game where 2 countries are trying to keep some balance. Russia already has good relations with the Taliban, and if the US overdo it and does not confine itself to showing off, then coffins with American soldiers will go from all over Asia.
@Tim Countis He’s thinking why am I dealing with a Russian agent!
Can you please attach your tax returns to the transcript? Just to make this even more daming!
Flush the gop, it’s floating in the toilet again.
He told rudy! but forgot to tell Barr?l about his part of the pay for play operation?
Well you did got a probe out of it trump.
Bend over please!
if you got a trump whistle to blow. Pucker up and blow.
DEMS PLAYED LIKE A DRUM!! OMG, I can’t stop laughing! Trump releases transcript and nothing there!!! Ukrainian President refutes any ‘pressure’. All Trump had to do was wait while MSM and Dems began frothing at the mouth like rabid dogs. No quid pro quo in the transcript… Biden exposed for blackmailing foreign govt. to protect his son and now the House Dems are left… INVESTIGATING NOTHING!!! Oh, my sides hurt from laughing so much! Spin it all you can but in the end all the Dems can do is sit on it and… SPIN
@William Stall It’s hilarious, every time they try their little kid horsecrap on Trump, they end up implicating themselves. Now Hillary came flying over the top screaming IMPEAAACCHHH.. And now Ukraine is telling us the DNC and her campaign operatives were in Ukraine before the election trying to dig up dirt on Trump from government officials there to influence the election. LMAO
If this does not depict how mentally unstable and inherently corrupt Donald Trump is, not will.
James Christie triggered lib
@Autumnleaf2011 WTF r u talking about? R u trolling?
@Phillip Palana Yes, he’s trolling, just another deplorable Trumpturd who has no actual facts. Notice also how trolls often give their own comments a thumbs up.

Like a Cornered Fat Rat as usual.
America you have become the laughing stock of the world. President of Ukraine face says it all
I agree. When the president bad mouths our allies and praises megalomaniacs, it’s a sad day for this nation
Oh my God, does this guy EVER stop whining? What an embarrassment and at a world event, nonetheless.
@Henry Savoy You have the biggest trade deficit in American history for one
There was a record of him saying he whine and whine and doesn’t stop whining until he wins
With all the whining the Democrats did these past 4 years, I’d figure you’d be use to it.
keith parkhill so you’re saying I’m in America’s history?!! Cool bud
3LD Look at all the paid Traitors for Trump and Patriots for Putin Trolls
in the comments.
That close-up of the Ukrainian president. He’s like “WTF is going on here? Can I go now?”
But what a perfect scenario this turned out to be. “LIVE in New York! Impeachment at the UN summit!” Oh, the drama!
Oh Zelenskiy’s face. lmao. Boy it’s good to be friends with the Orange man.
Rudy’s trip to Ukraine was the beginning of this horrible WH chaos. Rudy, Barr & Trump should all be locked up.
WTF! Zelenskiy face tells it all.
It all started with you being a traitor. Trump is a very disturbed little man. He needs to be put away.
Woman’s dictated notes say Trump whines and whinges and gripes for what seems like forever.
Just let the man talk. His tongue is the shovel that’s digging his own grave,
Except every time he gets attacked for anything he does or says, we find Democrat skeletons in the holes. LOL
Did obama send pillows and sheets? How nice of him.
This buffoon is still talking about Hillary’s emails.
What about Podestas emails? Have you read those?
I’m still waiting to see her do the perp walk myself.

Zelensky looks like he’s being held hostage.
Zelenskiy: Putin is invading my country, and you want me to get along with him?!?!?